Books about Christian life -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The old Worcester jug : or, John Griffin's little maid Eglanton Thorne 1428 downloads
Enemies : A tale for little lads and lasses Marian Isabel Hurrell 923 downloads
The heiress of McGregor : or, Living for self Lucy Ellen Guernsey 546 downloads
Won over : The story of a boy's life Nellie Hellis 541 downloads
Christina and the boys Amy Le Feuvre 481 downloads
A Child's Dream of a Star Charles Dickens 355 downloads
The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe; Or, There's No Place Like Home Amanda M. Douglas 333 downloads
Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys Various 332 downloads
Diligent Dick : or, the young farmer Madeline Leslie 307 downloads
My Doggie and I R. M. Ballantyne 300 downloads
The Brownies and Other Tales Juliana Horatia Ewing 282 downloads
The Fairchild Family Mary Martha Sherwood 281 downloads
Twilight stories Catharine Shaw 279 downloads
The Basket of Flowers Christoph von Schmid 278 downloads
A World of Girls: The Story of a School L. T. Meade 276 downloads
Ole Mammy's Torment Annie F. Johnston 263 downloads
Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood George MacDonald 259 downloads
The Prairie Chief R. M. Ballantyne 252 downloads
His big opportunity Amy Le Feuvre 245 downloads
Mary: A Nursery Story for Very Little Children Mrs. Molesworth 244 downloads
Christmas-Tree Land Mrs. Molesworth 236 downloads
Opposite neighbours : or, The two lives, and their end Lucy Ellen Guernsey 234 downloads
Elsie Dinsmore Martha Finley 233 downloads
The Voyage of the "Steadfast": The Young Missionaries in the Pacific William Henry Giles Kingston 231 downloads
Tip Lewis and His Lamp Pansy 230 downloads
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