Books in Browsing: Travel & Geography (sorted alphabetically by author)
Life in South Africa Lady Barker
Station Amusements in New Zealand Lady Barker
Station Life in New Zealand Lady Barker
Kaipara; or, experiences of a settler in North New Zealand P. W. Barlow
The Red Miriok Annie Maria Barnes
Fly Fishing in Wonderland Orange Perry Barnes
The city of the discreet Pío Baroja
Amori et dolori sacrum: La mort de Venise (French) Maurice Barrès
- Lutezia (Italian) Anton Giulio Barrili
Travels in China, Containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Made and Collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey through the Country from Pekin to Canton Sir John Barrow
Three years in Tristan da Cunha Katherine Mary Barrow
In a steamer chair, and other shipboard stories Robert Barr
Lord Stranleigh Abroad Robert Barr
A Chicago Princess Robert Barr
Observations upon the town of Cromer : considered as a watering place, and the picturesque scenery in its neighbourhood Edmund Bartell
Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia (2 de 2) (Spanish) J.-J. Barthélemy
Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : Including accounts of Tripoli, the Sahara, the remarkable kingdom of Bornu, and the countries around Lake Chad Heinrich Barth
A Literary & Historical Atlas of America J. G. Bartholomew
A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia J. G. Bartholomew
The last voyage of the Karluk : Flagship of Vilhjalmar Stefansson's Canadian Arctic expedition of 1913-16 Bob Bartlett and Ralph T. Hale
Paris: With Pen and Pencil D. W. Bartlett
A Breeze from the Woods, 2nd Ed. W. C. Bartlett
Daybreak in Turkey James L. Barton
Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws. William Bartram
Cambridge Noel Barwell