Books about Detective and mystery stories (sorted alphabetically)
Hushed Up! A Mystery of London William Le Queux
Hvad Skovsøen gemte (Danish) baron Palle Rosenkrantz
Illustrious Prince E. Phillips Oppenheim
In and Out Edgar Franklin
Incendiary: A Story of Mystery William Augustine Leahy
In Friendship's Guise William Murray Graydon
Initials Only Anna Katharine Green
Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer
Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer
Inspector French's greatest case Freeman Wills Crofts
In the Bishop's Carriage Miriam Michelson
In the Mayor's Parlour J. S. Fletcher
In the night Baron Ronald Gorell Barnes Gorell
In the Onyx Lobby Carolyn Wells
invisible master Edmond Hamilton
Israel Rank : The autobiography of a criminal Roy Horniman
Ivory Snuff Box Frederic Arnold Kummer
Jacob's Ladder E. Phillips Oppenheim
Jeanne of the Marshes E. Phillips Oppenheim
Jennie Baxter, Journalist Robert Barr
Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog Leo Edwards
Jimmy Drury: Candid Camera Detective David O'Hara
Joe Leslie's Wife; or, a Skeleton in the Closet M.D. Alexander Robertson
Josie O'Gorman Emma Speed Sampson
Josie O'Gorman and the Meddlesome Major Emma Speed Sampson