Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Poems, 1799 Robert Southey 228 downloads
Early Spring Fay Inchfawn 226 downloads
Ballads Robert Louis Stevenson 225 downloads
The Poetical Works of Henry Kirk White : With a Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas Henry Kirke White 224 downloads
A Noiseless Patient Spider Walt Whitman 224 downloads
The complete works of John Gower, volume 1 : The French works (French) John Gower 223 downloads
The complete works of John Gower, volume 4 : The Latin works (Latin) John Gower 221 downloads
Romanz De L'estoire Dou Graal (French) active 13th century de Boron Robert 217 downloads
Flint and Feather: Collected Verse E. Pauline Johnson 215 downloads
The complete works of John Gower, volume 3 : The English works John Gower 215 downloads
A line-o'-verse or two Bert Leston Taylor 213 downloads
Underwoods Robert Louis Stevenson 212 downloads
Gobolinks; or, Shadow Pictures for Young and Old Albert Bigelow Paine and Ruth McEnery Stuart 207 downloads
Contes et poésies de Prosper Jourdan: 1854-1866 (French) Prosper Jourdan 206 downloads
35 Sonnets Fernando Pessoa 205 downloads
The Waste Land T. S. Eliot 205 downloads
Les trophées (French) José-Maria de Heredia 205 downloads
Poems Denis Florence MacCarthy 204 downloads
Livro de Máguas (Portuguese) Florbela Espanca 204 downloads
Impresiones, Poesías (Spanish) José Campo Arana 203 downloads
Liian Paha Sappi (Finnish) Aaro Hellaakoski 202 downloads
El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections (Spanish) José de Espronceda 201 downloads
Toward the Gulf Edgar Lee Masters 199 downloads
Bloemlezing uit Guido Gezelle's Gedichten (Dutch) Guido Gezelle 199 downloads
Collected Poems: Volume Two Alfred Noyes 198 downloads