Books about Historical fiction (sorted by popularity)
Windsor Castle William Harrison Ainsworth 284 downloads
Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since Walter Scott 284 downloads
Kolme muskettisoturia: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet 283 downloads
Les Misérables, v. 2/5: Cosette Victor Hugo 283 downloads
The Conquest: The True Story of Lewis and Clark Eva Emery Dye 283 downloads
The Nest of the Sparrowhawk: A Romance of the XVIIth Century Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy 282 downloads
Poor White: A Novel Sherwood Anderson 280 downloads
The Zeppelin's Passenger E. Phillips Oppenheim 279 downloads
John Burnet of Barns: A Romance John Buchan 277 downloads
The Daughter of the Commandant Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 274 downloads
When Knighthood Was in Flower Charles Major 274 downloads
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1 Walter Pater 274 downloads
La princesse de Clèves (French) Madame de La Fayette 271 downloads
Castle Richmond Anthony Trollope 271 downloads
Maid Marian Thomas Love Peacock 270 downloads
The Refugees Arthur Conan Doyle 269 downloads
'Midst the Wild Carpathians Mór Jókai 266 downloads
Œuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 2: Salammbô (French) Gustave Flaubert 266 downloads
Salambó (Spanish) Gustave Flaubert 265 downloads
The Coming of Cuculain Standish O'Grady 264 downloads
The Golden Dog William Kirby 264 downloads
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo 263 downloads
Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor R. D. Blackmore 263 downloads
La reine Margot - Tome I (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet 262 downloads
The Prince and the Pauper, Part 1. Mark Twain 262 downloads