See: Suppanen, Alma, 1858-1937
Aalto, Ari
See: Pitkänen, Ari, 1876-1938
Aartsz, P.
See: Pannekoek, Anton, 1873-1960
Aatto S.
See: Suppanen, Aatto, 1855-1898
Abate Gualdi
See: Leti, Gregorio, 1630-1701
Abbattutis, Gian Alesio
See: Basile, Giambattista, 1575?-1632
Abbing Justine
See: Bruggen, Carry van, 1881-1932
Abbott, A. A.
See: Spewack, Samuel, 1899-1971
- Coburn, Fordyce, Mrs.
- en.wikipedia
- Fairy Prince and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Indiscreet Letter (English) (as Author)
- The Indiscreet Letter (English) (as Author)
- Little Eve Edgarton (English) (as Author)
- Little Eve Edgarton (English) (as Author)
- Molly Make-Believe (English) (as Author)
- Molly Make-Believe (English) (as Author)
- Old-Dad (English) (as Author)
- Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs (English) (as Author)
- Peace On Earth, Good-Will To Dogs (English) (as Author)
- Rainy Week (English) (as Author)
- The Sick-a-Bed Lady
And Also Hickory Dock, The Very Tired Girl, The Happy-Day, Something That Happened in October, The Amateur Lover, Heart of The City, The Pink Sash, Woman's Only Business (English) (as Author)
- The Stingy Receiver (English) (as Author)
- The White Linen Nurse (English) (as Author)
- Erodore
- Marianne
- en.wikipedia
- Alexander the Great (English) (as Author)
- Alexander the Great
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Bruno; or, lessons of fidelity, patience, and self-denial taught by a dog (English) (as Author)
- Caleb in the Country (English) (as Author)
- Charles I
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Cleopatra (English) (as Author)
- Cousin Lucy at Play
By the Author of the Rollo Books (English) (as Author)
- Cousin Lucy at Study
By the Author of the Rollo Books (English) (as Author)
- Cousin Lucy's Conversations
By the Author of the Rollo Books (English) (as Author)
- Cyrus the Great
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Darius the Great
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Forests of Maine
Marco Paul's Adventures in Pursuit of Knowledge (English) (as Author)
- Genghis Khan, Makers of History Series (English) (as Author)
- Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young
Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Methods in Harmony with the Structure and the Characteristics of the Juvenile Mind (English) (as Author)
- Georgie (English) (as Author)
- Hannibal
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (English) (as Author)
- History of Julius Caesar (English) (as Author)
- History of King Charles the First of England (English) (as Author)
- History of King Charles the Second of England (English) (as Author)
- Jonas on a Farm in Winter (English) (as Author)
- King Alfred of England
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels; Vermont (English) (as Author)
- Margaret of Anjou
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Mary Erskine (English) (as Author)
- Mary Queen of Scots
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Nero
Makers of History Series (English) (as Author)
- Peter the Great (English) (as Author)
- Peter the Great (English) (as Author)
- Pyrrhus
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Queen Elizabeth
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Richard III
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Richard II
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Richard I
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Rollo at Play; Or, Safe Amusements (English) (as Author)
- Rollo at Work (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Geneva (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Holland (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in London (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Naples (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Paris (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Rome (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Scotland (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in Switzerland (English) (as Author)
- Rollo in the Woods (English) (as Author)
- Rollo Learning to Read (English) (as Author)
- Rollo on the Atlantic (English) (as Author)
- Rollo on the Rhine (English) (as Author)
- Rollo's Experiments (English) (as Author)
- Rollo's Museum (English) (as Author)
- Rollo's Philosophy. [Air] (English) (as Author)
- Rollo's Philosophy [Fire] (English) (as Author)
- Romulus
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Stuyvesant: A Franconia Story (English) (as Author)
- The Teacher
Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young (English) (as Author)
- The Teacher
Or, Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young (English) (as Author)
- William the Conqueror
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Xerxes
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- en.wikipedia
- The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions, in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes, and Rivers, of the New World, and Their Interviews with the Savage Tribes, Two Hundred Years Ago (English) (as Author)
- Benjamin Franklin
A Picture of the Struggles of Our Infant Nation One Hundred Years Ago (English) (as Author)
- Captain William Kidd and Others of the Buccaneers (English) (as Author)
- The Child at Home: The Principles of Filial Duty, Familiarly Illustrated (English) (as Author)
- Christopher Carson, Familiarly Known as Kit Carson (English) (as Author)
- Columbus: De ontdekker van Amerika (Dutch) (as Author)
- Daniel Boone: The Pioneer of Kentucky (English) (as Author)
- David Crockett: His Life and Adventures (English) (as Author)
- The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power (English) (as Author)
- The Empire of Russia: From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time (English) (as Author)
- Ferdinand De Soto, The Discoverer of the Mississippi
American Pioneers and Patriots (English) (as Author)
- The French Revolution of 1789, as Viewed in the Light of Republican Institutions (English) (as Author)
- George Washington; or, Life in America One Hundred Years Ago. (English) (as Author)
- Henry IV, Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Hernando Cortez
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- The History of Christianity
Consisting of the Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth; the Adventures of Paul and the Apostles; and the Most Interesting Events in the Progress of Christianity, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. (English) (as Author)
- History of Frederick the Second, Called Frederick the Great. (English) (as Author)
- Hortense
Makers of History Series (English) (as Author)
- Index for the Project Gutenberg Series "American Pioneers and Patriots" (English) (as Author)
- Joseph Bonaparte
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Josephine
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- King Philip
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- The Life and Adventures of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones, Commonly Called Paul Jones (English) (as Author)
- Louis Philippe
Makers of History Series (English) (as Author)
- Louis XIV.
Makers of History Series (English) (as Author)
- Madame Roland, Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Maria Antoinette
Makers of History (English) (as Author)
- Miles Standish, the Puritan Captain (English) (as Author)
- Napoleon Bonaparte (English) (as Author)
- Peter Stuyvesant, the Last Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam (English) (as Author)
- Heidi (English) (as Translator)
Abdul Karim
See: Barth, Heinrich, 1821-1865
Abdullah Yusuf Ali
See: Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, 1872-1952
Aberdeen Proving Ground (Md.). U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
See: U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
Abinger, Marguerite Scarlett, Lady
See: Steinheil, Marguerite, 1869-1954
Ab Ithel
See: Williams, John, 1811-1862
Aboû Alî al-Hosain ibn Abdallâh ibn Sînâ
See: Avicenna, 980-1037
Abraham, Berthe
See: Ardel, Henri, 1863-1938
- D'Abrantès, Laure Junot, duchesse
- Junot, Laure, duchesse d'Abrantès
- en.wikipedia
- fr.wikipedia
- Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 1/6)
Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier (French) (as Author)
- Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 2/6)
Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier (French) (as Author)
- Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 3/6)
Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier (French) (as Author)
- Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 4/6)
Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier. (French) (as Author)
- Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 5/6)
Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier (French) (as Author)
- Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 6/6)
Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier (French) (as Author)
Abrest, Paul d'
See: Kohn-Abrest, Frédéric, 1850-1893
Abreu, Antonio Alvarez de
See: Alvarez de Abreu, Antonio, 1683-1756
Abro, A. d'
See: D'Abro, A. (Aram), 1886-1957
Abruzzi, Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, duca degli
See: Savoia, Luigi Amedeo di, duca degli Abruzzi, 1873-1933
Absalom, John
See: Absolon, John, 1815-1895
Absolom, John
See: Absolon, John, 1815-1895
Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd
See: Averroës, 1126-1198
Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ghazzali
See: Ghazzali, 1058-1111
See: Judah, ha-Levi, active 12th century
Abu Mukhammed al-Kasim al-Khariri
See: Hariri, 1054-1122
A Bushman
See: Christie, William Harvey, 1808-1873
Abuza, Sonya Kalish
See: Tucker, Sophie, 1884-1966
Abu Zayd Hasan ibn Yazid al-Sirafi
See: Sirafi, Abu Zayd Hasan ibn Yazid, active 10th century
Academia de la Historia, Madrid
See: Real Academia de la Historia (Spain)
Accioli, José de Sá Bitaincourt e
See: Bettencourt, José de Sá, -1828
- en.wikipedia
- Culinary Chemistry
The Scientific Principles of Cookery, with Concise Instructions for Preparing Good and Wholesome Pickles, Vinegar, Conserves, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades, and Various Other Alimentary Substances Employed in Domestic Economy, with Observations on the Chemical Constitution and Nutritive Qualities of Different Kinds of Food. (English) (as Author)
- Description of the Process of Manufacturing Coal Gas, for the Lighting of Streets Houses, and Public Buildings
With Elevations, Sections, and Plans of the Most Improved Sorts of Apparatus Now Employed at the Gas Works in London and the Principal Provincial Towns of Great Britain; Accompanied With Comparative Estimates, Exhibiting the Most Economical Mode of Procuring This Species of Light (English) (as Author)
- A Practical Treatise on Gas-light
Exhibiting a Summary Description of the Apparatus and Machinery Best Calculated for Illuminating Streets, Houses, and Manufactories, with Carburetted Hydrogen, or Coal-Gas, with Remarks on the Utility, Safety, and General Nature of this new Branch of Civil Economy. (English) (as Author)
- A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons
Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employed in Domestic Economy (English) (as Author)
- A treatise on the art of making good wholesome bread of wheat, oats, rye, barley and other farinaceous grains
Exhibiting the alimentary properties and chemical constitution of different kinds of bread corn, and of the various substitutes used for bread, in different parts of the world (English) (as Author)
Accyoli, José de Sá Bitaincourt e
See: Bettencourt, José de Sá, -1828
A. C. F.
See: Fifield, A. C. (Arthur Charles), 1868-1945
Acharya, Madhava
See: Madhava, -1386
See: American Chemical Society
A.D.A. (American Dairy Association)
See: American Dairy Association
Adair, Cecil
See: Everett-Green, Evelyn, 1856-1932
See: Origen, 185?-254?
