Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted by popularity)
The woman and the car : a chatty little handbook for all women who motor or who want to motor Dorothy Levitt 219 downloads
Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing, Wrestling, Boxing, Jumping, and All Kinds of Athletic Feats Ed. James 217 downloads
Fishing and Shooting Sketches Grover Cleveland 216 downloads
Modern Billiards Benjamin Garno 216 downloads
Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium Jessie H. Bancroft 214 downloads
The Hunters' Feast: Conversations Around the Camp Fire Mayne Reid 214 downloads
Hanky Panky : A book of conjuring tricks Wiljalba Frikell 213 downloads
The Art of Fencing; Or, The Use of the Small Sword maître d'armes Labat 211 downloads
Sharps and Flats John Nevil Maskelyne 210 downloads
The Game of Go: The National Game of Japan Arthur Smith 210 downloads
Light Come, Light Go: Gambling—Gamesters—Wagers—The Turf Ralph Nevill 210 downloads
Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing, Volume 3 (of 3) Henry Downes Miles 210 downloads
In the Riding-School; Chats with Esmeralda Miss G. Hamlin 209 downloads
Poems on Golf 209 downloads
Cycling and Shooting Knickerbocker Stockings H. P. Ryder 209 downloads
Good hunting; in pursuit of big game in the West Theodore Roosevelt 209 downloads
Boys' Book of Model Boats Raymond F. Yates 207 downloads
Home Occupations for Boys and Girls B. Johnston 207 downloads
New Method of Horsemanship François Baucher 205 downloads
American Big-Game Hunting: The Book of the Boone and Crockett Club Boone and Crockett Club 204 downloads
Checkmates for Four Pieces William Brett Fishburne 203 downloads
Mr. Punch Awheel: The Humours of Motoring and Cycling 203 downloads
Dick Hamilton's Football Team; Or, A Young Millionaire On The Gridiron Howard Roger Garis 203 downloads
Fifty Years of Golf Horace G. Hutchinson 203 downloads
The Happy Golfer Henry Leach 203 downloads