Books about Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Poems of Power Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Poems of Schiller — First period Friedrich Schiller
Poems of Schiller — Second period Friedrich Schiller
Poems of Schiller — Suppressed poems Friedrich Schiller
Poems of Schiller — Third period Friedrich Schiller
Poems of West & East V. Sackville-West
Poems & Poèmes; autres alliances (French) Natalie Clifford Barney
Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith Rebekah Smith
Poems, with The Ballad of Reading Gaol Oscar Wilde
Poesie e novelle in versi (Italian) Ferdinando Fontana
Poesie inedite vol. I (Italian) Silvio Pellico
Poesie inedite vol. II (Italian) Silvio Pellico
Poesie scelte (Italian) Silvio Pellico
Poet at the Breakfast-Table Oliver Wendell Holmes
poète et l'inspiration (French) Francis Jammes
Poetical Cook-Book Maria J. Moss
Poetical Works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham Sir John Denham and Edmund Waller
Poetical Works of Henry Kirk White : With a Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas Henry Kirke White
Poetical Works of James Beattie James Beattie
Poetical Works of William Collins; With a Memoir William Collins
Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant
Poetic Sketches Thomas Gent
Poetry Thomas Oldham
Poetry Arthur Quiller-Couch
Poetry for Poetry's Sake A. C. Bradley