Books in Browsing: Science - Genetics/Biology/Evolution (sorted by popularity)
An Examination of Weismannism George John Romanes 167 downloads
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation George McCready Price 167 downloads
Geographic Distribution of the Pocket Mouse, Perognathus fasciatus J. Knox Jones 167 downloads
Synopsis of Some Genera of the Large Pyrenomycetes C. G. Lloyd 167 downloads
The octopus : or, The "devil-fish" of fiction and of fact Henry Lee 166 downloads
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1 Ernst Haeckel 165 downloads
A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia (Volume 2 of 2) Charles Darwin 165 downloads
North American Recent Soft-Shelled Turtles (Family Trionychidae) Robert G. Webb 165 downloads
Proefnemingen van de particuliere beweeging der spieren in de kikvorsch (Dutch) Jan Swammerdam 165 downloads
Initiative in Evolution Walter Kidd 165 downloads
Comments on the Taxonomy and Geographic Distribution of North American Microtines E. Raymond Hall and E. Lendell Cockrum 164 downloads
Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I August Weismann 164 downloads
A handbook of systematic botany Eugenius Warming 163 downloads
Taxonomy of the Chipmunks, Eutamias quadrivittatus and Eutamias umbrinus John A. White 163 downloads
Der Ameisenlöwe : eine biologische, tierpsychologische und reflexbiologische Untersuchung (German) Franz Doflein 163 downloads
Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Cratogeomys castanops, in Coahuila, México Rollin H. Baker and Robert J. Russell 163 downloads
Säugethiere vom Celebes- und Philippinen-Archipel (German) Adolf Bernhard Meyer 162 downloads
On the Variation of Species, with Especial Reference to the Insecta Thomas Vernon Wollaston 162 downloads
Lamarck et son OEuvre (French) Emile Corra 162 downloads
Human Origins S. Laing 161 downloads
Darwinism stated by Darwin himself Charles Darwin 160 downloads
Last Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and Summary Ernst Haeckel 160 downloads
A New Pocket Gopher (Thomomys) and A New Spiny Pocket Mouse (Liomys) from Michoacán, Mexico E. Raymond Hall and Bernardo Villa Ramírez 160 downloads
The Coal Measures Amphibia of North America Roy Lee Moodie 160 downloads
A Taxonomic Revision of the Leptodactylid Frog Genus Syrrhophus Cope John D. Lynch 160 downloads