Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia (2 de 2) (Spanish)
J.-J. Barthélemy
Tropical Africa
Henry Drummond
The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: a compendium prepared by officers of the Sudan government, Vol. 2 (of 2)
Sudan. Wizarat al-Naql wa-al-Muwasalat
The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: a compendium prepared by officers of the Sudan government, Vol. 1 (of 2)
Sudan. Wizarat al-Naql wa-al-Muwasalat
Friesland (Dutch)
Jac. P. Thijsse
Cape Cod
F. Mitchell
A journey over land to India
Donald Campbell
All in the same boat : An American family's adventures on a voyage around the world in the yacht Phoenix
Earle L. Reynolds and Barbara Reynolds
Chile today and tomorrow
L. E. Elliott Joyce
Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field : Tales told by a fellow correspondent
Henry W. Fischer
D'Europe en Amérique par le pôle nord : voyage du dirigeable "Norge" (French)
Roald Amundsen and Lincoln Ellsworth
The East : Being a narrative of personal impressions of a tour in Egypt, Palestine and Syria
William Young Martin
Le dernier rapport d'un Européen sur Ghât et les Touareg de l'Aïr : (Journal de voyage d'Erwin de Bary, 1876-1877) (French)
Erwin von Bary
Le Bondou: étude de géographie et d'histoire soudaniennes (French)
A. Rançon
Australia, New Zealand and some islands of the South seas : Australia, New Zealand, Thursday island, the Samoas, New Guinea, the Fijis, and the Tongas
Frank G. Carpenter
First through the Grand Canyon : Being the record of the pioneer exploration of the Colorado River in 1869-70
John Wesley Powell
Cape Cod is a number of things
Allan Neal
Scènes de la vie sauvage au Mexique (French)
Gabriel Ferry
Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers, through Bolivia and Peru
Edward D. Mathews
Remarks on a passage from the river Balise in the bay of Honduras, to Merida : the capital of the province of Jucatan, in the Spanish West Indies
Lieutenant James Cook
La Save, le Danube et le Balkan : voyage chez les Slovènes, les Croates, les Serbes et les Bulgares (French)
Louis Leger
Flint's Letters from America, 1818-1820
active 19th century James Flint
Hunting a home in Brazil : The agricultural resources and other characteristics of the country. Also, the manners and customs of the inhabitants
James McFadden Gaston
The heart of London
H. V. Morton
Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843, vol. 2 of 2
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley