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Displaying results 1–12
Indian Linguistic Families of America, North of Mexico
John Wesley Powell
John Long's journal, 1768-1782
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 1
Prinz von Maximilian Wied
Bref récit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI par le capitaine Jacques Cartier aux îles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres (French)
Jacques Cartier
First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 3 and appendix
Prinz von Maximilian Wied
Illustration of the Method of Recording Indian Languages
James Owen Dorsey, Albert S. Gatschet, and Stephen Return Riggs
Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. Volume II.
John McLean
On the Evolution of Language
John Wesley Powell
Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. Volume I.
John McLean
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 2
Prinz von Maximilian Wied
Displaying results 1–12