Adam, Francis
See: Adams, Francis, 1796-1861
Adam, Onkel
See: Onkel Adam, 1804-1889
Adam, Pearl
See: Adam, H. Pearl (Helen Pearl), 1882-1957
Adam, Salimbene de
See: Salimbene, da Parma, 1221-1287
Adams, Charles
See: Stephens, C. A. (Charles Asbury), 1844-1931
- Adam, Francis
- en.wikipedia
- The genuine works of Hippocrates, Vol. 1 (of 2) : Translated from the Greek, with a preliminary discourse and annotations (English) (as Translator)
- The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 1 (of 3) : translated from the Greek: with a commentary embracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery (English) (as Translator)
- The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 2 (of 3) : translated from the Greek: with a commentary embracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery (English) (as Translator)
- The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 3 (of 3) : translated from the Greek: with a commentary embracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery (English) (as Translator)
- Dawn (English) (as Author)
Adams, Harrison
See: Rathborne, St. George, 1854-1938
- en.wikipedia
- Democracy, an American novel (English) (as Author)
- The Education of Henry Adams (English) (as Author)
- Esther (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 1 (of 9) : During the first administration of Thomas Jefferson (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 2 (of 9) : During the first administration of Thomas Jefferson (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 3 (of 9) : During the second administration of Thomas Jefferson (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 4 (of 9) : During the second administration of Thomas Jefferson (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 5 (of 9) : During the first administration of James Madison (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 6 (of 9) : During the first administration of James Madison (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 7 (of 9) : During the second administration of James Madison (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 8 (of 9) : During the second administration of James Madison (English) (as Author)
- History of the United States of America, Volume 9 (of 9) : During the second administration of James Madison (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Albert Gallatin (English) (as Author)
- Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (English) (as Author)
- en.wikipedia
- Beautiful shells : Their nature, structure, and uses familiarly explained; with directions for collecting, cleaning, and arranging them in the cabinet; descriptions of the most remarkable species, and of the creatures which inhabit them; and explanations of the meanings of their scientific names, and of the terms used in conchology (English) (as Author)
- A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations
Consisting of Choice Passages from the Sacred Poetry of All Ages and Countries, Classified and Arranged, for Facility of Reference, Under Subject Headings; Illustrated by Striking Passages from Scripture, and Forming Altogether a Complete Book of Devotional Poetry. (English) (as Editor)
- Nests and Eggs of Familiar British Birds, Second Series
Described and Illustrated; with an Account of the Haunts and Habits of the Feathered Architects, and their Times and Modes of Building (English) (as Author)
Adams, Jean Prescott
See: Malek, Leona A. (Leona Alford), 1878-1951
Adams, J. F. C. (James Fenimore Cooper)
See: Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916
- Novanglus
- United States President (1797-1801)
- en.wikipedia
- A Collection of State-papers, Relative to the First Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of America, and the Reception of Their Minister Plenipotentiary, by Their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands : to Which is Prefixed, the Political Character of John Adams, Ambassador Plenipotentiary from the States of North America, to Their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands ... Likewise, an Essay on Canon and Feudal Law (English) (as Compiler)
- Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife Abigail Adams During the Revolution
with a Memoir of Mrs. Adams (English) (as Author)
- Novanglus, and Massachusettensis
or, Political Essays, Published in the Years 1774 and 1775, on the Principal Points of Controversy, between Great Britain and Her Colonies (English) (as Author)
- State of the Union Addresses (English) (as Author)
Adams, John Bernard Pye
See: Adams, Bernard, 1890-1917
Adams, Mary
See: Garnett, William, 1850-1932
- An account of the battle of Wilson's Creek, or Oak Hills, fought between the Union troops, commanded by Gen. N. Lyon and the Southern, or Confederate troops, under command of Gens. McCulloch and Price, on Saturday, August 10, 1861, in Greene county, Missouri (English) (as Author)
Adams, William T. (William Taylor)
See: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897
Adam, Uncle
See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854
Adcock, Marion St. John
See: Webb, Marion St. John, 1888-1930
Addison, Hugh
See: Owen, H. Collinson (Harry Collinson), 1882-1956
- Bickerstaff, Isaac
- en.wikipedia
- Cato: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Coverley Papers, From 'The Spectator' (English) (as Author)
- Days with Sir Roger De Coverley (English) (as Author)
- The De Coverley Papers, From 'The Spectator' (English) (as Author)
- Essays and Tales (English) (as Author)
- Essay upon Wit (English) (as Commentator)
- The gift of friendship (English) (as Contributor)
- The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase
With Memoirs and Critical Dissertations, by the Rev. George Gilfillan (English) (as Author)
- The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers (English) (as Author)
- The Spectator, Volume 1
Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essays (English) (as Author)
- The Spectator, Volume 2. (English) (as Author)
- The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
With Translations and Index for the Series (English) (as Author)
- The Tatler, Volume 1 (English) (as Author)
- The Tatler, Volume 2 (English) (as Author)
- The Tatler, Volume 3 (English) (as Author)
- The Tatler, Volume 4 (English) (as Author)
Addleston, Hill
See: Hardy, Duffus, Lady, 1825?-1891
Addums, Mozis
See: Bagby, George William, 1828-1883
Adélaide, de Savoie, duchesse de Bourgogne
See: Marie Adelaide, of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy, 1685-1712
Adeler, Max
See: Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915
Adelt-Duc, Mina
See: Wettstein-Adelt, Minna, 1869-1908?
Adkins, Frank Howard
See: St. Mars, F., 1883-1921
See: Donath-van der Scheer, Mevr.
See: Espinel, Vicente, 1550?-1624
Adrien, Georges Hippolyte
See: Darien, Georges, 1862-1921
- en.wikipedia
- The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 30 of 55, 1640
Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century (English) (as Author)
- The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume 31, 1640
Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century (English) (as Author)
- The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume 32, 1640
Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. (English) (as Author)
Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright
See: Cartwright, Julia, 1851-1924
See: Russell, George William, 1867-1935
See: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Aegineta, Paulus
See: Paulus, Aegineta, 625?-690?
Aelfred, King of England
See: Alfred, King of England, 849-899
Afer, Publius Terentius
See: Terence
- Assis Figueiredo, Affonso Celso de, conde de Affonso Celso
- Celso, Afonso, conde de Afonso Celso
- De Assis Figueiredo, Affonso Celso, conde de Affonso Celso
- Figueiredo, Affonso Celso de Assis, conde de Affonso Celso
- pt.wikipedia
- Lupe (Portuguese) (as Author)
Af Forselles, Jenny
See: Forselles, Jenny af
Af Geijerstam, Gustaf
See: Geijerstam, Gustaf af, 1858-1909
Af Hällström, Raoul
See: Hällström, Raoul af, 1899-1975
See: Aimel, Georges
African Association (London, England)
See: Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa
African Colonisation Society
See: American Colonization Society
Af Ursin, N. R. (Nils Robert)
See: Ursin, N. R. af (Nils Robert), 1854-1936
See: Massis, Henri, 1886-1970
Agen, Augustin Boyer d'
See: Boyer d'Agen, Augustin, 1857-1945
Ages, Lucie des
See: Des Ages, Lucie, 1845-
Agoult, Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, comtesse d'
See: Stern, Daniel, 1805-1876
Agraives, Jean d'
See: Causse, Frédéric, 1892-1951
Aguilar, Guillermo Núñez de Prado y
See: Núñez de Prado, Guillermo, 1874-
Aguilar, José Nieto
See: Nieto Aguilar, José
Aguilar, Pedro Sánchez de
See: Sánchez de Aguilar, Pedro, 1555-1648
Aharonson, Aleksander
See: Aaronsohn, Alexander, 1888-1948
Ahava, Juho
See: Soini, Lauri, 1875-1919
See: Swazey, John B.
Ahearne, Bert
See: Hernhuter, Albert, 1934-
Ahlgren, Ernst
See: Benedictsson, Victoria, 1850-1888
Ahlqvist, David Gabriel
See: Murros, Kaapo, 1875-1951
Ahmad Urabi
See: Urabi, Ahmad, 1841?-1911
Ahmed Muhammed Hassanein Pasha
See: Hasanayn, Ahmad Muhammad, 1889-1946
Ahn, Johann Franz
See: Ahn, F. (Franz), 1796-1865
Ahumada, Teresa de Cepeda y, Saint
See: Teresa, of Avila, Saint, 1515-1582
Aïdé, Charles Hamilton
See: Aïdé, Hamilton, 1826-1906
- Carson, Lewis W.
- Sara, Delle
- en.wikipedia
- Ben, the Trapper; Or, The Mountain Demon: A Tale of the Black Hills (English) (as Author)
- The Border Riflemen; or, The Forest Fiend. A Romance of the Black-Hawk Uprising (English) (as Author)
- Dead Shot; Or, The White Vulture: A Romance of the Yellowstone (English) (as Author)
- The Rival Trappers: or, Old Pegs, The Mountaineer (English) (as Author)
- The skeleton scout; or, The border block (English) (as Author)
- The Wolf Demon; or, The Queen of the Kanawha (English) (as Author)
Aikin, Anna Lætitia
See: Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825
Aimery Harty de Pierrebourg, Marguerite
See: Ferval, Claude, 1856-1943
See: Forssman, Edith, 1856-1928
- 艾衲居士
- 豆棚閒話 (Chinese) (as Author)
- Ticheburn, Cheviot
- en.wikipedia
- Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life (English) (as Author)
- Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651 (English) (as Author)
- Cardinal Pole; Or, The Days of Philip and Mary: An Historical Romance (English) (as Author)
- Chetwynd Calverley
New Edition, 1877 (English) (as Author)
- The Constable De Bourbon (English) (as Author)
- Cruikshank's Water Colours (English) (as Author)
- Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of William Harrison Ainsworth (English) (as Author)
- Jack Sheppard: A Romance (English) (as Author)
- Jack Sheppard: A Romance, Vol. 1 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
- Jack Sheppard: A Romance, Vol. 2 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
- Jack Sheppard: A Romance, Vol. 3 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
- The Lancashire Witches: A Romance of Pendle Forest (English) (as Author)
- The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45 (English) (as Author)
- Old Saint Paul's: A Tale of the Plague and the Fire (English) (as Author)
- Preston Fight; or, The Insurrection of 1715 (English) (as Author)
- Rookwood (English) (as Author)
- The Star-Chamber: An Historical Romance, Volume 1 (English) (as Author)
- The Star-Chamber: An Historical Romance, Volume 2 (English) (as Author)
- The Tower of London: A Historical Romance, Illustrated (English) (as Author)
- Windsor Castle (English) (as Author)
Aira, Cesar
See: Aira
Airanda, Emanuel de
See: Aranda, Emanuel d', 1602-1686?
Aires, Cristóvão
See: Ayres, Christovam, 1853-1930
Aischmann, Liliane Clarisse
See: Goll, Claire, 1891-1977
See: Aeschylus, 525 BC-456 BC
See: Aesop, 620? BC-564? BC
Aitken, Max, Sir
See: Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, Baron, 1879-1964
- 愛月主人
- 戲中戲 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 比目魚 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 比目魚 (Chinese) (as Author)
A.J.C. (American Jewish Committee)
See: American Jewish Committee
Akers, Floyd
See: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919
Akkanen, Ville
See: Vuoksinen, Ville, 1894-1974
Alarcón, Juan Ruiz de
See: Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan, 1580?-1639
See: More, Henry, 1614-1687
See: Whiteing, Richard, 1840-1928
Albane, P.
See: Caro, Pauline, 1835?-1901
Albanesi, Effie Adelaide Maria
See: Rowlands, Effie Adelaide, 1866-1936
Albe, E. E. Fournier d' (Edmund Edward Fournier)
See: Fournier d'Albe, E. E. (Edmund Edward), 1868-1933
See: Michaud, J. Fr. (Joseph Fr.), 1767-1839
Albert, Brother
See: Gray, John, 1866-1934
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
See: Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 1841-1910
Albert i Paradís, Caterina
See: Català, Víctor, 1869-1966
Albert, of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
See: Albert, Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1861
Albini, S. (Sofia)
See: Bisi Albini, Sofia, 1856-1919
Albrecht, Elisabeth
See: Wolff-Merck, Elisabeth, 1890-1970
Albuquerque, Luís da Silva Mousinho de
See: Mousinho de Albuquerque, Luís da Silva, 1792-1846
Alcocke, Amos Bronson
See: Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888
Alcofribas Nasier, the Later
See: Briggs, Samuel, 1841-1904
Alcofrybas, Maistre
See: Rabelais, François, 1490?-1553?
- Barnard, A. M.
- en.wikipedia
- The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation: A Christmas Story (English) (as Author)
- Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Volume 1 (English) (as Author)
- Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Volume 2
Shawl-Straps (English) (as Author)
- Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 3
Cupid and Chow-chow, etc. (English) (as Author)
- Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 4
My Girls, etc. (English) (as Author)
- Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Volume 5
Jimmy's Cruise in the Pinafore, Etc. (English) (as Author)
- Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Volume 6
An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, Etc. (English) (as Author)
- Behind a Mask; or, a Woman's Power (English) (as Author)
- Bloemensprookjes van Tante Jo (Dutch) (as Author)
- Bronson Alcott's Fruitlands, compiled by Clara Endicott Sears
With Transcendental Wild Oats, by Louisa M. Alcott (English) (as Contributor)
- The Candy Country (English) (as Author)
- Comic Tragedies
Written by 'Jo' and 'Meg' and Acted by The 'Little Women' (English) (as Author)
- Eight Cousins (English) (as Author)
- Eight Cousins; Or, The Aunt-Hill (English) (as Author)
- Flower Fables (English) (as Author)
- A Garland for Girls (English) (as Author)
- Hospital Sketches (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Louisa M. Alcott (English) (as Author)
- Jack and Jill (English) (as Author)
- Jack and Jill (English) (as Author)
- Jo's Boys (English) (as Author)
- Kahdeksan serkusta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Kun ruusu puhkeaa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Little Men (English) (as Author)
- Little Men: Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys (English) (as Author)
- Little Men: Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys (English) (as Author)
- Little Women (English) (as Author)
- Little Women (English) (as Author)
- Little Women; Or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy (English) (as Author)
- The Louisa Alcott Reader: a Supplementary Reader for the Fourth Year of School (English) (as Author)
- Louisa May Alcott : Her Life, Letters, and Journals (English) (as Author)
- Lulu's Library, Volume 1 (of 3) (English)
- Lulu's Library, Volume 2 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
- Lulu's Library, Volume 3 (of 3) (English)
- Marjorie's Three Gifts (English) (as Author)
- May Flowers (English) (as Author)
- Mia Kontrabandulo (Esperanto) (as Author)
- A Modern Cinderella; Or, The Little Old Shoe, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- A Modern Mephistopheles, and A Whisper in the Dark (English) (as Author)
- Moods (English) (as Author)
- Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair (English) (as Author)
- The Mysterious Key and What It Opened (English) (as Author)
- An Old-Fashioned Girl (English) (as Author)
- Onder Moeders Vleugels (Dutch) (as Author)
- Onder Moeders Vleugels (Dutch) (as Author)
- On Picket Duty, and Other Tales (English) (as Author)
- Op Eigen Wieken (Dutch) (as Author)
- Pauline's Passion and Punishment (English) (as Author)
- Pikku miehiä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pikku naisia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Plumfieldin pojat (Finnish) (as Author)
- Proverb Stories (English) (as Author)
- Rose in Bloom
A Sequel to 'Eight Cousins' (English) (as Author)
- Rose in Bloom
A Sequel to "Eight Cousins" (English) (as Author)
- Silver Pitchers: and Independence, a Centennial Love Story (English) (as Author)
- Spinning-Wheel Stories (English) (as Author)
- Three Unpublished Poems (English) (as Author)
- Tytöistä parhain (Finnish) (as Author)
- Under the Lilacs (English) (as Author)
- Viimevuotiset ystävämme (Finnish) (as Author)
- Work: A Story of Experience (English) (as Author)
Alcox, Amos Bronson
See: Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888
See: Krishnamurti, J. (Jiddu), 1895-1986
Alden, Cecil
See: Aldin, Cecil, 1870-1935
Alden, Isabella Macdonald
See: Pansy, 1841-1930
Alderson, Amelia
See: Opie, Amelia, 1769-1853
Aldington, Hilda Doolittle
See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961
Aldis, Arthur T., Mrs.
