Books about Science (sorted by popularity)
Mr. Gladstone and Genesis Thomas Henry Huxley 210 downloads
Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 1 of 3 Herbert Spencer 205 downloads
The Voice of Science in Nineteenth-Century Literature 203 downloads
Electricity and Magnetism Elisha Gray 203 downloads
Aphorisms and Reflections from the works of T. H. Huxley Thomas Henry Huxley 200 downloads
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences Mary Somerville 198 downloads
Science in Short Chapters W. Mattieu Williams 196 downloads
The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Various 195 downloads
From an Easy Chair Sir E. Ray Lankester 194 downloads
Essays Upon Some Controverted Questions Thomas Henry Huxley 192 downloads
Illustrations of Universal Progress: A Series of Discussions Herbert Spencer 191 downloads
Essays on Life, Art and Science Samuel Butler 190 downloads
Common Science Carleton Washburne 190 downloads
Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 2 of 3 Herbert Spencer 186 downloads
The Interpreters of Genesis and the Interpreters of Nature Thomas Henry Huxley 183 downloads
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science John Tyndall 182 downloads
Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates (Vol. 2 of 2) Alexander von Humboldt 181 downloads
Science from an Easy Chair Sir E. Ray Lankester 179 downloads
Curiosities of Science, Past and Present John Timbs 178 downloads
The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science Thomas Henry Huxley 176 downloads
A Modern Zoroastrian S. Laing 173 downloads
Lectures and Essays Thomas Henry Huxley 170 downloads
Lectures on popular and scientific subjects 14th earl of James Sinclair Caithness 169 downloads
Science and Morals and Other Essays Sir Bertram Coghill Alan Windle 169 downloads
Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates (Vol. 1 of 2) Alexander von Humboldt 165 downloads