Books about Fantasy fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Bunnikins-Bunnies and the Moon King Edith B. Davidson 144 downloads
Le monde tel qu'il sera (French) Émile Souvestre 144 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 6. Mark Twain 143 downloads
The Mystery of Evelin Delorme: A Hypnotic Story Albert Bigelow Paine 143 downloads
The Golden-Breasted Kootoo, and Other Stories Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 143 downloads
Coco Bolo: King of the Floating Islands Sidford F. Hamp 143 downloads
Domnei: A Comedy of Woman-Worship James Branch Cabell 143 downloads
Outland Mary Austin 142 downloads
The Story of Live Dolls Josephine Scribner Gates 142 downloads
Damned: The Intimate Story of a Girl E. S. Dorrance 142 downloads
No time for Toffee! Henry Farrell 141 downloads
The Substance of a Dream F. W. Bain 140 downloads
Tarzan, apinain kuningas: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistä (Finnish) Edgar Rice Burroughs 140 downloads
I'll dream of you Henry Farrell 140 downloads
Tarzan the Terrible Edgar Rice Burroughs 140 downloads
Tarzanin viidakkoseikkailuja: Seikkailuja Afrikan aarniometsissä (Finnish) Edgar Rice Burroughs 139 downloads
The spirit of Toffee Henry Farrell 139 downloads
Transient Ward Moore 139 downloads
The Magical Land of Noom Johnny Gruelle 139 downloads
Viaggj del Capitano Lemuel Gulliver in Diversi Paesi Lontani (Italian) Jonathan Swift 138 downloads
The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, Volume 2 (of 2) Robert Paltock 138 downloads
The Uncrowned King Harold Bell Wright 137 downloads
The Child of the Dawn Arthur Christopher Benson 137 downloads
The Son of Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs 137 downloads
Madame Margot: A grotesque legend of old Charleston John Bennett 137 downloads