Books about Human-alien encounters -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Ultimate Eve H. Sanford Effron
Ultimatum Roger D. Aycock
Under the Skin Leslie Perri
Uniform of a Man Dave Dryfoos
universe wreckers Edmond Hamilton
Unprotected Species Melvin Sturgis
untouchable adolescents Harlan Ellison
Unwelcomed Visitor Joseph Samachson
Unwilling Professor Arthur Porges
Useless Bugbreeders James Stamers
Vandals of the Void Robert Wilson
vanguard of Venus Landell Bartlett
Vanisher Michael Shaara
Vanishing Venusians Leigh Brackett
Vegans Were Curious Winston K. Marks
Venus Enslaved Manly Wade Wellman
Venus Evil Chester S. Geier
Venus Trap Evelyn E. Smith
Very Secret Agent Mari Wolf
Vibration Wasps Frank Belknap Long
Victory of Klon Wilbur S. Peacock
Vocation George O. Smith
voice of the void Jr. John W. Campbell
War-Gods of the Void Henry Kuttner
Watchers Roger D. Aycock