See: Aldis, Mary, 1872-1949
Aldobrandini, Nicolò Papadopoli
See: Papadopoli Aldobrandini, Nicolò, 1841-1922
Aldon, Adair
See: Meigs, Cornelia, 1884-1973
Aldoni, Joseph
See: Lindau, Wilhelm Adolf, 1774-1849
Alexander, Ed
See: Emshwiller, Ed, 1925-1990
- The Baptism of the Prince: A Sermon
Preached ... on Sunday morning, Jan. 23, 1842, in anticipation of the baptism of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. (English) (as Author)
- The Christian serving his own generation
A sermon occasioned by the lamented death of Joseph John Gurney, Esq. (English) (as Author)
- Christ Remembered at His Table (English) (as Author)
- A funeral sermon for the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn
preached in St. Mary's Meeting-house, Norwich, on Sunday afternoon, September 9th, 1832 (English) (as Author)
- Infant Schools and Dissenters
A Vindication of "a letter of affectionate remonstrance," &c., from the mistakes respecting it made by William Geary ... and from the misrepresentations of it made by ... John Perowne ... in their respective pamphlets (English) (as Author)
- A Letter of affectionate remonstrance addressed to the members of the Established Church in Norwich and in Norfolk and occasioned by the proposed exclusive system of infant education (English) (as Author)
- Thirty years' history of the church and congregation in Prince's Street Chapel, Norwich (English) (as Author)
Alexander, Neil
See: Farquhar, J. N. (John Nicol), 1861-1929
Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling
See: Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1568?-1640
Alexandrina Victoria, Queen of Great Britain
See: Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
Alexis-Expanet, F.
See: Espanet, Alexis, 1811-1886
Alexis, Pedemontanus
See: Alessio, Piemontese, 1471?-
See: Ghazzali, 1058-1111
- Preston, Charles F.
- Putnam, Arthur Lee
- Starr, Julian
- en.wikipedia
- Adrift in New York: Tom and Florence Braving the World (English) (as Author)
- Adrift in the City; or, Oliver Conrad's Plucky Fight (English) (as Author)
- Adventures of a Telegraph Boy; or, "Number 91" (English) (as Author)
- Andy Gordon; Or, The Fortunes of A Young Janitor (English) (as Author)
- Andy Grant's Pluck (English) (as Author)
- The Backwoods Boy; or, The Boyhood and Manhood of Abraham Lincoln (English) (as Author)
- Ben Bruce: Scenes in the Life of a Bowery Newsboy (English) (as Author)
- Ben's Nugget; Or, A Boy's Search For Fortune (English) (as Author)
- Ben, the Luggage Boy; Or, Among the Wharves (English) (as Author)
- Bernard Brooks' Adventures: The Experience of a Plucky Boy (English) (as Author)
- Bertha's Christmas Vision: An Autumn Sheaf (English) (as Author)
- Bob Burton; or, The Young Ranchman of the Missouri (English) (as Author)
- Bound to Rise; Or, Up the Ladder (English) (as Author)
- A Boy's Fortune; Or, The Strange Adventures of Ben Baker (English) (as Author)
- Brave and Bold; Or, The Fortunes of Robert Rushton (English) (as Author)
- The Cash Boy (English) (as Author)
- Cast Upon the Breakers (English) (as Author)
- Charlie Codman's Cruise: A Story for Boys (English) (as Author)
- Chester Rand; or, The New Path to Fortune (English) (as Author)
- A Cousin's Conspiracy; Or, A Boy's Struggle for an Inheritance (English) (as Author)
- Dan, the Newsboy (English) (as Author)
- Dean Dunham; Or, the Waterford Mystery (English) (as Author)
- A Debt of Honor: The Story of Gerald Lane's Success in the Far West (English) (as Author)
- Digging for Gold: A Story of California (English) (as Author)
- The Disagreeable Woman: A Social Mystery (English) (as Author)
- Do and Dare — a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune (English) (as Author)
- Driven from Home; Or, Carl Crawford's Experience (English) (as Author)
- The Erie Train Boy (English) (as Author)
- The Errand Boy; Or, How Phil Brent Won Success (English) (as Author)
- Facing the World (English) (as Author)
- Falling in with Fortune; Or, The Experiences of a Young Secretary (English) (as Author)
- Fame and Fortune; or, The Progress of Richard Hunter (English) (as Author)
- Five Hundred Dollars; or, Jacob Marlowe's Secret (English) (as Author)
- Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent (English) (as Author)
- Frank Hunter's Peril (English) (as Author)
- Frank's Campaign; Or, The Farm and the Camp (English) (as Author)
- From Canal Boy to President; Or, the Boyhood and Manhood of James A. Garfield (English) (as Author)
- From Farm Boy to Senator
Being the History of the Boyhood and Manhood of Daniel Webster (English) (as Author)
- From Farm to Fortune; or, Nat Nason's Strange Experience (English) (as Author)
- Grand'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, with Other Ballads and Poems (English) (as Author)
- Grit; or, The Young Boatman of Pine Point (English) (as Author)
- Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute (English) (as Author)
- Helen Ford (English) (as Author)
- Helping Himself; Or, Grant Thornton's Ambition (English) (as Author)
- Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son (English) (as Author)
- In a new world : or, Among the gold-fields of Australia (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Horatio Alger, Jr. (English) (as Author)
- In Search of Treasure (English) (as Author)
- Jack's Ward; Or, The Boy Guardian (English) (as Author)
- Jed, the Poorhouse Boy (English) (as Author)
- Joe's Luck; Or, Always Wide Awake (English) (as Author)
- Joe the Hotel Boy; Or, Winning out by Pluck (English) (as Author)
- Julius, the Street Boy; or, Out West (English) (as Author)
- Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. Volume 1 (of 2) (English) (as Author)
- Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. Volume 2 (of 2) (English) (as Author)
- Luck and Pluck; or, John Oakley's Inheritance (English) (as Author)
- Luke Walton (English) (as Author)
- Making His Mark (English) (as Author)
- Making His Way; Or, Frank Courtney's Struggle Upward (English) (as Author)
- Mark Manning's Mission: The Story of a Shoe Factory Boy (English) (as Author)
- Mark Mason's Victory (English) (as Author)
- Mark Mason's Victory: The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy (English) (as Author)
- Mark the Match Boy; or, Richard Hunter's Ward (English) (as Author)
- Nelson the Newsboy; Or, Afloat in New York (English) (as Author)
- Nothing to Do: A Tilt at Our Best Society (English) (as Author)
- Nothing to Eat (English) (as Author)
- The nugget finders : A tale of the gold fields of Australia (English) (as Author)
- Only an Irish Boy; Or, Andy Burke's Fortunes (English) (as Author)
- Out for Business; or, Robert Frost's Strange Career (English) (as Author)
- Paul Prescott's Charge (English) (as Author)
- Paul the Peddler; Or, The Fortunes of a Young Street Merchant (English) (as Author)
- Phil, the Fiddler (English) (as Author)
- Ragged Dick (English) (as Author)
- Ragged Dick, Or, Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks (English) (as Author)
- Ralph Raymond's Heir (English) (as Author)
- Randy of the River; Or, The Adventures of a Young Deckhand (English) (as Author)
- Risen from the Ranks; Or, Harry Walton's Success (English) (as Author)
- Robert Coverdale's Struggle (English) (as Author)
- Rough and Ready; Or, Life Among the New York Newsboys (English) (as Author)
- Rufus and Rose; Or, The Fortunes of Rough and Ready (English) (as Author)
- Rupert's Ambition (English) (as Author)
- Sam's Chance, and How He Improved It (English) (as Author)
- Seeking His Fortune, and Other Dialogues (English) (as Author)
- Shifting For Himself; or, Gilbert Greyson's Fortunes (English) (as Author)
- Sink or Swim; or, Harry Raymond's Resolve (English) (as Author)
- Slow and Sure: The Story of Paul Hoffman the Young Street-Merchant (English) (as Author)
- The Store Boy (English) (as Author)
- Strive and Succeed; or, The Progress of Walter Conrad (English) (as Author)
- Strong and Steady; Or, Paddle Your Own Canoe (English) (as Author)
- Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck (English) (as Author)
- Tattered Tom; or, The Story of a Street Arab (English) (as Author)
- The Telegraph Boy (English) (as Author)
- Timothy Crump's Ward: A Story of American Life (English) (as Author)
- The Tin Box, and What it Contained (English) (as Author)
- Tom Temple's Career (English) (as Author)
- Tom Thatcher's Fortune (English) (as Author)
- Tom, The Bootblack; or, The Road to Success (English) (as Author)
- Tony, the Hero; Or, A Brave Boy's Adventures with a Tramp (English) (as Author)
- Tony the Tramp; Or, Right is Might (English) (as Author)
- The Train Boy (English) (as Author)
- Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy (English) (as Author)
- Wait and Hope; Or, A Plucky Boy's Luck (English) (as Author)
- Walter Sherwood's Probation (English) (as Author)
- The Young Acrobat of the Great North American Circus (English) (as Author)
- The Young Adventurer; or, Tom's Trip Across the Plains (English) (as Author)
- The Young Bank Messenger (English) (as Author)
- The Young Book Agent; or, Frank Hardy's Road to Success (English) (as Author)
- Young Captain Jack; Or, The Son of a Soldier (English) (as Author)
- The Young Circus Rider; or, the Mystery of Robert Rudd (English) (as Adapter)
- The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune (English) (as Author)
- The Young Miner; Or, Tom Nelson in California (English) (as Author)
- The Young Musician; Or, Fighting His Way (English) (as Author)
- The Young Outlaw; or, Adrift in the Streets (English) (as Author)
- The Young Salesman (English) (as Author)
Al-Hariri, of Basra
See: Hariri, 1054-1122
Ali, Ameer
See: Ali, Syed Ameer, 1849-1928
Ali Baba
See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915
Alighieri, Dante
See: Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
Ali, Meer Hasan, Mrs.
See: Meer Hasan Ali, Mrs.
Ali, Moulavi Gerágh
See: Cherágh Ali, 1844-1895
See: Mäkinen, Antti, 1857-1936
Ali, Syed Nawab
See: Nawab Ali, Syed
Ali, Yusuf
See: Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, 1872-1952
Allah, Habeeb Risk
See: Risk Allah, Habeeb
Allanby, Edith
See: Allonby, Edith, 1875-1905
Allan, Frederick William
See: Leo, Alan
Allanson-Winn Headley, Rowland George, Baron
See: Headley, Rowland George Allanson-Winn, Baron, 1855-1935
Allegri, Antonio
See: Correggio, 1489?-1534
Alleman, Jeanne
See: Balde, Jean, 1885-1938
Allenby, Edith
See: Allonby, Edith, 1875-1905
Allen County (Ind.). Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County
See: Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County
Allen, Edith Louise
See: Allen, Edith, 1880-1949
Allen, Edward Tyson, Mrs.
