Books about American poetry (sorted by popularity)
Happy Ending: The Collected Lyrics of Louise Imogen Guiney Louise Imogen Guiney 115 downloads
Love or Fame; and Other Poems Fannie Isabelle Sherrick 114 downloads
The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Volume 08 Oliver Wendell Holmes 114 downloads
Some Verses Helen Hay Whitney 114 downloads
Maurine and Other Poems Ella Wheeler Wilcox 114 downloads
The Comet, and Other Verses Irving Sidney Dix 114 downloads
Songs of the Mexican Seas Joaquin Miller 114 downloads
Dreams and Dust Don Marquis 109 downloads
Childhood's happy home, and other verses Lemuel Kayhart 108 downloads
The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Volume 01: Earlier Poems (1830-1836) Oliver Wendell Holmes 108 downloads
When Day is Done Edgar A. Guest 108 downloads
Quartz from the Uplands Lewis McKenzie Turner 106 downloads
Yesterdays Ella Wheeler Wilcox 106 downloads
Poems George Pope Morris 105 downloads
Poems for Pale People Edwin Carty Ranck 102 downloads
The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 5 (of 5) Madison Julius Cawein 101 downloads
Brown leaves and other verses Ella Stevens Harris 100 downloads
John Smith, U.S.A. Eugene Field 99 downloads
The Calendar, and Other Verses Irving Sidney Dix 98 downloads
Poems Cora C. Bass 98 downloads
Plays and Lyrics Cale Young Rice 97 downloads
Our Boys, and Other Poems Alan L. Strang 97 downloads
The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Volume 10: Before the Curfew Oliver Wendell Holmes 97 downloads
The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Volume 04: Songs in Many Keys Oliver Wendell Holmes 95 downloads
The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Volume 11 Oliver Wendell Holmes 92 downloads