Books about Fantasy fiction (sorted by popularity)
Undine Freiherr de Friedrich Heinrich Karl La Motte-Fouqué 253 downloads
Through the gates of the silver key H. P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price 253 downloads
Viaggi di Gulliver nelle lontane regioni (Italian) Jonathan Swift 252 downloads
The Roots of the Mountains William Morris 251 downloads
The Hungry Tiger of Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson 251 downloads
The Pilgrims of the Rhine Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 247 downloads
The Wonderful Visit H. G. Wells 245 downloads
A Likely Story William De Morgan 244 downloads
The Eagle's Shadow James Branch Cabell 242 downloads
The Lost King of Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson 240 downloads
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 3 Edgar Allan Poe 240 downloads
O Napoleão de Notting Hill (Portuguese) G. K. Chesterton 238 downloads
Dot and Tot of Merryland L. Frank Baum 237 downloads
Nightmare Tales H. P. Blavatsky 237 downloads
The Shaggy Man of Oz Jack Snow 237 downloads
The doings of Raffles Haw Arthur Conan Doyle 236 downloads
Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions et romans cabalistiques. Tome 35. (French) 235 downloads
Three little Trippertrots on their travels : The wonderful things they saw and the wonderful things they did Howard Roger Garis 231 downloads
Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift 231 downloads
The Prince of India; Or, Why Constantinople Fell — Volume 01 Lew Wallace 231 downloads
Captain Salt in Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson 230 downloads
Atlantida Pierre Benoît 230 downloads
The grisly horror Robert E. Howard 230 downloads
The Magical Mimics in Oz Jack Snow 229 downloads
The Bright Messenger Algernon Blackwood 229 downloads