Deep-Sea Plunderings
Frank Thomas Bullen
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, derde deel (van 3)
Jules Verne
The adventures of Captain O'Shea
Ralph Delahaye Paine
The Praying Skipper, and Other Stories
Ralph Delahaye Paine
Miles Wallingford
James Fenimore Cooper
Mr. Midshipman Glover, R.N.: A Tale of the Royal Navy of To-day
T. T. Jeans
Under Sail
Lincoln Colcord
The Mountain of Fears
Henry C. Rowland
Snarleyyow, or, the Dog Fiend
Frederick Marryat
De Dochter van de Zeekapitein: Een Histories Verhaal (Dutch)
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, tweede deel (van 3)
Jules Verne
The S.S. Glory
Frederick Niven
The Chief Mate's Yarns: Twelve Tales of the Sea
T. Jenkins Hains
Black Pawl
Ben Ames Williams
Under Rocking Skies
L. Frank Tooker
The Sea Bride
Ben Ames Williams
Captain Kyd; or, The Wizard of the Sea. Vol. I
J. H. Ingraham
The Deep Sea's Toll
James B. Connolly
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, eerste deel (van 3)
Jules Verne
Kapteeni Grantin löytyminen (Finnish)
Jules Verne
The Pilot and His Wife
Jonas Lie
Kapteeni Grantia etsimässä (Finnish)
Jules Verne
Tough yarns, vol. 1 : A series of naval tales and sketches to please all hands, from the swabs on the shoulders down to the swabs in the head
M. H. Barker
Paul Gerrard, the Cabin Boy
William Henry Giles Kingston
Kapteeni Grantin lapset (Finnish)
Jules Verne