Books about Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Lord of Misrule, and Other Poems Alfred Noyes
Lost Temples of Xantoos Howell Calhoun
Love Letters of a Violinist, and Other Poems Eric Mackay
Lover's Complaint William Shakespeare
Lover's Litanies Eric Mackay
Luar de Janeiro (Portuguese) Augusto Gil
Lucifero (Italian) Mario Rapisardi
Lullaby, with Original Engravings John R. Bolles
Lyra da Mocidade (Portuguese) Faustino Fonseca Júnior
Lyra Frivola A. D. Godley
Lyrics of Earth Archibald Lampman
Lyyra ja paimenhuilu: Runosuomennoksia (Finnish)
Lyyrillisiä runoelmia 1 (Finnish) Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Lyyrillisiä runoelmia 2 (Finnish) Johan Ludvig Runeberg
maison de la courtisane: Nouveaux Poèmes (French) Oscar Wilde
Man of Uz, and Other Poems L. H. Sigourney
Many Gods Cale Young Rice
Many Voices E. Nesbit
Marilia de Dirceo (Portuguese) Tomás António Gonzaga
Masque of the Elements Herman George Scheffauer
Mathieu Ropars: et cetera William Young
May-Day, and Other Pieces Ralph Waldo Emerson
meeting na parvonia: poemeto escripto num canto (Portuguese) Anonymous
Mei-droom: Een feestelijk verbeeldingsspel in acht tooneelen (Dutch) Carel Steven Adama van Scheltema
Mein Lied (German) Peter Rosegger