Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
The Poems of Henry Van Dyke Henry Van Dyke 383 downloads
War is Kind Stephen Crane 377 downloads
Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins 366 downloads
Life Without and Life Within; or, Reviews, Narratives, Essays, and Poems. Margaret Fuller 365 downloads
Oxford Lectures on Poetry A. C. Bradley 362 downloads
The Professor at the Breakfast-Table Oliver Wendell Holmes 349 downloads
Children of the Night Edwin Arlington Robinson 343 downloads
The Poems of Schiller — Third period Friedrich Schiller 338 downloads
Ruy o escudeiro: Conto (Portuguese) Luís da Silva Mousinho de Albuquerque 338 downloads
The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore Thomas Moore 332 downloads
In gondoleta (Italian) Antonio Negri 331 downloads
Imaginary Conversations and Poems: A Selection Walter Savage Landor 321 downloads
The Poems of Schiller — Second period Friedrich Schiller 319 downloads
Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II Henry Vaughan 319 downloads
Amedeide: Poema eroico (Italian) Gabriello Chiabrera 317 downloads
Poems of Optimism Ella Wheeler Wilcox 315 downloads
Robert F. Murray (Author of the Scarlet Gown): His Poems; with a Memoir R. F. Murray 306 downloads
Neue Gedichte (German) Rainer Maria Rilke 300 downloads
Playful Poems 298 downloads
Select Poems of Thomas Gray Thomas Gray 287 downloads
Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde 287 downloads
Oeuvres poétiques Tome 1 (French) de Pisan Christine 287 downloads
Verses 1889-1896 Rudyard Kipling 284 downloads
Епопея на забравените (Bulgarian) Ivan Minchov Vazov 284 downloads
The Rape of Lucrece William Shakespeare 280 downloads