Books about Comedy plays (sorted by popularity)
The Old Bachelor: A Comedy William Congreve 358 downloads
The Double-Dealer: A Comedy William Congreve 358 downloads
Gammer Gurton's Needle 351 downloads
Plays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the first John Vanbrugh 350 downloads
Amphitryon Molière 346 downloads
Peace Aristophanes 341 downloads
Tres Comedias Modernas (Spanish) Miguel Ramos Carrión, Luis Cocat, Heliodoro Criado y Baca, and Mariano Barranco 337 downloads
The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare 332 downloads
Two Gentlemen of Verona William Shakespeare 329 downloads
"I'll Leave It To You": A Light Comedy In Three Acts Noel Coward 326 downloads
The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 322 downloads
Aristophanis Lysistrata (Latin) Aristophanes 310 downloads
As You Like It William Shakespeare 302 downloads
Les joyeuses Bourgeoises de Windsor (French) William Shakespeare 299 downloads
The Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare 295 downloads
The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1 Aristophanes 293 downloads
Le songe d'une nuit d'été (French) William Shakespeare 292 downloads
Le médecin malgré lui (French) Molière 274 downloads
A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare 267 downloads
The Lady of Pleasure James Shirley 267 downloads
Tales and Novels — Volume 08 Maria Edgeworth 265 downloads
Aristophane; Traduction nouvelle, tome second (French) Aristophanes 265 downloads
Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien (French) William Shakespeare 262 downloads
Les Deux Gentilshommes de Vérone (French) William Shakespeare 259 downloads
Le barbier de Séville; ou, la précaution inutile (French) Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais 258 downloads