Books about Fantasy fiction (sorted by popularity)
Toffee turns the trick Henry Farrell 135 downloads
Coco Bolo: King of the Floating Islands Sidford F. Hamp 135 downloads
The Son of Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs 135 downloads
The Princess Pourquoi Margaret Pollock Sherwood 135 downloads
The Substance of a Dream F. W. Bain 135 downloads
True to type Arthur T. Harris 134 downloads
Voyages du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, En Divers Pays Eloignes, Tome II de III (French) Jonathan Swift 133 downloads
Blessed Event Henry Farrell 132 downloads
Toffee haunts a ghost Henry Farrell 132 downloads
Tengerkisasszony: Vázlat, holdfényben (Hungarian) H. G. Wells 131 downloads
Tarzan, apinain kuningas: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistä (Finnish) Edgar Rice Burroughs 127 downloads
Tarzanin pedot (Finnish) Edgar Rice Burroughs 127 downloads
On a lark to the planets Frances Trego Montgomery 127 downloads
Le peuple du Pôle (French) Charles Derennes 127 downloads
G-r-r-r...! Robert Donald Locke 127 downloads
Bumps and His Buddies Marie Helene Gulbransen 126 downloads
Nightmare on the nose Evelyn E. Smith 126 downloads
Transient Ward Moore 125 downloads
Legends for Lionel: in pen and pencil Walter Crane 125 downloads
Deirdre James Stephens 125 downloads
The perverse Erse Adrien Coblentz 125 downloads
Leonie of the Jungle Joan Conquest 124 downloads
Jewel sowers: a novel Edith Allonby 124 downloads
Troijan Helena yksityiselämässään (Finnish) John Erskine 124 downloads
For service rendered Jesse F. Bone 123 downloads