Books about Detective and mystery stories (sorted alphabetically)
Ashiel mystery : a detective story Marion Bryce
Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent John T. McIntyre
Assassination Bureau, Ltd. Jack London and Robert L. Fish
Asteroid Justice V. E. Thiessen
Asteroid of the Damned Frederik Pohl and Dirk Wylie
Astonishing Adventure of Jane Smith Patricia Wentworth
At the Black Rocks Edward A. Rand
At the Time Appointed A. Maynard Barbour
At the Villa Rose A. E. W. Mason
Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life William Harrison Ainsworth
Avalanche: A Mystery Story Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
avenger Edgar Wallace
Average Jones Samuel Hopkins Adams
Babbington case; Or, Nick Carter's strange quest Nicholas Carter
Back home J. Frank Davis
Banner Boy Scouts Mystery George A. Warren
Baron Trigault's Vengeance Emile Gaboriau
Barrel Mystery William J. Flynn
Bartlett Mystery Louis Tracy
Baskervillen koira (Finnish) Arthur Conan Doyle
Bat Stephen Vincent Benét, Mary Roberts Rinehart, and Avery Hopwood
Bats in the Wall; or, The Mystery of Trinity Church-yard P. T. Raymond
Battle for Right; Or, A Clash of Wits Nicholas Carter
Bat Wing Sax Rohmer
Bellamy trial Frances Noyes Hart