Books in Browsing: Travel & Geography (sorted alphabetically by author)
The river Ednah Aiken
Kesäkausi Jäämeren ja Vienanmeren rannoilla: Matkamuistelma (Finnish) Julius Edvard Ailio
Kivisydän: Seikkailuja kaukaisessa Lännessä (Finnish) Gustave Aimard
Le fils du Soleil (1879) (French) Gustave Aimard
The Red Track: A Story of Social Life in Mexico Gustave Aimard
The Treasure of Pearls: A Romance of Adventures in California Gustave Aimard
The Bee Hunters: A Tale of Adventure Gustave Aimard
De lynch-wet (Dutch) Gustave Aimard
The Trapper's Daughter: A Story of the Rocky Mountains Gustave Aimard
Le Guaranis (French) Gustave Aimard
L'Auvergne (French) Jean Ajalbert
Au cœur de l'Auvergne (French) Jean Ajalbert
In Brightest Africa Carl Ethan Akeley
Viajes por España (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Viaggio a Costantinopoli (1609-1621) (Italian) Tommaso Alberti
Descobrimento das Filippinas pelo navegador portuguez Fernão de Magalhães (Portuguese) Caetano Alberto da Silva
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado Edwin C. Alberts
Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Volume 2 Louisa May Alcott
Three Days on the Ohio River William A. Alcott
Alden's Handy Atlas of the World John B. Alden
The Isle of Vanishing Men: A Narrative of Adventure in Cannibal-land W. F. Alder
A Girl's Ride in Iceland Mrs. Alec-Tweedie
Through Finland in Carts Mrs. Alec-Tweedie
The Costume of China William Alexander
- Afrikanska reseminnen : äfventyr och intryck från en utflykt till de svartes verldsdel (Swedish) Georg Edvard von Alfthan