Books about Archaeology (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–20
Archaic England : an essay in deciphering prehistory from megalithic monuments, earthworks, customs, coins, place-names, and faerie superstitions Harold Bayley 555 downloads
The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Arthur E. P. Brome Weigall 440 downloads
Resumo elementar de archeologia christã (Portuguese) Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da Silva 348 downloads
The Prehistoric World; Or, Vanished Races Emory Adams Allen 339 downloads
The Forest of Dean: An Historical and Descriptive Account H. G. Nicholls 273 downloads
The Origin of Tyranny P. N. Ure 253 downloads
Archæological Essays, Vol. 2 James Young Simpson 248 downloads
Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples marquis de Jean-François-Albert du Pouget Nadaillac 246 downloads
Science in Arcady Grant Allen 244 downloads
How to Observe in Archaeology British Museum 229 downloads
Archæological Essays, Vol. 1 James Young Simpson 225 downloads
Primitive Man Louis Figuier 222 downloads
L'Humanité préhistorique (French) J. de Morgan 221 downloads
Noções elementares de archeologia (Portuguese) Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da Silva 187 downloads
Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum - Bulletin 249 C. Malcolm Watkins and Ivor Noël Hume 186 downloads
Secrets of Earth and Sea Sir E. Ray Lankester 183 downloads
An introductory lecture on archæology : Delivered before the University of Cambridge Churchill Babington 150 downloads
The Dawn of History: An Introduction to Pre-Historic Study C. F. Keary 149 downloads
De l'importance des livres de raison au point de vue archéologique (French) Louis Guibert 143 downloads
The Clyde Mystery Andrew Lang 140 downloads
Displaying results 1–20