Books about Comedy plays (sorted alphabetically)
New Comedies Lady Gregory
Niobe, All Smiles: A Farcical Comedy in Three Acts Harry Paulton, Edward A. Paulton, and Maurice Ordonneau
O'Flaherty V.C.: A Recruiting Pamphlet Bernard Shaw
Oh! Susannah! Mark Ambient
Old Bachelor: A Comedy William Congreve
Olympia : Vígjáték három felvonásban (Hungarian) Ferenc Molnár
Omantunnon mato: 3-näytöksinen (4 kuvaelmaa) kansannäytelmä lauluineen (Finnish) Ludwig Anzengruber
Oppineita naisia: Viisinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä (Finnish) Molière
Our American Cousin Tom Taylor
Paljo melua tyhjästä (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Parasit, oder, die Kunst sein Glück zu machen (German) Friedrich Schiller and L.-B. Picard
Parlor Car William Dean Howells
Peace Aristophanes
Peines d'amour perdues (French) William Shakespeare
Pietar Patelin eli Sukkela asianajaja: Ilveilys kolmessa näytöksessä (Finnish) Anonymous
Pirates: A comedy in one act Colin Clements
play's the thing P. G. Wodehouse and Ferenc Molnár
Plays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the first John Vanbrugh
Plays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the second John Vanbrugh
Please pass the cream: A comedy Charles Nevers Holmes
Poetaster Ben Jonson
Poison: A Farce George M. Baker
Pot Boiler: A Comedy in Four Acts Upton Sinclair
Précieuses ridicules (French) Molière
Proposal Under Difficulties: A Farce John Kendrick Bangs