Books about Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Virginia: A Tragedy, and Other Poems Marion Forster Gilmore
Visages Du Temps: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand
Voice of the Ancient Bard William Blake
Voyageur and Other Poems William Henry Drummond
War is Kind Stephen Crane
War is Kind Stephen Crane
Waste Land T. S. Eliot
Waste Land T. S. Eliot
West-östlicher Divan: Ten Lyrics with Friulian Translation (German) (Friulian) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When We Two Parted Baron George Gordon Byron Byron
Whispers Paul Cameron Brown
Wiersz do Króla Pruskiego (Polish) Wł. L. Anczyc
Wiesław (Polish) Kazimierz Brodziński
Wild Swans at Coole W. B. Yeats
Witch-Burning Mary Elizabeth Counselman
Witch of Atlas Percy Bysshe Shelley
Withered Leaves from Memory's Garland Abigail Stanley Hanna
Woman's Love Letters Sophia Margaretta Hensley
Woman Who Dared Epes Sargent
Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 1. Poetry Baron George Gordon Byron Byron
Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 4 Baron George Gordon Byron Byron
Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. Poetry Baron George Gordon Byron Byron
Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 14 Robert Louis Stevenson
World's Greatest Books — Volume 17 — Poetry and Drama
Wreath of Virginia Bay Leaves J. B. H.