See: Allen, Maryland, 1877-1927
Allen, F. M.
See: Downey, Edmund, 1856-1937
Allen, Gary
See: Spencer, Len, 1867-1914
Allen, Jay Winthrop
See: Foster, W. Bert (Walter Bertram), 1869-1929
Allen, Lewis
See: Woodruff, Wilford, 1807-1898
Allen, Marjorie
See: Seiffert, Marjorie Allen, 1885-1970
Allen, Mary A. (Mary Augusta)
See: Wood-Allen, Mary, 1841-1908
Allen, Matthew (Physician)
See: Allen, M. (Physician), 1783-1845
Allen, Percy, Mrs.
See: Nash, Marjorie, 1887-1980
- en.wikipedia
- Domestic Animals
History and description of the horse, mule, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry and farm dogs; with directions for their management, breeding, crossing, rearing, feeding, and preparation for a profitable market; also their diseases and remedies. Together with full directions for the management of the dairy. (English) (as Author)
Alleyn, Ellen
See: Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894
- A., W. M.
- W. M. A.
- Sam Bass (English) (as Illustrator)
- Corot (English) (as Author)
Alma, Florbela de
See: Espanca, Florbela, 1894-1930
Almberg, Anton
See: Jalava, Antti, 1846-1909
Almeida, Avelino Nunes de
See: Nunes d'Almeida, Avelino
Almeida Coutinho, Henrique Ernesto de
See: Coutinho, Henrique Ernesto de Almeida, 1788-1868
Almeida, Nicolau Tolentino de
See: Tolentino, Nicolau, 1740-1811
Almeida Seabra, Bruno Henriques de
See: Seabra, Bruno, 1837-1876
Almon, Sophie M.
See: Hensley, Sophia Margaretta, 1866-1913
Almore, Casper
See: Beasley, Frederic W., 1808-1878
- Tucker, Charlotte Maria
- en.wikipedia
- The adopted son : or, illustrations of the Lord's prayer (English) (as Author)
- A. L. O. E.'s picture story book. (English) (as Author)
- The battle of life : or, What is a Christian (English) (as Author)
- The beautiful garment, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Beyond the Black Waters (English) (as Author)
- The brother's return, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- The Children's Tabernacle; Or, Hand-Work and Heart-Work (English) (as Author)
- The convict's child : or, the helmet of hope. (English) (as Author)
- The Crown of Success (English) (as Author)
- Edith and Her Ayah, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Flora (English)
- Friend and foe : Or, the breastplate of righteousness (English) (as Author)
- Harold's Bride: A Tale (English) (as Author)
- The Hartley brothers : or, The Knights of Saint John (English) (as Author)
- The Haunted Room: A Tale (English) (as Author)
- Hebrew Heroes: A Tale Founded on Jewish History (English) (as Author)
- Hold fast (English) (as Author)
- House beautiful : or, The Bible museum (English) (as Author)
- Hymns and Poems (English) (as Author)
- Idols in the Heart: A Tale (English) (as Author)
- Life in the Eagle's Nest : A tale of Afghanistan (English) (as Author)
- The look of the thing and other stories (English) (as Author)
- The mirror and the bracelet : or, Little bullets from Batala (English) (as Author)
- Percival's picture gallery (English) (as Author)
- Precepts in Practice; or, Stories Illustrating the Proverbs (English) (as Author)
- Pride and His Prisoners (English) (as Author)
- The Rambles of a Rat (English) (as Author)
- The robbers' cave : A tale of Italy (English) (as Author)
- The sailor's home : Or, the girdle of truth (English) (as Author)
- Sheer Off: A Tale (English) (as Author)
- The Spanish Cavalier: A Story of Seville (English) (as Author)
- Stories of the Wars of the Jews
from the Babylonish captivity, to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (English) (as Author)
- The Story of a Needle (English) (as Author)
- The triumph over Midian (English) (as Author)
- True heroism (English) (as Author)
- Wings and Stings: A Tale for the Young (English) (as Author)
- A Wreath of Indian Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Young Pilgrim: A Tale Illustrative of "The Pilgrim's Progress" (English) (as Author)
Alpha of the plough
See: Gardiner, A. G. (Alfred George), 1865-1946
Alphonsa, Mother
See: Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, 1851-1926
Alphonsus Liguori, Saint
See: Liguori, Alfonso Maria de', Saint, 1696-1787
Alquié de Rieupeyroux, Louise
See: Alq, Louise d', 1840?-1901?
al Raschid Bey, Helene Böhlau
See: Böhlau, Helene, 1859-1940
al-Raschid, Omar, bey
See: Raschid, Omar, bey, 1839-1911?
Alstyne, Lawrence Van
See: Van Alstyne, Lawrence, 1839-1923
Altenstadt, A. von Schmidt auf
See: Schmidt auf Altenstadt, A. von
Althing, Christian
See: Fischer, Christian August, 1771-1829
Alton, Delia
See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961
See: Blackwell, John, 1797-1840
- Abreu, Antonio Alvarez de
- De Abreu, Antonio Alvarez
- en.wikipedia
- The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 30 of 55, 1640
Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century (English) (as Author)
Alvear, Ramón Arminio Laval
See: Laval, Ramón A. (Ramón Arminio), 1862-1929
Alves Pereira, Félix
See: Pereira, Félix Alves, 1865-1936
See: Corrêa, Alvim, 1876-1910
Amare, Rothayne
See: Byrne, S. J. (Stuart James), 1913-2011
Amato, Janet d'
See: D'Amato, Janet, 1925-2017
See: Holden, Martha Everts, 1844?-1896
Ambrose, Lottie F.
See: Biagi
Ambrose, Paul
See: Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870
Ambroyse, Valentine Vattier d'
See: Vattier d'Ambroyse, Valentine, 1835?-1891
Ameer Ali
See: Ali, Syed Ameer, 1849-1928
Ameno, Ludovicis Maria de
See: Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 1632?-1701
American gentleman
See: Sanderson, John, 1783-1844
American Medical Association. Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry
See: Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry (American Medical Association)
- en.wikipedia
- The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 1, January, 1906 (English) (as Author)
- The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, April, 1906 (English) (as Author)
- The American National Red Cross Bulletin (Vol. I, No. 3, July 1906) (English) (as Author)
- The American Red Cross Bulletin (Vol. IV, No. 1, January 1909) (English) (as Author)
- The American Red Cross Bulletin (Vol. IV, No. 2, April 1909) (English) (as Author)
- The American Red Cross Bulletin (Vol. IV, No. 3, July 1909) (English) (as Author)
- The American Red Cross Bulletin (Vol. IV, No. 4, October 1909) (English) (as Author)
- The American Red Cross Magazine (Vol. 8, No. 2, April 1913) (English) (as Author)
- American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick (English) (as Author)
- Armour Institute of Technology. American School of Correspondence
- en.wikipedia
- Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 01 (of 10) (English) (as Author)
- Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 02 (of 10) (English) (as Author)
- Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 03 (of 10) (English) (as Author)
- Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 04 (of 10) (English) (as Author)
- Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 05 (of 10) (English) (as Author)
- Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy, Vol. 1
A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc. (English) (as Author)
- Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy, Vol. 2
A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc. (English) (as Author)
- Electric railways (English)
Amerigo Vespucci
See: Vespucci, Amerigo, 1451-1512
- en.wikipedia
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete (English) (as Author)
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Volume 1 (English) (as Author)
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Volume 2 (English) (as Author)
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Volume 3 (English) (as Author)
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Volume 4 (English) (as Author)
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Volume 5 (English) (as Author)
- The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Volume 6 (English) (as Author)
Amesius, Guilielmus
See: Ames, William, 1576-1633
Ames, Joel
See: Follett, Wilson, 1887-1963
Ames, Lucia True
See: Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936
Ames, Mary Clemmer
See: Clemmer, Mary, 1839-1884
Amic de cada fest
See: Almirall, Valentí, 1841-1904
Amicis, Edmondo de
See: De Amicis, Edmondo, 1846-1908
See: Morrison, Robert, 1782-1834
Amid, John
See: Stearns, Myron M. (Myron Morris), 1884-1963
Amiot, James
See: Amyot, Jacques, 1513-1593
Amman Dihlavi, Mir
See: Mir Amman Dihlavi, active 1801-1806
Amoco (Firm : U.S.)
See: American Oil Company
Amorie van der Hoeven, Abraham des
See: Des Amorie van der Hoeven, Abm. (Abraham), Jr., 1821-1848
Amozeg, Eliyahu ben
See: Benamozegh, Elia, 1823-1900
Am Rhyn, Otto Henne
See: Henne am Rhyn, Otto, 1828-1914
Amusart, Joseph
See: Sulte, Benjamin, 1841-1923
Amy, William Lacey
See: Allan, Luke, 1877-1962
See: Anacreon, 573? BC-495? BC
Andalusi, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
See: Wazir al-Ghassani, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, -1708?
Andelin, Selma
See: Anttila, Selma, 1867-1942
Andelin, Väinö
See: Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö, 1878-1942
Andelin, Verner
See: Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954
Anderson, Anna Kaarina Tuulikki
See: Kaari, Anna, 1903-1987
Anderson, Charles John
See: Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867
Anderson, J. C. O'Gorman, Mrs.
See: Benson, Stella, 1892-1933
- en.wikipedia
- The Little Review, April 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 2) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, April 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 2) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, April 1916 (Vol. 3, No. 2) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, August 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 5) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, December 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 9) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, February 1915 (Vol. 1, No. 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, January 1915 (Vol. 1, No. 10) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, January-February 1916 (Vol. 2, No. 10) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, July 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 5) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, June 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 4) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, June-July 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 4) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, March 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 1) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, March 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 1) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, March 1916 (Vol. 3, No. 1) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, May 1914 (Vol. 1., No. 3) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, May 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 3) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, November 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 8) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, November 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 8) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, October 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 7) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, October 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 7) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, September 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 6) (English) (as Editor)
- The Little Review, September 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 6) (English) (as Editor)
- The Baculum in Microtine Rodents (English) (as Author)
- Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats (English) (as Author)
- Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (English) (as Author)
- Mammals of the Grand Mesa, Colorado (English) (as Author)
- Neotropical Bats from Western México (English) (as Author)
- Records of Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys, from Central America, with Description of a New Subspecies from Nicaragua (English) (as Author)
- Subspeciation in the Meadow Mouse, Microtus montanus, in Wyoming and Colorado (English) (as Author)
- Subspeciation in the Meadow Mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus, in Wyoming, Colorado, and Adjacent Areas (English) (as Author)
See: Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944
Andrada, Joaquim Carlos Paiva de
See: Paiva de Andrada, Joaquim Carlos, 1846-1928
Andrade, Alfredo Augusto Freire de
See: Freire de Andrade, Alfredo Augusto, 1859-1929
Andrade Corvo, João de
See: Corvo, João de Andrade, 1824-1890
Andreä, Johann Valentin
See: Rosencreutz, Christian, 1586-1654
See: Macfie, R. A. Scott (Robert Andrew Scott), 1868-1935
Andreassen, Karl
See: Boyd, Waldo T., 1918-2012
Andrejev, Leonid
See: Andreyev, Leonid, 1871-1919
André, Nathanael St.
See: St. André, Nathanael, 1680-1776
Andreoni, Giovanni Antonio
See: Antonil, André João, 1650-1716
Andrewes, Margaret Hamer
See: Browne, Maggie, 1864-1937
Andrews, Cecily Isabel Fairfield
See: West, Rebecca, 1892-1983
Andrews, Henry Charles
See: Andrews, Henry Cranke, active 1799-1828
Andrews, Marian, Mrs.
