Books about Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Phoenix and the Turtle William Shakespeare
Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury James Whitcomb Riley
Playful Poems
Pobudka: zbiorek poezji (Polish) Adam Asnyk
Poemata : Latin, Greek and Italian Poems by John Milton John Milton
Poèmes (French) Oscar Wilde
Poems Sir John Carr
Poems Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Poems Edward Thomas
Poems Jennie Earngey Hill
Poems T. S. Eliot
Poems William Ernest Henley
Poems Marietta Holley
Poems Sophia Margaretta Hensley
Poems William Anderson
Poems Fanny Kemble
Poems Alexander Smith
Poems John L. Stoddard
Poems John William Draper
Poems Mary Alice Walton
Poems Rainer Maria Rilke
Poems Denis Florence MacCarthy
Poems Elizabeth Stoddard
Poems Muriel Stuart
Poems John Hay