Books about Didactic fiction (sorted by popularity)
Le magasin d'antiquités, Tome I (French) Charles Dickens 175 downloads
'Charge It': Keeping Up With Harry Irving Bacheller 175 downloads
A Master's Degree Margaret Hill McCarter 170 downloads
Le magasin d'antiquités, Tome II (French) Charles Dickens 169 downloads
Pamela, Volume II Samuel Richardson 168 downloads
Onkel Tom's Hütte : oder die Geschichte eines christlichen Sklaven. Band 1 (von 3). (German) Harriet Beecher Stowe 167 downloads
Tuomo sedän tupa (Finnish) Harriet Beecher Stowe 164 downloads
A püspök lelke : Regény nagyon kevés szerelemmel, a lelkiismeretről és vallásról és az életnek igazi bonyodalmairól (Hungarian) H. G. Wells 164 downloads
Dorian Grayn muotokuva (Finnish) Oscar Wilde 163 downloads
Anna Karenina (Finnish) graf Leo Tolstoy 163 downloads
Karamazovin veljekset I : Romaani (Finnish) Fyodor Dostoyevsky 160 downloads
Onkel Tom's Hütte : oder die Geschichte eines christlichen Sklaven. Band 3 (von 3). (German) Harriet Beecher Stowe 160 downloads
Karamazovin veljekset II : Romaani (Finnish) Fyodor Dostoyevsky 157 downloads
Finger Posts on the Way of Life T. S. Arthur 157 downloads
Too dearly bought : or, The town strike Agnes Giberne 156 downloads
Mr. Crewe's Career — Volume 3 Winston Churchill 155 downloads
Pride and His Prisoners A. L. O. E. 155 downloads
La case de l'oncle Tom; ou, vie des nègres en Amérique (French) Harriet Beecher Stowe 153 downloads
Dickory Cronke: The Dumb Philosopher, or, Great Britain's Wonder Daniel Defoe 153 downloads
The Crater; Or, Vulcan's Peak: A Tale of the Pacific James Fenimore Cooper 152 downloads
Mr. Crewe's Career — Volume 2 Winston Churchill 152 downloads
Morphine (French) Jean-Louis Dubut de Laforest 152 downloads
Silas X. Floyd's Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and Young Silas Xavier Floyd 148 downloads
Michael O'Halloran Gene Stratton-Porter 148 downloads
The White Flag Gene Stratton-Porter 147 downloads