Books about Political fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Coryston Family Mrs. Humphry Ward 201 downloads
The Gilded Age, Part 6. Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner 199 downloads
The Gilded Age, Part 3. Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner 197 downloads
Il tallone di ferro (Italian) Jack London 195 downloads
According to Plato Frank Frankfort Moore 194 downloads
What Answer? Anna E. Dickinson 193 downloads
The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him Paul Leicester Ford 192 downloads
Hail to the Chief Randall Garrett 192 downloads
The Landleaguers Anthony Trollope 192 downloads
The Plum Tree David Graham Phillips 191 downloads
Comrade Yetta Albert Edwards 190 downloads
The Fall of a Nation Jr. Thomas Dixon 188 downloads
Savrola: A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania Winston Churchill 187 downloads
Chippinge Borough Stanley John Weyman 187 downloads
The Unnecessary Man Randall Garrett 186 downloads
The Gilded Age Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner 185 downloads
Barnabé Rudge, Tome II (French) Charles Dickens 184 downloads
Onkel Toms Hytte (Norwegian) Harriet Beecher Stowe 180 downloads
The Conflict David Graham Phillips 178 downloads
A Crowned Queen: The Romance of a Minister of State Sydney C. Grier 178 downloads
The Sixth Sense: A Novel Stephen McKenna 176 downloads
Check and Checkmate Walter M. Miller 174 downloads
Whoso Findeth a Wife William Le Queux 173 downloads
The Gilded Age, Part 1. Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner 172 downloads
The Common Lot Robert Herrick 170 downloads