Books about Science fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Mysterious Island Jules Verne 1665 downloads
The Hanging Stranger Philip K. Dick 1516 downloads
L'île mystérieuse (French) Jules Verne 1495 downloads
Voyage au Centre de la Terre (French) Jules Verne 1415 downloads
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas: An Underwater Tour of the World Jules Verne 1377 downloads
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 1372 downloads
The Last Man Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 1281 downloads
Micromegas Voltaire 1281 downloads
The eternal moment, and other stories E. M. Forster 1207 downloads
With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A.D. Rudyard Kipling 1206 downloads
From the Earth to the Moon Jules Verne 1196 downloads
Beyond Lies the Wub Philip K. Dick 1194 downloads
The iron heel Jack London 1187 downloads
The island of Dr. Moreau H. G. Wells 1158 downloads
The War of the Worlds H. G. Wells 1100 downloads
The achievements of Luther Trant William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer 1027 downloads
The Coming Race Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1014 downloads
The Gods of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 1008 downloads
The Variable Man Philip K. Dick 1005 downloads
Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887 Edward Bellamy 1001 downloads
The House on the Borderland William Hope Hodgson 924 downloads
The Gods of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 914 downloads
Greener Than You Think Ward Moore 899 downloads
Plague Ship Andre Norton 898 downloads
The Scarlet Plague Jack London 875 downloads