Books about Boardinghouses -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table Oliver Wendell Holmes 765 downloads
Thankful's Inheritance Joseph Crosby Lincoln 343 downloads
A Bundle of Letters Henry James 289 downloads
The Crux: A Novel Charlotte Perkins Gilman 275 downloads
Coffee and Repartee John Kendrick Bangs 266 downloads
Half-Hours with the Idiot John Kendrick Bangs 265 downloads
The Idiot John Kendrick Bangs 255 downloads
Cool air H. P. Lovecraft 253 downloads
The Case of Jennie Brice Mary Roberts Rinehart 213 downloads
Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy Charles Dickens 210 downloads
Patricia Brent, Spinster Herbert George Jenkins 202 downloads
The Inventions of the Idiot John Kendrick Bangs 199 downloads
A Top-Floor Idyl George Van Schaick 192 downloads
The Rat-Pit Patrick MacGill 184 downloads
The Genial Idiot: His Views and Reviews John Kendrick Bangs 180 downloads
Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings Charles Dickens 175 downloads
Sir Dominick Ferrand Henry James 172 downloads
The Yellow Holly Fergus Hume 156 downloads
The book of Evelyn Geraldine Bonner 156 downloads
The Pension Beaurepas Henry James 147 downloads
A Study In Shadows William John Locke 146 downloads
In Queer Street Fergus Hume 140 downloads
Beautiful but poor Julia Edwards 138 downloads
The heel of Achilles E. M. Delafield 137 downloads
Dogs Always Know Elisabeth Sanxay Holding 131 downloads
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