See: Hare, Christopher
Andrew & Son
See: John Andrew & Son
Andrézel, Pierre
See: Blixen, Karen, 1885-1962
Andrieux, Louis
See: Aragon, 1897-1982
Andronikos, Monachos
See: Moraitides, Alexandros, 1850-1929
Anély, Max
See: Segalen, Victor, 1878-1919
Angé, Louis Marie Jean-Baptiste
See: Bournac, Olivier, 1885-1931
Angers, Marie-Louise-Félicité
See: Conan, Laure, 1845-1924
Anglemont, A. Privat d' (Alexandre Privat)
See: Privat d'Anglemont, A. (Alexandre), 1815-1859
See: Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829
Anglicus, Merlinus
See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
Anichkova, Anna Mitrofanovna
See: Strannik, Ivan, 1868-1935
Annaeus Seneca, Lucius
See: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 4? BC-65
See: Potti, Kalle, 1871-1935
Annakin, Ethel
See: Snowden, Ethel, 1881-1951
Annie, Cousin
See: Barnes, Annie Maria, 1857-1933
Annunzio, Gabriele d'
See: D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 1863-1938
- Old Hand
- Hints for painters, decorators, and paper-hangers.
Being a selection of useful rules, data, memoranda, methods, and suggestions for house, ship and furniture painting, paper-hanging, gilding, color mixing, and other matters useful and instructive to painters and decorators. Prepared with special reference to the wants of amateurs (English) (as Author)
- en.wikipedia
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- The Bible, King James version, Book 61: 2 Peter (English) (as Author)
- The Bible, King James version, Book 62: 1 John (English) (as Author)
- The Bible, King James version, Book 63: 2 John (English) (as Author)
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- Buds and flowers of childish life (English) (as Author)
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Sa Caharian nang Portugal, na Hinañgo sa Novela (Tagalog) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1915-12
Publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916-01
Publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916-03
Publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916.04
publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916.05
publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916.06
publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916.07
publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
- Bulletin de Lille, 1916.08
publié sous le contrôle de l'autorité allemande (French) (as Author)
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Printed for International and Colportage Mission of Algoma and the North-west (English) (as Author)
- A Collection of Gospel Hymns in Ojibway and English
Printed for International and Colportage Mission of Algoma and the North-west (North American Indian) (as Author)
- Collins' Illustrated Guide to London and Neighbourhood
Being a Concise Description of the Chief Places of Interest in the Metropolis, and the Best Modes of Obtaining Access to Them: with Information Relating to Railways, Omnibuses, Steamers, &c. (English) (as Author)
- The Comical Pilgrim; or, Travels of a Cynick Philosopher...
Thro' the most Wicked Parts of the World, Namely, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Holland (English) (as Author)
- The Community Cook Book (English) (as Author)
- The Conceited Pig (English) (as Author)
- Une Confédération Orientale comme solution de la Question d'Orient (1905) (French) (as Author)
- La conqueste du chasteau d'amours conquestee par l'umilité du beau doulx (French) (as Author)
- The Cornish Fishermen's Watch-Night, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- A Correct Account of the Horrible Occurrence Which Took Place at a Public-House in St. James's Market
In Which It Was Discovered That the Right Rev. Father in God the Bishop of Clogher, Lately Transferred From the Bishopric of Ferns, Was a Principal Actor With a Common Soldier! To the Disgrace Not Only of the Cloth, to Which He Was Attached, and as a Commissioner of the Board of Education, and a Dictator of Public Morals, but as a Member of That Nation Which Gave Him Birth! (English) (as Author)
- Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana e Statuti Costituzionali del Regno d'Italia (Italian) (as Author)
- Cotton, Its Progress from the Field to the Needle
Being a brief sketch of the culture of the plant, its picking, cleaning, packing, shipment, and manufacture (English) (as Author)
- The Council of Dogs (English) (as Author)
- Counterfeit Money
The "green goods" business exposed for the benefit of all who have dishonest inclinations. (English) (as Author)
- The Courtship, Marriage, and Pic-Nic Dinner of Cock Robin & Jenny Wren
With the Death and Burial of Poor Cock Robin (English) (as Author)
- The Crooked Man and Other Rhymes (English) (as Author)
- Croquet: As played by the Newport Croquet Club (English) (as Author)
- Cultus Arborum: A Descriptive Account of Phallic Tree Worship (English) (as Author)
- Curious Creatures (English) (as Author)
- Curly Locks (English) (as Author)
- The Curtezan unmasked; or, The Whoredomes of Jezebel Painted to the Life
With Antidotes against them, or Heavenly Julips to cool Men in the Fever of Lust. (English) (as Author)
- The Daily Newspaper: The History of Its Production and Distibution (English) (as Author)
- Dame Trot and Her Cat (English) (as Author)
- Dame Wonder's Picture Alphabet
Amusing Alphabet, Dame Wonder's Series. (English) (as Author)
- The Dance (by An Antiquary)
Historic Illustrations of Dancing from 3300 B.C. to 1911 A.D. (English) (as Author)
- The danger and immodesty of the present too general custom of unnecessarily employing men-midwives
Being the letters which lately appeared under the signature of a man-midwife. With an introduction, a treatise on the milk, and an appendix. (English) (as Author)
- Dangers on the Ice Off the Coast of Labrador
With Some Interesting Particulars Respecting the Natives of that Country (English) (as Author)
- Danse macabre (French) (as Author)
- La danse macabre des femmes
toute hystoriee et augmentee de plusieurs personnages et beaux dictz en latin et francoys (French) (as Author)
- A day in Mary Carrow's school (English) (as Author)
- A Day with Longfellow (English) (as Author)
- Y ddwy chwaer: Ffeithiau hanesyddol (Welsh) (as Author)
- Deadly Adulteration and Slow Poisoning Unmasked
Disease and Death in the Pot and Bottle (English) (as Author)
- The Death and Burial of Cock Robin (English) (as Author)
- Deeds Barn and the Self Starter (English) (as Author)
- The Deeds Carillon and Carillon Park (English) (as Author)
- Defenders of Democracy (English) (as Author)
- Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible
Apocrypha (English) (as Author)
- The Devil and Parson Church; or, Birds of a feather (English) (as Author)
- A Dialogue Between Dean Swift and Tho. Prior, Esq.
In the Isles of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, On that
Memorable Day, October 9th, 1753 (English) (as Author)
- Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915 (English) (as Author)
- Dictionnaire complet de l'argot employé dans les Mystères de Paris (French) (as Author)
- Diffinição da sécia (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Discours prodigieux et espouventable de trois Espaignols et une Espagnolle,
Magiciens et sorciers qui se faisoient porter par les diables, de ville en ville, avec leurs déclarations d'avoir fait mourir plusieurs personnes et bestail par leurs sorcillèges, et aussi d'avoir fait plusieurs dégats aux biens de la terre : Ensemble l'arrest prononcé contre eux par la Cour de Parlement de Bourdeaux, le Samedy 10. jour de Mars, 1610 (French) (as Author)
- The Dixie Druggist, May, 1913
A Monthly Publication Issued to the Retail Drug Trade of the South (English) (as Author)
- Dog of St. Bernard and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Doing Good (English) (as Author)
- Domestic animals: a story book for children (English) (as Author)
- Do the Dead Return? A True Story of Startling Seances in San Francisco (English) (as Author)
- Dramas in de wolken: Luchtreizen en luchtreizigers
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1875 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Duizend en één Nacht. Arabische vertellingen. Derde deel (Dutch) (as Author)
- Duizend en één Nacht. Arabische vertellingen. Eerste deel (Dutch) (as Author)
- Duizend en één Nacht. Arabische vertellingen. Tweede deel (Dutch) (as Author)
- Duizend en één Nacht. Arabische vertellingen. Vierde deel (Dutch) (as Author)
- Easy to Make Fashions: from Rochelle's Mohlon Orlon Acrylic Fiber. Volume B22. (English) (as Author)
- Edwin, the young rabbit fancier, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Eight Stories for Isabel (English) (as Author)
- Ely Cathedral (English) (as Author)
- Emancipation and Emigration
A Plan to Transfer the Freedmen of the South to the Government Lands of the West by The Principia Club (English) (as Author)
- Emerson Radio Model 39 Warranty Card (English) (as Author)
- The Emigrant's Lost Son; or, Life Alone in the Forest (English) (as Author)
- The Empress Frederick: a memoir (English) (as Author)
- English as She is Wrote
Showing Curious Ways in which the English Language may be made to Convey Ideas or obscure them. (English) (as Author)
- The Entertaining History of Jobson & Nell (English) (as Author)
- The Epistle to the Hebrews (English) (as Author)
- Évangile selon Jean (French) (as Author)
- Everybody's Book of Luck (English) (as Author)
- Every-day heroism (English) (as Author)
- The Extraordinary Adventures of Poor Little Bewildered Henry, Who was shut up in an Old Abbey for Three Weeks
A Story Founded on Fact (English) (as Author)
- Eye Service and Love Service (English) (as Author)
- Fairy's Album
With Rhymes of Fairyland (English) (as Author)
- Familiar Animals (English) (as Author)
- Famous Islands and Memorable Voyages (English) (as Author)
- Farm Gardening with Hints on Cheap Manuring
Quick Cash Crops and How to Grow Them (English) (as Author)
- Favorite Nursery Rhymes (English) (as Author)
- The Female Soldier; Or, The Surprising Life and Adventures of Hannah Snell (English) (as Author)
- The Female Wits (English) (as Author)
- Ferdinand of Bulgaria: The Amazing Career of a Shoddy Czar (English) (as Author)
- Fête aérostatique, qui sera célébrée aujourd'hui au champ de Mars; Aréostation: établissement d'une compagnie aéronautique (French) (as Author)
- Figures in Verse and Simple Rhymes, for Little Learners (Second Series; No. 2) (English) (as Author)
- Film Truth; November, 1920 (English) (as Author)
- Film Truth; September, 1920 (English) (as Author)
- The Fireless Locomotive (English) (as Author)
- Fires and Firemen: from the Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art, Vol XXXV No. 1, May 1855 (English) (as Author)
- The First Report of the Horncastle Teetotal Society, 1843 (English) (as Author)
- The First True Gentleman: A Study of the Human Nature of Our Lord (English)
- Fishes, Flowers, & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths & Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, &c. (English) (as Author)
- The Flood (English) (as Author)
- Florence Hanemann's Dance Revue
Central School, Glen Rock, New Jersey, June 9, 1950 (English) (as Author)
- Folk-lore and Legends: German (English) (as Author)
- Folk-Lore and Legends: North American Indian (English) (as Author)
- Folk-Lore and Legends: Scotland (English) (as Author)
- Footsteps on the Road to Learning; Or, The Alphabet in Rhyme (English) (as Author)
- The Forest of Vazon
A Guernsey Legend of the Eighth Century (English) (as Author)
- The Foundling of the Wreck (English) (as Author)
- The fourth progressive reader : Carefully arranged for the use of schools (English) (as Author)
- Four Years in the Underbrush: Adventures as a Working Woman in New York (English) (as Author)
- The Fox and the Geese; and The Wonderful History of Henny-Penny (English) (as Author)
- Le français tel que le parlent nos tirailleurs sénégalais (French) (as Author)
- Frederick Hale, a biographical sketch (English) (as Author)
- The French Army from Within (English) (as Author)
- From the Australian Front (English) (as Author)
- The Gathering of the Nations (English) (as Author)
- Gay life in Paris: how life is enjoyed by the people of that great metropolis (English) (as Author)
- Gems Gathered in Haste
A New Year's Gift for Sunday Schools (English) (as Author)
- A General's Letters to His Son on Minor Tactics (English) (as Author)
- The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer
A Complete Guide to Correspondence on All Subjects, with Commercial Forms (English) (as Author)
- A German deserter's war experience (English) (as Author)
- The German Spy System from Within (English) (as Author)
- Germany, Turkey, and Armenia
A Selection of Documentary Evidence Relating to the Armenian Atrocities from German and other Sources (English) (as Author)
- Geschiedenis van een Neger
Zyn Reize met de Heer N.... van Surinamen naar Holland.... enz. (Dutch) (as Author)
- The Ghost of Chatham; A Vision
Dedicated to the House of Peers (English) (as Author)
