Books about Brothers -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams
Master of Ballantrae: A Winter's Tale Robert Louis Stevenson
mate of the Vancouver Morley Roberts
Mediterranean mystery Fred E. Wynne
mill of silence Bernard Capes
Mirage for Planet X Stanley Mullen
Misunderstood Florence Montgomery
Moncalvo (Italian) Enrico Castelnuovo
mort vivant (French) Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne
My Adventure in the Flying Scotsman; A Romance of London and North-Western Railway Shares Eden Phillpotts
Nature and Art Mrs. Inchbald
Overman Upton Sinclair
petite Fadette (French) George Sand
Pierre and Jean Guy de Maupassant
Pierre et Jean (French) Guy de Maupassant
Pikku Fadette: Kyläkertomus (Finnish) George Sand
Plant Hunters: Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains Mayne Reid
Poor Miss Finch Wilkie Collins
Prodigal Son Sir Hall Caine
Queen of Hearts Wilkie Collins
Secret of the Earth Star Henry Kuttner
Spanish Brothers: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century Deborah Alcock
Splendid Outcast George Gibbs
Story of Valentine and His Brother Mrs. Oliphant
Three Brothers; Complete Mrs. Oliphant