Books about Detective and mystery stories (sorted by popularity)
Suspense Isabel Ostrander 425 downloads
Masterpieces of Mystery in Four Volumes: Detective Stories 414 downloads
The Adventure of the Cardboard Box Arthur Conan Doyle 413 downloads
The case of the Black Twenty-Two Brian Flynn 404 downloads
Dead Men Tell No Tales E. W. Hornung 401 downloads
That Affair Next Door Anna Katharine Green 399 downloads
The Yellow Crayon E. Phillips Oppenheim 393 downloads
Trent's Last Case E. C. Bentley 393 downloads
The Camp of the Dog Algernon Blackwood 391 downloads
Anne: A Novel Constance Fenimore Woolson 389 downloads
The Duke of York's steps Henry Wade 387 downloads
Lady Molly of Scotland Yard Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy 382 downloads
The Clue of the Twisted Candle Edgar Wallace 379 downloads
The Yellow Face Fred M. White 379 downloads
The Bishop murder case S. S. Van Dine 375 downloads
File No. 113 Emile Gaboriau 375 downloads
Murder in the maze J. J. Connington 375 downloads
The Lodger Marie Belloc Lowndes 373 downloads
Dope Sax Rohmer 371 downloads
The Honor of the Name Emile Gaboriau 368 downloads
The mystery of the Peacock's Eye Brian Flynn 366 downloads
The Adventure of the Red Circle Arthur Conan Doyle 360 downloads
The Yellow Claw Sax Rohmer 359 downloads
The Middle Temple Murder J. S. Fletcher 353 downloads
El clavo (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón 351 downloads