Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted by popularity)
David and the Phoenix Edward Ormondroyd 348 downloads
The Metal Monster Abraham Merritt 347 downloads
The Aliens Murray Leinster 347 downloads
The Royal Book of Oz L. Frank Baum and Ruth Plumly Thompson 347 downloads
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5 François Rabelais 347 downloads
Project Cyclops Thomas Hoover 347 downloads
The Gun Philip K. Dick 346 downloads
Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930 Various 344 downloads
Thin Edge Randall Garrett 341 downloads
Ask a Foolish Question Robert Sheckley 340 downloads
Planet of the Damned Harry Harrison 339 downloads
The Ultimate Weapon Jr. John W. Campbell 338 downloads
The People That Time Forgot Edgar Rice Burroughs 337 downloads
Il codice di Perelà (Italian) Aldo Palazzeschi 337 downloads
Rocket Summer Ray Bradbury 336 downloads
The First Men in the Moon H. G. Wells 336 downloads
An Antarctic Mystery Jules Verne 336 downloads
Pirates of Venus Edgar Rice Burroughs 336 downloads
Storm Over Warlock Andre Norton 335 downloads
Spacehounds of IPC E. E. Smith 331 downloads
The Cuckoo Clock Mrs. Molesworth 331 downloads
A Journey in Other Worlds: A Romance of the Future John Jacob Astor 330 downloads
Gray Lensman E. E. Smith 330 downloads
Tales of Wonder Lord Dunsany 330 downloads
A Matter of Importance Murray Leinster 329 downloads