- Golden Deeds
Stories from History (English) (as Author)
- Golden Moments
Bright Stories for Young Folks (English) (as Author)
- The Good Girl (English) (as Author)
- The Good Shepherd: A Life of Christ for Children (English) (as Author)
- Goody Two Shoes (English) (as Author)
- Goody Two-Shoes
A Facsimile Reproduction of the Edition of 1766 (English) (as Author)
- Gordon, der Held von Khartum : ein Lebensbild (German) (as Author)
- Go to Cromer (English) (as Author)
- Gray Hairs Made Happy: An interesting story for children (English) (as Author)
- The Great War and How It Arose (English) (as Author)
- Greetings from Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
7 Framing-Size Photo Reproductions in Natural COlor (English) (as Photographer)
- A Guide to Cromer and Its Neighbourhood (English) (as Author)
- Guide to Fortune-Telling by Dreams (English) (as Author)
- A Guide to Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah (English) (as Author)
- Half hours on the quarter-deck: The Spanish Armada to Sir Cloudesley Shovel 1670 (English) (as Author)
- The Hammond-Harwood House: A Registered National Historic Landmark (English) (as Author)
- The hand-book of the law of legacies
containing a statement of the nature of legacies, and the accidents to which they are subjects; together with the rights of legatees, and the causes and manner of the ademption, cumulation, and abatement of their bequests (English) (as Author)
- Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet (English) (as Author)
- The Hand Phrenologically Considered
Being a Glimpse at the Relation of the Mind with the Organisation of the Body (English) (as Author)
- The handy manual: A veritable mine of useful and interesting statistics, information, etc. (English) (as Author)
- Happiness in Purgatory (English) (as Author)
- The happy villagers
Embellished with an engraving (English) (as Author)
- Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies
or Man of Pleasure's Kalendar for the Year, 1788 (English) (as Author)
- Harry's Ladder to Learning (English) (as Author)
- The hermit of the forest : or, Wandering infants, a rural tale (English) (as Author)
- The Herriges Horror in Philadelphia
A Full History of the Whole Affair. A Man Kept in a Dark Cage Like a Wild Beast for Twenty Years, As Alleged, in His Own Mother's and Brother's House (English) (as Author)
- Hier beghint die hystorie Vanden grooten Coninck Alexander (Dutch) (as Author)
- Highroads of Geography
Introductory Book: Round the World with Father (English) (as Author)
- Hildebrand; or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 1 of 3 (English) (as Author)
- Hildebrand; or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 2 of 3 (English) (as Author)
- Hildebrand; or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 3 of 3 (English) (as Author)
- Histoire de Mlle Brion dite Comtesse de Launay (1754)
Introduction, Essai bibliographique par Guillaume Apollinaire (French) (as Author)
- Historia de la célebre Reina de España Doña Juana, llamada vulgarmente, La Loca (Spanish) (as Author)
- Historical Description of Westminster Abbey, Its Monuments and Curiosities (English) (as Author)
- Historical Sketch of the Cathedral of Strasburg (English) (as Author)
- Historie van Doctor Jan Faustus, grooten tooveraer en zwarten konstenaer (Dutch) (as Author)
- Historie van het huis van Adriaan: Eene grappige vertelling (Dutch) (as Author)
- The history of a tame robin (English) (as Author)
- History of Steam on the Erie Canal (English) (as Author)
- History of the 11th Field Company Australian Engineers, Australian Imperial Force (English) (as Author)
- The history of the London Burkers
Containing a faithful and authentic account of the horrid acts of the noted Resurrectionists, Bishop, Williams, May, etc., etc., and their trial and condemnation at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Carlo Ferrari, with the criminals' confessions after trial. Including also the life, character, and behaviour of the atrocious Eliza Ross, the murderer of Mrs. Walsh, etc., etc. (English) (as Author)
- The History of the Prince of Wales' Civil Service Rifles (English) (as Author)
- The History of Tom Thumb and Other Stories. (English) (as Author)
- Holiday Frolics; Or, Endless Amusement for the Christmas Fireside
Containing, the Most Astonishing Feats of Legerdemain, and Astounding Conjurings; Entertaining Experiments in Various Branches of Science; Tricks With Cards & Dice. Art of Making Fireworks; Together With an Excellent Collection of Puzzles, Conundrums, Riddles, Charades, &c. &c. The Whole Admirably Calculated to Beguile the Leisure Hours of Our Holiday Friends. Embellished With a Copper-plate Engraving (English) (as Author)
- Holidays at Brighton : or, sea-side amusements (English) (as Author)
- HomeBrew HomePages Put YOU on the World Wide Web (English) (as Author)
- Honoring Parents (English) (as Author)
- The horrors of the Negro slavery existing in our West Indian islands
irrefragably demonstrated from official documents recently presented to the House of Commons (English) (as Author)
- Hours of childhood, and other poems (English) (as Author)
- The House That Jack Built, a Game of Forfeits
To Which is Added, the Entertaining Fable of "The Magpie" (English) (as Author)
- How to become a lightning calculator (English) (as Author)
- How to Fold Napkins
Abundantly Illustrated with Many Handsome Styles and Diagrams Which Show How It is Done (English) (as Author)
- How to Get Rich (English) (as Author)
- How to hypnotize : The science of controlling the minds of others (English) (as Author)
- How to Make Candy
A Complete Hand Book for Making All Kinds of Candy, Ice Cream, Syrups, Essences, Etc., Etc. (English) (as Author)
- How to Solve Conundrums
Containing All the Leading Conundrums of the Day, Amusing Riddles, Curious Catches, and Witty Sayings (English) (as Author)
- How to Write a Novel: A Practical Guide to the Art of Fiction (English) (as Author)
- The Hunted Outlaw, or, Donald Morrison, the Canadian Rob Roy (English) (as Author)
- Hyvä naapuri (Finnish) (as Author)
- IBM 1401 Programming Systems (English) (as Author)
- IBM System 360 RPG Debugging Template and Keypunch Card (English) (as Author)
- Ibong Adarna
Corrido at Buhay na Pinagdaanan nang tatlong Principeng Magcacapatid na Anac nang Haring Fernando at nang Reina Valeriana sa Cahariang Berbania (Tagalog) (as Author)
- Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls (English) (as Author)
- Incidents of childhood (English) (as Author)
- The Infamous Life of John Church, the St. George's Fields Preacher
From His Infancy Up to His Trial and Conviction, With His Confession, Sent in a Letter to the Rev. Mr. L--, Two Days After His Attack on Adam Foreman, at Vauxhall, With Clerical Remarks by the Same Gentleman; to Which Is Added, His Love Epistles to E**** B****. Together With Various Other Letters, Particularly One to Cook, of Vere-Street Notoriety. (English) (as Author)
- Infant's Cabinet of Birds & Beasts (English) (as Author)
- The Infant's Delight: Poetry (English) (as Author)
- Insect manufactures (English) (as Author)
- Insects and Diseases of Trees in the South (English) (as Author)
- Installation and Operation Instructions For Custom Mark III CP Series Oil Fired Unit (English) (as Author)
- The Interlude of Wealth and Health (English) (as Author)
- International Bridge Authority, Sault Ste. Marie (English) (as Author)
- The International Jew : The World's Foremost Problem (English) (as Author)
- The interpretation of dreams and moles, with other curious matters, relating to love and courtship (English) (as Author)
- In the Nursery: Happy Hours for the Little Ones (English) (as Author)
- Invention and Discovery: Curious Facts and Characteristic Sketches (English) (as Author)
- Irish Wit and Humor
Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell (English) (as Author)
- Isabel d'Aragão a Rainha Santa
Historia sucinta da sua vida, morte e excelsas virtudes (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Is Ulster Right? (English) (as Author)
- Jack and Jill and Old Dame Gill (English) (as Author)
- Jack Jingle, and Sucky Shingle (English) (as Author)
- The Jade Flute: Chinese Poems in Prose (English) (as Translator)
- Jesus Fulfils the Law (English) (as Author)
- Jesus, The Messiah; or, the Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in the New Testament Scriptures, by a Lady (English) (as Author)
- John Chinaman on the Rand (English) (as Author)
- John Ronge; The Holy Coat of Treves; New German-Catholic Church (English) (as Author)
- Les joies du pardon
Petites histoires contemporaines pour la consolation des coeurs chrétiens (French) (as Author)
- Jokes For All Occasions
Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers (English) (as Author)
- Journal of a Soldier of the Seventy-First, or Glasgow Regiment, Highland Light Infantry, from 1806-1815 (English) (as Author)
- Julia and the Pet-Lamb; or, Good Temper and Compassion Rewarded (English) (as Author)
- The Juvenile Bible: Being a brief concordance of the Holy Scriptures, in verse.
Containing a summary of all the chapters in the books of the Old and New Testament, from Genesis to the Revelation, alphabetically arranged, and admirably adapted to the comprehension and retention of young readers. (English) (as Author)
- Juvenile Sports; or, Youth's Pastimes (English) (as Author)
- Kalevala (Swedish) (as Author)
- Karjalan kankahilta I (Finnish) (as Author)
- De kasteelen van Koning Lodewijk II van Beieren
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 (Dutch) (as Author)
- The Keepsake
or, Poems and Pictures for Childhood and Youth (English) (as Author)
- La kialo de la vivo (Esperanto) (as Author)
- King Winter (English) (as Author)
- The Kitchen Encyclopedia
Twelfth Edition (Swift & Company) (English) (as Author)
- Kitty's Picnic, and Other Stories (English)
- Kokka-tarinoita (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kolmetoista vuotta Pähkinälinnassa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Konstantinopel en het Serail
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1865 (Dutch) (as Author)
- The Ladies Book of Useful Information
Compiled from many sources (English) (as Author)
- The Ladies Delight (English) (as Author)
- Ladies' manual of art; or, profit and pastime.
A self teacher in all branches of decorative art, embracing every variety of painting and drawing on china, glass, velvet, canvas, paper and wood the secret of all glass transparencies, sketching from nature. pastel and crayon drawing, taxidermy, etc. (English) (as Author)
- The Ladies' Work-Table Book
Containing Clear and Practical Instructions in Plain and Fancy Needlework, Embroidery, Knitting, Netting and Crochet (English) (as Author)
- Langs den Nijl: Herinneringen eener reis in Egypte
De Aarde en haar volken, 1868 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Latin Vulgate, Bible Book Titles and Names (Latin) (as Author)
- Latin Vulgate, Daniel: Prophetia Danielis (Latin) (as Author)
- Latin Vulgate, Esther: Liber Esther (Latin) (as Author)
- Latin Vulgate, Esther: Liber Esther (Latin) (as Author)
- Laura Middleton; Her Brother and her Lover (English) (as Author)
- Lectures on Land Warfare; A tactical Manual for the Use of Infantry Officers
An Examination of the Principles Which Underlie the Art of Warfare, with Illustrations of the Principles by Examples Taken from Military History, from the Battle of Thermopylae, B.C. 480, to the Battle of the Sambre, November 1-11, 1918 (English) (as Author)
- Let's Have a Party! (English) (as Author)
- A Letter From a Clergyman to his Friend,
with an Account of the Travels of Captain Lemuel Gulliver (English) (as Author)
- A Letter to a Gentleman in the Country, from His Friend in London
Giving an Authentick and Circumstantial Account of the Confinement, Behaviour, and Death of Admiral Byng, as Attested by the Gentlemen Who Were Present (English) (as Author)
- A Letter to Lord Robert Bertie
Relating to His Conduct in the Mediterranean, and His Defence of Admiral Byng (English) (as Author)
- A Letter to Sir Samuel Shepherd, Knt., His Majesty's Attorney General
Upon the Subject of His Prosecutions of Richard Carlile, for Publishing Paine's Age of Reason (English) (as Author)
- The Levellers
A Dialogue Between Two Young Ladies, Concerning Matrimony, Proposing an Act for Enforcing Marriage, for the Equality of Matches, and Taxing Single Persons (English) (as Author)
- Ley, porque V. Magestade ha por bem restituir aos indios do Grão Pará, e Maranhão a liberdade das suas pessoas, e bens etc. (Portuguese) (as Author)
- El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t. 1 (Spanish) (as Author)
- El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t. 2 (Spanish) (as Author)
- El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t. 3 (Spanish) (as Author)
- El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t. 6 (Spanish) (as Author)
- El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t. 7 (Spanish) (as Author)
- Life and Confession of Ann Walters, the Female Murderess!!
