Books about Diary fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Extracts from Adam's Diary Mark Twain
Extracts from Adam's Diary Mark Twain
Extracts from Adam's Diary, translated from the original ms. Mark Twain
Fifteen Days: An Extract from Edward Colvil's Journal Mary Lowell Putnam
Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man Nathaniel Hawthorne
Genevra; or, the history of a portrait G. G. Fairfield
Gentlemen prefer blondes" : The illuminating diary of a professional lady Anita Loos
Heart of Una Sackville Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
Herrat pitävät vaaleaverisistä" : Tuloillaan elävän naisen valaiseva päiväkirja (Finnish) Anita Loos
Ihanteensa uhri : Rakkaustarina (Finnish) Agnes Osterloh
Journal of Countess Françoise Krasinska, Great Grandmother of Victor Emmanuel Klementyna Tańska-Hoffmanowa
Lady Rosamond's book : or, Dawnings of light Lucy Ellen Guernsey
Learning Theory James V. McConnell
Love in a Muddle Christine Jope-Slade
Luck of the Dudley Grahams Alice Calhoun Haines
Miss Con Agnes Giberne
Mutta -- naivat tummaverisiä" (Finnish) Anita Loos
nuit tombe... (French) Henri Ardel
Passing By Maurice Baring
People of the Whirlpool Mabel Osgood Wright
Polly the Pagan: Her Lost Love Letters Isabel Anderson
Real Diary of a Real Boy Henry A. Shute
Rescuing the Czar: Two authentic diaries arranged and translated James P. Smythe
Satan's Diary Leonid Andreyev
Second Sight Alan Edward Nourse