Books about Sea stories (sorted alphabetically)
As We Sweep Through The Deep Gordon Stables
Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras (French) Jules Verne
avonturen van kapitein Bob (Dutch) Daniel Defoe
Bahama Bill, Mate of the Wrecking Sloop Sea-Horse T. Jenkins Hains
Barney Blake, the Boy Privateer; or, The Cruise of the Queer Fish Herrick Johnstone
Belted Seas Arthur Colton
Black Barque T. Jenkins Hains
Blood Ship Norman Springer
Blowing weather John T. McIntyre
Blue Jackets: The Log of the Teaser George Manville Fenn
Boats of the "Glen Carrig" William Hope Hodgson
Bounty Boy Frank Thomas Bullen
Boy's Book of the Sea Eric Wood
Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest G. Harvey Ralphson
Boy Tar Mayne Reid
Brassbounder: A Tale of the Sea David W. Bone
Camp Fire Girls on a Yacht Margaret Love Sanderson
Capitaines Courageux: Une histoire du banc de Terre-Neuve (French) Rudyard Kipling
Captain Blood Rafael Sabatini
Captain Blood Rafael Sabatini
Captain Blood Rafael Sabatini
Captain Margaret John Masefield
Captain of the Kansas Louis Tracy
Captains Courageous": A Story of the Grand Banks Rudyard Kipling
Captains Courageous": A Story of the Grand Banks Rudyard Kipling