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Displaying results 1–16
Le Secret professionnel (French)
Jean Cocteau
The golden verses of Pythagoras
Pythagoras and Antoine Fabre d'Olivet
On poetic interpretation of nature
John Campbell Shairp
Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance
Donald Lemen Clark
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 1 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
Every Man His Own Poet; Or, The Inspired Singer's Recipe Book
W. H. Mallock
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 2 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
Shakespeare's treatment of love & marriage, and other essays
C. H. Herford
Books and Habits, from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
Lafcadio Hearn
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 3 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 4 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 7 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 6 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
Runous ja runouden muodot: Kirjoitelmia. Runoja. (Finnish)
B. F. Godenhjelm
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 8 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
The works of Richard Hurd, volume 5 (of 8)
Richard Hurd
Displaying results 1–16