Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Dôr e Luz (Portuguese) Acúrcio Correia da Silva 101 downloads
O doido e a morte (Portuguese) Teixeira de Pascoais 101 downloads
Nimettömiä lauluja (Finnish) Aaro Hellaakoski 101 downloads
Three Unpublished Poems Louisa May Alcott 101 downloads
O Bispo: Nova «Heresia», em verso (Portuguese) Guilherme Braga 101 downloads
Só (Portuguese) António Pereira Nobre 101 downloads
Poetical Works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham Sir John Denham and Edmund Waller 101 downloads
The Old Hanging Fork and Other Poems George W. Doneghy 101 downloads
In the Great Steep's Garden Elizabeth Madox Roberts 101 downloads
Songs from Books Rudyard Kipling 100 downloads
La Mort Amoureuse: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand 100 downloads
The Dreamers Theodosia Pickering Garrison 100 downloads
Songs of the Silent World, and Other Poems Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 100 downloads
Jumalainen näytelmä: Kiirastuli (Finnish) Dante Alighieri 100 downloads
Betelguese Jean de Esque 100 downloads
Cantos Sagrados (Portuguese) Manuel de Arriaga 100 downloads
La Divina Comèdia: Paradìs (Friulian) Dante Alighieri 99 downloads
The Dalby Bear, and Other Ballads George Borrow 99 downloads
Erwachen und Bestimmung: Eine Station: Gedichte (German) Carl Maria Weber 99 downloads
Empörung + Andacht, Ewigkeit (German) Max Herrmann-Neisse 98 downloads
Jusqu'à l'extrême regard: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand 98 downloads
Hirven-hiihtäjät (Finnish) Johan Ludvig Runeberg 98 downloads
Sea Spray: Verses and Translations T. W. Rolleston 98 downloads
In Macao Charles A. Gunnison 98 downloads
Ban and Arriere Ban: A Rally of Fugitive Rhymes Andrew Lang 98 downloads