Also the Execution of Enos G. Dudley, at Haverhill, N. H., May 23, 1849. To Which Is Added the Confession of Mary Runkle, Who Was Executed for Murder. (English) (as Author)
- The Life and Death of Tom Careless
to which is added, The History of Will Worthy & Nancy Wilmot (English) (as Author)
- The Life and Surprising Exploits of Jack Sheppard (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Blessed John B. Marie Vianney, Curé of Ars
With a Novena and Litany to this Zealous Worker in the Vineyard of the Lord (English) (as Author)
- The Life of David; Or, The History of the Man After God's Own Heart (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes
His Fortunes & Adversities; with a Notice of the Mendoza Family, a Short Life of the Author, Don Diego Hurtado De Mendoza, a Notice of the Work, and Some Remarks on the Character of Lazarillo de Tormes (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes: His Fortunes and Misfortunes as Told by Himself (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Our Lord in Simple Language for Little Children (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Saint Bridget, Virgin and Abbess (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Saint Columba, Abbot, and Apostle of the Northern Picts (English) (as Author)
- The Life of That Wonderful and Extraordinarily Heavy Man, Daniel Lambert
From His Birth to the Moment of His Dissolution; With an Account of Men Noted for Their Corpulency, and Other Interesting Matter (English) (as Author)
- The Life of the Venerable Mother Mary of the Incarnation (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Venerable Sister Margaret Bourgeois (English) (as Author)
- Life on the Farm; in Amusing Rhyme (English) (as Author)
- The life, trial and conversations of Robert Emmet, Esq., leader of the Irish insurrection of 1803 : also, the celebrated speech made by him on the occasion (English) (as Author)
- A Life Unveiled, by a Child of the Drumlins (English) (as Author)
- Den Lilla Swenska och Finska Tolken = Ruottalainen ja Suomalainen Kielikirja (Finnish) (as Author)
- Den Lilla Swenska och Finska Tolken = Ruottalainen ja Suomalainen Kielikirja (Swedish) (as Author)
- Litanaiit Liturgiillo attoraksat illagêktunut Labradoremẽtunut (Inuktitut) (as Author)
- Little Alice's Palace; or, The Sunny Heart (English) (as Author)
- Little Cinderella (English) (as Author)
- Little Crumbs, and Other Stories
Fully Illustrated (English) (as Author)
- Little Folded Hands
Prayers for Children (English) (as Author)
- Little Frank and other tales : Chiefly in words of one syllable (English) (as Author)
- Little Frida: A Tale of the Black Forest (English) (as Author)
- A Little Girl to her Flowers in Verse (English) (as Author)
- The Little Girl Who Was Taught by Experience (English) (as Author)
- Little Henry and His Bird (English) (as Author)
- Little Mother Goose (English) (as Author)
- Little Scenes for Little Folks
In Words Not Exceeding Two Syllables (English) (as Author)
- Little Stories for Little Children (English) (as Author)
- The Little Treasure of Prayers
Being a Translation of the Epitome from the German Larger "Treasure of Prayers" ["Gebets-Schatz"] of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (English) (as Author)
- Live to be Useful
or, The Story of Annie Lee and her Irish Nurse (English) (as Author)
- Livre d'amours, auquel est relatee la grant amour et façon par laquelle Pamphille peut jouir de Galathee et le moyen qu'en fist la maquerelle (French) (as Author)
- Le livre du faulcon (French) (as Author)
- The London and Country Brewer (English) (as Author)
- London and Its Environs Described, vol. 1 (of 6)
Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It (English) (as Author)
- London and Its Environs Described, vol. 2 (of 6)
Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It (English) (as Author)
- London and Its Environs Described, vol. 3 (of 6)
Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It (English) (as Author)
- London and Its Environs Described, vol. 4 (of 6)
Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It (English) (as Author)
- London and Its Environs Described, vol. 5 (of 6)
Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It (English) (as Author)
- London and Its Environs Described, vol. 6 (of 6)
Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It (English) (as Author)
- The London-Bawd: With Her Character and Life
Discovering the Various and Subtle Intrigues of Lewd Women (English) (as Author)
- Lord Lister No. 0115: Een Sinterklaas-verrassing (Dutch) (as Author)
- The Lost Dispatch (English) (as Author)
- Lost Mine Trail, Big Bend National Park, Texas (English) (as Author)
- Louis Riel, Martyr du Nord-Ouest
Sa vie, son procès, sa mort (French) (as Author)
- Der Luftpirat und sein lenkbares Luftschiff 1: Der Beherrscher der Lüfte (German) (as Author)
- Der Luftpirat und sein lenkbares Luftschiff 40: Die Empörung im Weltenfahrzeug (German) (as Author)
- Der Luftpirat und sein lenkbares Luftschiff 42: Im Todeskrater des neuen Planeten (German) (as Author)
- Der Luftpirat und sein lenkbares Luftschiff 56: Die Weltenfahrer auf dem Riesen-Planeten (German) (as Author)
- Der Luftpirat und sein lenkbares Luftschiff 63: Die Schreckensreise des Weltenfahrzeuges (German) (as Author)
- Der Luftpirat und sein lenkbares Luftschiff 66: Das Weltenfahrzeug zwischen den Riesen-Kometen (German) (as Author)
- Macmillan's Reading Books. Book V (English) (as Author)
- Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural Phenomena (English) (as Author)
- The Magna Carta (English) (as Author)
- The Malthusian Handbook
Designed to Induce Married People to Limit Their Families Within Their Means. (English) (as Author)
- Mammoth Hot Springs Area: Yellowstone National Park (English) (as Author)
- Mandalay, de jongste hoofdstad van Birma
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1904 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Manners and Conduct in School and Out (English) (as Author)
- Manners and Rules of Good Society; or, Solecisms to be Avoided (English) (as Author)
- Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided (English) (as Author)
- The Manual of Heraldry; Fifth Edition
Being a Concise Description of the Several Terms Used, and Containing a Dictionary of Every Designation in the Science (English) (as Author)
- Manuel du Valet de Chambre
Contenant des indications sur la tenue, le langage, le service de table et des appartements, le soin des parquets, de l'argenterie, des cuivres, etc., la manière de recevoir et de répondre à la porte, etc., etc. (French) (as Author)
- Marvel Carbureter and Heat Control
As Used on Series 691 Nash Sixes Booklet S (English) (as Author)
- The Masculine Cross
A History of Ancient and Modern Crosses and Their Connection with the Mysteries of Sex Worship; Also an Account of the Kindred Phases of Phallic Faiths and Practices (English) (as Author)
- Masters in Art, Part 32, v. 3, August, 1902: Giotto
A Series of Illustrated Monographs (English) (as Author)
- Máximas Morales en Ilocano y Castellano
Para Uso de los Niños (Iloko) (as Author)
- Máximas Morales en Ilocano y Castellano
Para Uso de los Niños (Spanish) (as Author)
- Medicina Flagellata; Or, The Doctor Scarify'd (English) (as Author)
- The Medley (English) (as Author)
- Um meeting na parvonia: poemeto escripto num canto (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Mellifont Abbey, Co. Louth
Its Ruins and Associations, a Guide and Popular History (English) (as Author)
- Le ménagier de Paris (v. 1 & 2) (French) (as Author)
- The Merry Andrew; or, The Humours of a Fair. (English) (as Author)
- Mesa Verde [Colorado] National Park (English) (as Author)
- The Mesa Verde Story (English) (as Author)
- Mexiko
De Aarde en haar volken, Jaargang 1865 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam: The Grasshopper and the Corliss (English) (as Author)
- Miniature essays: Igor Stravinsky (English) (as Author)
- Miniature essays: Igor Stravinsky (French) (as Author)
- Minnewaska Mountain Houses (English) (as Author)
- Miss Peck's Adventures: The Second Part of The Conceited Pig (English) (as Author)
- Modest Remarks upon the Bishop of London's Letter Concerning the Late Earthquakes (English) (as Author)
- Momotaro; or, Little Peachling
Japanese Fairy Tale Series No. 1 (English) (as Author)
- The Monkey's Frolic: A Humorous Tale, in Verse (English) (as Author)
- The Moral Picture Book (English) (as Author)
- The Moravians in Labrador (English) (as Author)
- The Most Extraordinary Trial of William Palmer, for the Rugeley Poisonings, which lasted Twelve Days (English) (as Author)
- The motherless bairns, and who sheltered them (English) (as Author)
- Mother Stories from the New Testament
A Book of the Best Stories from the New Testament that Mothers can tell their Children (English) (as Author)
- Mother Stories from the Old Testament
A Book of the Best Stories from the Old Testament that Mothers can tell their Children (English) (as Author)
- The Mouse and the Christmas Cake (English) (as Author)
- Mr. Sweet Potatoes, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- My Actor-Husband: A true story of American stage life (English) (as Author)
- My bird and my dog: A tale for youth (English) (as Author)
- Myers' Grand Hippodrome (English) (as Author)
- Mysteries of the Rosie Cross
Or, the History of that Curious Sect of the Middle Ages, Known as the Rosicrucians; with Examples of their Pretensions and Claims as Set Forth in the Writings of Their Leaders and Disciples (English) (as Author)
- The Mysterious Basket; or, The Foundling. A Story for Boys and Girls (English)
- My Young Days (English) (as Author)
- Nanny Merry
or, What Made the Difference? (English) (as Author)
- A Narrative of the Melancholy Wreck of the "Dunbar," Merchant Ship, on the South Head of Port Jackson, August 20th, 1875 (English) (as Author)
- The Nation's Peril.
Twelve Years' Experience in the South. Then and Now. The Ku Klux Klan, a Complete Exposition of the Order: Its Purpose, Plans, Operations, Social and Political Significance; The Nation's Salvation. (English) (as Author)
- Naturgeschichte des Fasans : Ein Auszug aus den Schriften der bewährtesten Naturforscher (German) (as Author)
- Naughty Puppies (English) (as Author)
- Nell and Her Grandfather, Told from Charles Dickens's "The Old Curiosity Shop" (English)
- The new book of Niagara: Scenes in summer and winter (English) (as Author)
- The New Book of Nonsense
Contribution to the Great Central Fair in Aid of the Sanitary Commission (English) (as Author)
- Newcom Tavern (English) (as Author)
- The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide
Being a Collection of the Most Valuable Receipts; Embracing all the Various Branches of Cookery, and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner (English) (as Author)
- The New Hand-Book to Lowestoft and Its Environs (English) (as Author)
- New Mexico Magazine's A Taste of New Mexico Kitchens (English) (as Author)
- The New York Cake Book: Fifty Recipes by a Famous New York Chef (English) (as Author)
- Ninth annual report of the St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, Church of England District Visiting Society
with some account of the different societies subordinate or affiliated to it (English) (as Author)
- Notable Women of Olden Time (English) (as Author)
- Notes of hospital life from November, 1861, to August, 1863 (English) (as Author)
- Notes on a Tour Through the Western part of The State of New York (English) (as Author)
- Nouveau voyage en France
Conversations familières, instructives et amusantes par un Papa (French) (as Author)
- Nursery Lessons, in Words of One Syllable (English) (as Author)
- Nuts to crack: A galaxy of puzzles, riddles, conundrums, etc. (English) (as Author)
- The oak and the briony (English) (as Author)
- The Oaths, Signs, Ceremonies and Objects of the Ku-Klux-Klan.
A Full Expose. By A Late Member (English) (as Author)
- L'oeuvre des conteurs allemands: mémoires d'une chanteuse allemande
traduit pour la première fois en français avec des fragments inédits (French) (as Author)
- Old Buildings of New York, With Some Notes Regarding Their Origin and Occupants (English) (as Author)
- The Old Castle and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Old Man's Story (English) (as Author)
- The Old Mill and the Covered Bridge (English) (as Author)
- Omzwervingen door de eilandenwereld van den Grooten-oceaan
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Omzwervingen door de eilandenwereld van den Grooten Oceaan: De Fidji-eilanden
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1888 (Dutch) (as Author)
- The Only True Mother Goose Melodies (English) (as Author)
- Opium Eating: An Autobiographical Sketch by an Habituate (English) (as Author)
- Oration on Charles Sumner, Addressed to Colored People (English) (as Author)
- The Ordeal of Elizabeth (English) (as Author)
- Oriental tales, for the entertainment of youth
Selected from the most eminent English writers (English) (as Author)
- The Orkneyinga Saga (English) (as Author)
- Orthodox Daily Prayers (English) (as Author)
- Our Katie (English) (as Author)
- Our Little Tot's Own Book
of Pretty Pictures, Charming Stories, and Pleasing Rhymes and Jingles (English) (as Author)
- Our Pets (English) (as Author)
- Our Saviour (English) (as Author)
- Our Western Hills: How to reach them; And the Views from their Summits
By a Glasgow Pedestrian (English) (as Author)
- Outline of the history of the English language and literature (English) (as Author)
- Palvelijat ja isäntäväki: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pamela Censured (English) (as Author)
- The Parables of the Saviour
The Good Child's Library, Tenth Book (English) (as Author)
- A Parody on "Mary's Ghost;" or, The Doctors and Body-snatchers.
