Books about United States -- Description and travel (sorted alphabetically)
Viaje a America, Tomo 1 de 2 (Spanish) Rafael Puig y Valls
Viaje a America, Tomo 2 de 2 (Spanish) Rafael Puig y Valls
Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo I (Spanish) Guillermo Prieto
Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo II (Spanish) Guillermo Prieto
Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo III (Spanish) Guillermo Prieto
Visit to the United States in 1841 Joseph Sturge
Von Haparanda bis San Francisco: Reise-Erinnerungen (German) Ernst Wasserzieher
Voyage of the Paper Canoe Nathaniel H. Bishop
Voyage of the Paper Canoe Nathaniel H. Bishop
Wahn und Ueberzeugung (German) F. Höhne
What I Saw in America G. K. Chesterton
Wild Sports in the Far West Friedrich Gerstäcker
With Poor Immigrants to America Stephen Graham
あめりか物語 (Japanese) Kafu Nagai
西海紀遊草 (Chinese) Zhen Lin