Books about Satire (sorted by popularity)
Upsidonia Archibald Marshall 148 downloads
The True Life of Betty Ireland Anonymous 147 downloads
Les Voyages de Gulliver (French) Jonathan Swift 144 downloads
Az aruvimi erdő titka és egyéb szatirák (Hungarian) Ferenc Molnár 144 downloads
Voyages du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, En Divers Pays Eloignes, Tome I de III (French) Jonathan Swift 144 downloads
Augustus Carp, Esq., by Himself: Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man Sir H. H. Bashford 143 downloads
Candide; Eli, Avosydämisen ja vilpittömän nuoren miehen ihmeelliset seikkailut (Finnish) Voltaire 143 downloads
The Visions of Dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas Francisco de Quevedo 142 downloads
Sheppard Lee, Written by Himself. Vol. 2 (of 2) Robert Montgomery Bird 142 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 2. Mark Twain 141 downloads
Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan (German) Wilhelm Hauff 141 downloads
Yollop George Barr McCutcheon 141 downloads
Windmills: A book of fables Gilbert Cannan 139 downloads
The Silver Domino; Or, Side Whispers, Social and Literary Marie Corelli 138 downloads
La foire aux vanités, Tome I (French) William Makepeace Thackeray 137 downloads
Gulliver's Reizen naar Lilliput en Brobdingnag (Dutch) Jonathan Swift 137 downloads
Babbitt: Tarina amerikkalaisesta miehestä, hänen perheestään ja ainoasta ystävyydestään (Finnish) Sinclair Lewis 137 downloads
Gulliver's Reis Naar Liliput (Dutch) Jonathan Swift and Otto Ernst Schmidt 137 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 7. Mark Twain 135 downloads
The Aftermath; Or, Gleanings from a Busy Life Hilaire Belloc 134 downloads
Voyage du Prince Fan-Federin dans la romancie (French) G.-H. Bougeant 131 downloads
The Lumley Autograph Susan Fenimore Cooper 131 downloads
Les Jeudis de Madame Charbonneau (French) comte de Armand Pontmartin 130 downloads
Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens 127 downloads
Anticipation Richard Tickell 126 downloads