Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Whispers Paul Cameron Brown 174 downloads
Sagittulae, Random Verses Edward Woodley Bowling 174 downloads
Lyrics of Earth Archibald Lampman 173 downloads
Ionica William Johnson Cory 173 downloads
Poems Chiefly from Manuscript John Clare 173 downloads
Isaotta Guttadàuro ed altre poesie (Italian) Gabriele D'Annunzio 173 downloads
Papers from Overlook-House Frederic W. Beasley 172 downloads
Dreaming of Dreaming Peter E. Williams 172 downloads
Sonety Adama Mickiewicza (Polish) Adam Mickiewicz 171 downloads
Columbus Joaquin Miller 170 downloads
Lady Clare Baron Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 169 downloads
English Poems, Volume 01 (of 2) Fernando Pessoa 168 downloads
The Fountain of Maribo, and Other Ballads George Borrow 167 downloads
Fringilla: Some Tales In Verse R. D. Blackmore 167 downloads
Romantische Lieder (German) Hermann Hesse 167 downloads
Love Letters of a Violinist, and Other Poems Eric Mackay 167 downloads
'He Giveth His Beloved Sleep' Elizabeth Barrett Browning 166 downloads
Liedekens van Bontekoe en vijf novellen (Dutch) E. J. Potgieter 166 downloads
Bees in Amber: A Little Book of Thoughtful Verse John Oxenham 166 downloads
English Critical Essays: Nineteenth Century 166 downloads
Hawthorn and Lavender, with Other Verses William Ernest Henley 165 downloads
A Little Book of Western Verse Eugene Field 165 downloads
Sonnets from the Crimea Adam Mickiewicz 165 downloads
Poesie scelte (Italian) Silvio Pellico 165 downloads
Duas Paginas Dos Quatorze Annos (Portuguese) Abílio Manuel Guerra Junqueiro 165 downloads