Books about Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Behind the Arras: A Book of the Unseen Bliss Carman
Betelguese Jean de Esque
Biographia Literaria Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Bispo: Nova «Heresia», em verso (Portuguese) Guilherme Braga
Black Beetles in Amber Ambrose Bierce
Bloemlezing uit Guido Gezelle's Gedichten (Dutch) Guido Gezelle
Blood of Rachel, a Dramatization of Esther, and Other Poems Cotton Noe
Blottentots, and How to Make Them John Prosper Carmel
Bohemian Days: Three American Tales George Alfred Townsend
Book for the Young Sarah French
Book of the Little Past Josephine Preston Peabody
Book with the Yellow Cover John Moncure Wetterau
Bridling of Pegasus: Prose Papers on Poetry Alfred Austin
By Still Waters: Lyrical Poems Old and New George William Russell
By the Sea, and Other Verses H. Lavinia Baily
Call of the Mountains, and Other Poems James E. Pickering
Canções (Portuguese) António Tomás Boto
Cantos Sagrados (Portuguese) Manuel de Arriaga
Canzoni & Ripostes Ezra Pound and T. E. Hulme
Cape Cod Ballads, and Other Verse Joseph Crosby Lincoln
Carta da Companhia de Jesus para o seráfico São Francisco (Portuguese) José de Anchieta
Catalanisches Streitgedicht zwischen En Buc und seinem Pferd (Catalan) (German)
Cathay Ezra Pound and Bai Li
Cathay Ezra Pound and Bai Li
catounet gascoun (Occitan (post 1500)) Guillaume Ader