Books about Detective and mystery stories (sorted alphabetically)
Green Eyes of Bâst Sax Rohmer
Green God Frederic Arnold Kummer
Green Mummy Fergus Hume
Greensea Island: A Mystery of the Essex Coast Victor Bridges
Grell Mystery Frank Froest
Guy Garrick Arthur B. Reeve
Hampstead Mystery John R. Watson and Arthur J. Rees
Hand and Ring Anna Katharine Green
Hand in the Dark Arthur J. Rees
Hand of Fu-Manchu Sax Rohmer
Hänen salaisuutensa (Finnish) M. E. Braddon
Hänen ylhäisyytensä seikkailu: Salapoliisiromaani (Finnish) Sven Elvestad
Harry Blount, the Detective; Or, The Martin Mystery Solved T. J. Flanagan
Haunted Hotel: A Mystery of Modern Venice Wilkie Collins
Havoc E. Phillips Oppenheim
Hemlock Avenue Mystery Lily A. Long
Herapath Property J. S. Fletcher
Hermit Of ——— Street Anna Katharine Green
Herrasmies varkaana: Salapoliisikertomus (Finnish) Sven Elvestad
Hidden Foes; Or, A Fatal Miscalculation Nicholas Carter
Hilda Wade, a Woman with Tenacity of Purpose Grant Allen
Hillman E. Phillips Oppenheim
His darling sin M. E. Braddon
His Last Bow: An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle
Historical Mystery (The Gondreville Mystery) Honoré de Balzac