Books about Logic (sorted alphabetically)
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Art of Logical Thinking; Or, The Laws of Reasoning William Walker Atkinson
Class Room Logic George Hastings McNair
Deductive Logic St. George William Joseph Stock
Einführung in die moderne Logik. Erster Teil. (German) Goswin Uphues
Essays in Experimental Logic John Dewey
Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; the Art of Controversy Arthur Schopenhauer
Essentials of Logic, Being Ten Lectures on Judgment and Inference Bernard Bosanquet
First notions of logic (preparatory to the study of geometry) Augustus De Morgan
Grundriß der Logik (German) Kurt Joachim Grau
John Dewey's logical theory Delton Thomas Howard
Logica (Spanish) Andres Piquer
Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept Benedetto Croce
Logic: Deductive and Inductive Carveth Read
Logic, Inductive and Deductive William Minto
Logic of Facts; Or, Every-day Reasoning George Jacob Holyoake
Logic of Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Mathematical Analysis of Logic George Boole
Positive Outcome of Philosophy Joseph Dietzgen
principles of science : a treatise on logic and scientific method William Stanley Jevons
Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy, and Especially of His Logic William Wallace
Reformed Logic D. B. McLachlan
Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic John Neville Keynes
Studies in Logical Theory John Dewey
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive John Stuart Mill
System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive, 7th Edition, Vol. I John Stuart Mill
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