
See: American Chemical Society

Allen, C. F. H. (Charles Francis Hitchcock), 1895-1979

American Chemical Society

American Public Health Association. Laboratory Section


See: Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829


Antinori, Vincenzio, 1792-1865


See: Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (U.S.)

Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (U.S.)

Ball, Alice A., 1892-1916

Bancks, Gerard W., 1856-1934

Barrett, Francis

Basilius Valentinus

Bergmann, M. (Max), 1886-1944

Bevan, E. J. (Edward John), 1856-1921

Black, Joseph, 1728-1799

Boerhaave, Herman, 1668-1738

Bombast von Hohenheim, Philipp Aureolus Theophrastus

See: Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691

Bucher, John Emery, 1872-1943

Cable, Daniel

Carrington, Hereward, 1880-1959

Carter, Edna, 1872-1963

Chen, Yü-Gwan, 1893-

Christie, William, 1748-1823

Cleve, P. T. (Per Teodor), 1840-1905

Conant, James Bryant, 1893-1978

Cooper, Thomas, 1759-1839

Crookes, William, 1832-1919

Cross, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1855-1935

Curie, Marie, 1867-1934

Dalton, John, 1766-1844

Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829

De Vigenère, Blaise

See: Vigenère, Blaise de, 1523-1596

Easterbrooks, Rachel Tupper

See: Lindsay, Rachel T., 1898-1990

Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867

Findlay, Alexander, 1874-1966

Fischer, Emil, 1852-1919

Frary, Francis C. (Francis Cowles), 1884-

French, John, 1616-1657

Fresenius, C. Remigius, 1818-1897

Gardner, John, 1804-1880

Gaubius, Hieronymus David, 1705?-1780

Getman, Frederick Hutton, 1877-1941

Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670

Hahnemann, Samuel, 1755-1843

Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1888-1951

Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923

Hayes, C. W. (Charles Willard), 1859-1916

Helvetius, Johann Friedrich, -1709

Henderson, William Edwards, 1870-

Henry, Thomas, 1734-1816

Hoff, J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus), 1852-1911

Hohenheim, Philipp Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von

See: Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Holst, Helge, 1871-1944

Hopkins, Arthur John, 1864-1939

Jones, Harry C. (Harry Clary), 1865-1916

Julius, Emanuel

See: Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1888-1951

Kamensky, George

Keferstein, Christian, 1784-1866

Keisch, Bernard, 1932-

Keiser, Edward Harrison, 1861-

Kellogg, Charlotte, 1874-1960

Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937

Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 1824-1907

Kerr, Robert, 1755-1813

Kramers, Hendrik Anthony, 1894-1952

Larsson, Ernst

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794

Lawson, T. A. (Thomas Atkinson)

Levy, Stanley Isaac

Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, 1803-1873

Lindsay, Rachel T., 1898-1990

Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-1985

Macquer, Pierre Joseph, 1718-1784

Mactear, James

Marcet, Mrs. (Jane Haldimand), 1769-1858

McPherson, William, 1864-1951

Meloney, Marie Mattingly, 1883-1943

Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich, 1834-1907

Meyer, Richard E., 1846-1926

Miers, Henry Alex, 1858-1942

Muir, M. M. Pattison (Matthew Moncrieff Pattison), 1848-1931

Nagel, Oskar, 1874-

National American Chemical Society

See: American Chemical Society

Packe, Christopher, active 1670-1711

Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Paris, John Ayrton, 1785-1856

Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804

Priestley, Joseph, 1768-1833

Ramsay, William, 1852-1916

Redgrove, H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley), 1887-1943

Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937

Sandivogius, Micheel

See: Sedziwój, Michal, 1556?-1646?

Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 1742-1786

Sedziwój, Michal, 1556?-1646?

Sendivogius, Michael

See: Sedziwój, Michal, 1556?-1646?

Shenstone, W. A. (William Ashwell), 1850-1908

Shipley, Maynard, 1872-1934

Skłodowska, Marya

See: Curie, Marie, 1867-1934

Smith, Edgar Fahs, 1854-1928

Stephens, Edward, active 1649

Stieglitz, Julius, 1867-1937

Talbot, Henry Paul, 1864-1927

Theophrast von Hohenheim

See: Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Thomson, Thomas, 1773-1852

Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin

See: Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 1824-1907

Thorpe, Edward

See: Thorpe, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 1845-1925

Thorpe, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 1845-1925

Tidy, Charles Meymott, 1843-1892

Tutton, A. E. H. (Alfred Edwin Howard), 1864-1938

Tyndall, John, 1820-1893

United States President (1921-1923)

See: Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923

Valentinus, Basilius

See: Basilius Valentinus

Van 't Hoff, J. H. (Jacobus Henricus)

See: Hoff, J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus), 1852-1911

Vigenère, Blaise de, 1523-1596

Volta, Alessandro, 1745-1827

Volz, Gustav Berthold, 1871-1938

Von Hohenheim, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast

See: Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Von Liebig, Justus, Freiherr

See: Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, 1803-1873

Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942

Watson, Glen W.

Wetherill, Charles Mayer, 1825-1871

Williams, Rufus P. (Rufus Phillips), 1851-1911

Wunder, Ludwig, 1878-1949

Менделеев, Дмитрий Иванович

See: Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich, 1834-1907