Books about Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Sääskiä: 1. parvi. Runollisia kokeita (Finnish) Aleksanteri Rahkonen
Sääskiä: 2. parvi. Runollisia kokeita (Finnish) Aleksanteri Rahkonen
Sagittulae, Random Verses Edward Woodley Bowling
Salve, Rei! (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco
Samlade arbeten I (Swedish) Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Samlade arbeten II (Swedish) Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Sandhya : Songs of twilight Dhan Gopal Mukerji
Santa Fe Trail," and Other Poems Joseph Robert Wilson
Santarenaida: poema eroi-comico (Portuguese) Francisco de Paula de Figueiredo
Sata ja yksi laulua; Hiihtäjän virsiä; Pyhä kevät (Finnish) Eino Leino
Satan Absolved: A Victorian Mystery Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Sata runoa: Valikoituja maailmankirjallisuudesta (Finnish)
Saudades do Bardo Orthodoxo (Portuguese) Henrique Ernesto de Almeida Coutinho
Säveliä: Hämeestä ja muualta (Finnish) Various
Scarlet Gown: Being Verses by a St. Andrews Man R. F. Murray
Scena do Odio (Portuguese) José de Almada Negreiros
Scenas da Roça: Poema de costumes nacionaes (Portuguese) António Corrêa
Sea Garden H. D.
Sea Spray: Verses and Translations T. W. Rolleston
Secret of the Creation Howard D. Pollyen
Selected Poems of John Clare, Volume 1 John Clare
Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde
Select Poems of Thomas Gray Thomas Gray
Serpent Knight, and Other Ballads George Borrow
Ships in Harbour David Morton