Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, Vol. 2 (of 3) Xavier Bichat
General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, Vol. 1 (of 3) Xavier Bichat
Curiosities of Light and Sight Shelford Bidwell
James Watt und die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (German) Georg Biedenkapp
Venomous arthropod handbook : envenomization symptoms/treatment, identification, biology and control Terry L. Biery
A dissertation on the inutility of the amputation of limbs Johann Ulrich Bilguer
Tales About Birds, Illustrative of Their Nature, Habits, and Instincts Thomas Bingley
Useful Knowledge: Volume 2. Vegetables William Bingley
Useful Knowledge: Volume 1. Minerals William Bingley
Useful Knowledge: Volume 3. Animals William Bingley
The Potter's Craft: A Practical Guide for the Studio and Workshop Charles Fergus Binns
Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation J. Malcolm Bird
The Hurricane Guide William Radcliff Birt
The Story of the Submarine Farnham Bishop
Flytraps and Their Operation [1921] F. C. Bishopp
Flytraps and Their Operation [1930] F. C. Bishopp
The beginnings of cheap steel Philip W. Bishop
The Olive K. G. Bitting
El aceite de olivas : su extracción, clarificación, depuración, conservación y envases para su exportación, decoloración y medios propuestos para quitarle la rancidez (Spanish) Alessandro Bizzarri
Elements of Plane Trigonometry Hugh Blackburn
Experiments upon magnesia alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances Joseph Black
A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages William Black
A Practical Physiology: A Text-Book for Higher Schools Albert F. Blaisdell
Bird Neighbors Neltje Blanchan
Birds Every Child Should Know Neltje Blanchan