A Pathetic Tale, With Numerous Additions. (English) (as Adapter)
- A Pata no Choco (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Paulina and her Pets (English) (as Author)
- The Pearl Box
Containing One Hundred Beautiful Stories for Young People (English) (as Author)
- The Pearl Box
Containing One Hundred Beautiful Stories for Young People, by a Pastor (English) (as Author)
- Peines, tortures et supplices (French) (as Author)
- Peter Piper's Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation (English) (as Author)
- Phebe, the Blackberry Girl
Uncle Thomas's Stories for Good Children (English) (as Author)
- A Picture Book, for Little Children (English) (as Author)
- A Picture-book of Merry Tales (English) (as Author)
- Pictures from English History: A Fireside Amusement (English) (as Author)
- Picturesque Germany
First Series (English) (as Author)
- Picturesque World's Fair, Vol. I, No. 1, Feb. 10, 1894
An Elaborate Collection of Colored Views . . . Comprising Illustrations of the Greatest Features of the World's Columbian Exposition and Midway Plaisance: Architectural, Artistic, Historical, Scenic and Ethnological (English) (as Author)
- Pietar Patelin eli Sukkela asianajaja: Ilveilys kolmessa näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Pioneer Home (English) (as Author)
- Pisa
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Plain tales, chiefly intended for the use of charity schools (English) (as Author)
- Pleasing Stories for Good Children with Pictures (English) (as Author)
- Poeta de Tristibus; Or, The Poet's Complaint (English) (as Author)
- The Poll for an Assistant Minister for the Parish of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich (English) (as Author)
- The Popular Story of Blue Beard
Embellished with neat Engravings (English) (as Author)
- Portraits of Curious Characters in London, &c. &c.
With Descriptive and Entertaining Ancedotes. (English) (as Author)
- The Power of Mesmerism
A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies (English) (as Author)
- The Power of Music
In which is shown, by a variety of pleasing and instructive anecdotes, the effects it has on man and animals. (English) (as Author)
- The Practical Joke; Or, The Christmas Story of Uncle Ned (English) (as Author)
- The Practical Magician and Ventriloquist's Guide
A practical manual of fireside magic and conjuring illusions, containing also complete instructions for acquiring and practising the art of ventriloquism. (English) (as Author)
- Precision locating and dividing methods (English) (as Author)
- A Present for Infants; or, Pictures for the Nursery (English) (as Author)
- The Present State of the British Interest in India
With a Plan for Establishing a Regular System of Government in That Country (English) (as Author)
- Projet pour la compagnie des transports, postes et messageries (French) (as Author)
- Prophecies of Robert Nixon, Mother Shipton, and Martha, the Gypsy (English) (as Author)
- Prophetia Ionae (Latin) (as Author)
- Publications of William Rider & Son, Ltd. (English) (as Author)
- Punky Dunk and the Gold Fish (English) (as Author)
- Punky Dunk and the Mouse (English) (as Author)
- Punky Dunk and the Spotted Pup (English) (as Author)
- Quacks and Grafters (English) (as Author)
- The Quadrupeds' Pic-Nic (English) (as Author)
- A queens delight : or, The art of preserving, conserving and candying. As also, a right knowledge of making perfumes, and distilling the most excellent waters. (English) (as Author)
- Queen Victoria
Story of Her Life and Reign, 1819-1901 (English) (as Author)
- The Quiver, 11/1899 (English) (as Author)
- The Quiver, 1/1900 (English) (as Author)
- The Quiver 12/1899 (English) (as Author)
- The Quiver 3/1900 (English) (as Author)
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Expansion Interface: Operator's Manual
Catalog Numbers: 26-1140, 26-1141, 26-1142 (English) (as Author)
- Ragatz en Pfeffers
De Aarde en haar volken, Jaargang 1868 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Railway Reform
ou considérations sur la nécessité de réformer les bases du système qui a créé et qui dirige les chemins de fer de la Grande Bretagne, et des moyens à employer pour atteindre ce but. (French) (as Author)
- The Rainbow, After the Thunder-Storm (English) (as Author)
- Rambles in Cuba (English) (as Author)
- Recueil des exemples de la malice des femmes, et des malheurs venus à leur occasion (French) (as Author)
- Reflections upon Two Pamphlets Lately Published
One called, A Letter from Monsieur de Cros, concerning the Memoirs of Christendom, and the Other, An Answer to that Letter. (English) (as Author)
- Réflexions pour les fermiers-généraux des messageries (French) (as Author)
- Regimental Nicknames and Traditions of the British Army (English) (as Author)
- Reis door Griekenland
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Reis naar Merw
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Relação do formidavel, e lastimoso terremoto succedido no Reino de Valença
No dia 23 de Março deste presente anno de 1748 pelas 6.
horas, e tres quartos da manhã (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Relación historica de los sucesos de la rebelión de José Gabriel Tupac-Amaru en las provincias del Peru, el año de 1780 (Spanish) (as Author)
- Relation d'un voyage du Pole Arctique au Pole Antarctique par le centre du monde (French) (as Author)
- Relikwieën uit onzen Heldentijd
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 (Dutch) (as Author)
- The Remarkable Adventures of an Old Woman and Her Pig
An Ancient Tale in a Modern Dress (English) (as Author)
- Remarks on the Proposed Railway Between Birmingham and London (English) (as Author)
- Reminiscences of the Cleveland Light Artillery (English) (as Author)
- Reprezentação à Academia Real das Ciências sobre a refórma da ortografia (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Required Poems for Reading and Memorizing
Third and Fourth Grades, Prescribed by State Courses of Study (English) (as Author)
- Ring o' Roses: A Nursery Rhyme Picture Book (English) (as Author)
- The Riverside Bulletin, March, 1910
Houghton Mifflin Company Books for Spring and Summer (English) (as Author)
- Robin Hood;
Being a Complete History of All the Notable and Merry Exploits Performed by Him and His Men on Many Occasions (English) (as Author)
- Roman Catholicism in Spain (English) (as Author)
- The Romance of Lust: A classic Victorian erotic novel (English) (as Author)
- Romancero selecto del Cid (Spanish) (as Author)
- The Rosary (English) (as Author)
- Rose of Affection (English) (as Author)
- The Royal Game of the Ombre
Written at the Request of divers Honourable Persons—1665 (English) (as Author)
- Ruth: Kertomus tytöille (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Sabbath and the Crystal Palace (English) (as Author)
- Der sächsische Prinzenraub nach älteren und neueren Quellen
nebst einer Beschreibung des zu dessen Erinnerung errichteten Denkmals und des zu seinem Schutz erbauten Köhlerhauses am Fürstenberge bei Grünhain (German) (as Author)
- Salt ... or No Salt ... (English) (as Author)
- Samoan ihmesaarilta : Kertomuksia ja kuvauksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- The San Francisco Fairy: A Tale of Early Times (English) (as Author)
- Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle, or St. Nicholas
Fully Illustrated. (English) (as Author)
- Sasha the serf, and other stories of Russian life (English) (as Author)
- Satuja ja tarinoita itäisiltä mailta
Lasten Hupainen Huvitus I. (Finnish) (as Author)
- Scenes in the West; or, The Sunday-School and Temperance (English) (as Author)
- Die Schön Magelona
eine fast lustige Historie von dem Ritter mit den silbern Schlüsseln und von der Schönen Magelona gar lustig zu lesen (German) (as Author)
- The School-Girls in Number 40; or, Principle Put to the Test (English) (as Author)
- Sciências Naturaes
Pela Redacção da «Educação Nacional» (Portuguese) (as Author)
- The Scribleriad, and The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue (English) (as Author)
- The Seaside Sibyl; Or Leaves of Destiny: A Fortune Teller in Verse (English) (as Author)
- Second Annual Report of the Kensington Church of England District Visiting Society (1846) (English) (as Author)
- The secrets of black arts! : A key note to witchcraft, devination [sic], omens, forwarnings, apparitions, sorcery, dæmonology, dreams, predictions, visions, and the Devil's legacy to earth mortals, compacts with the Devil! With the most authentic history of Salem witchcraft (English) (as Author)
- Secrets of Making Frozen Desserts at Home: 150 Tested Recipes
Easier, More Economical, More Delicious (English) (as Author)
- The Secrets of the Harem (English) (as Author)
- The Senses and the Mind (English) (as Author)
- Seven years in Vienna (August, 1907-August, 1914), a record of intrigue (English) (as Author)
- Shakspeare's Mental Photographs (English) (as Compiler)
- Shaving Made Easy: What the Man Who Shaves Ought to Know (English) (as Author)
- Shells and pebbles: A story for children (English) (as Author)
- Shining Hours (English) (as Author)
- A Short History of Birds & Beasts, for the Amusement and Instruction of Children (English) (as Author)
- Simple Plumbing Repairs for the Home and Farmstead (English) (as Author)
- Simple Poems for Infant Minds (English) (as Author)
- Simple Simon
Silhouette Series (English) (as Author)
- Simpson's Chelsea, Pimlico, Brompton, and Knightsbridge Directory, and Court Guide (English) (as Author)
- Sindbad the Sailor, & Other Stories from the Arabian Nights (English) (as Author)
- La situacion de Puerto-Rico
Las falacias de los conservadores y los compromisos del partido radical (Spanish) (as Author)
- The skeleton crew : or, Wildfire Ned (English) (as Author)
- Sketches of the Fair Sex, in All Parts of the World.
To which are added rules for determining the precise figure, the degree of beauty, the habits, and the age of women, notwithstanding the aids and disguise of dress. (English) (as Author)
- Smeaton and Lighthouses
A Popular Biography, with an Historical Introduction and Sequel (English) (as Author)
- Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex
The Genuine History of the Inhuman and Unparalleled Murders of Mr. William Galley a Custom-house Officer, and Mr. Daniel Chater, a Shoemaker, by Fourteen Notorious Smugglers, with the Trials and Execution of Seven of the Criminals at Chichester, 1748-9 (English) (as Author)
- Society for Superseding the Necessity of Climbing Boys, by Encouraging a New Method of Sweeping Chimneys: Twenty-First Report, May 1, 1837 (English) (as Author)
- The Soldier Turned Farmer (English) (as Author)
- Le songe doré de la pucelle (French) (as Author)
- Souvenir Album of the Great European War
With Pictorial Maps of the Battlegrounds (English) (as Author)
- Souvenir Book of the Great Chelsea Fire April 12, 1908
Containing Thirty-Four Views of the Burned District and Prominent Buildings (English) (as Author)
- Special Days and Their Observance
September 1919 (English) (as Author)
- Spring Blossoms (English) (as Author)
- Steam Engines (English) (as Author)
- The Steam Fire Engine and the Old-time Fire Bell (English) (as Author)
- Stop in Time: A word in season, from a faithful friend, on a very serious subject (English) (as Author)
- Stories about Indians (English) (as Author)
- Stories About Indians (English) (as Author)
- Stories of the War of 1812, and the Mexican War (English) (as Author)
- The Story of a Peninsular Veteran
Sergeant in the Forty-Third Light Infantry, during the Peninsular War (English) (as Author)
- The Story of Frithiof the Bold
1875 (English) (as Author)
- The Story of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald
1875 (English) (as Author)
- The story of Ida Pfeiffer and her travels in many lands (English) (as Author)
- The Story of the Herschels, a Family of Astronomers
Sir William Herschel, Sir John Herschel, Caroline Herschel (English) (as Author)
- A story of the sawdust: The pathetic history of "Old Props'" darling (English) (as Author)
- The Story of the White-Rock Cove (English) (as Author)
- Strive and Thrive; or, Stories for the Example and Encouragement of the Young (English) (as Author)
- Study of Inner Cultivation (Chinese) (as Author)
- Study of Inner Cultivation (English) (as Author)
- Suez
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1865 (Dutch) (as Author)
- A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo
Now Royal Hotel Danieli (English) (as Author)
- The Surprising and Singular Adventures of a Hen as Related by Herself to Her Family of Chickens (English) (as Author)
- Susan and Edward; Or, A Visit to Fulton Market (English) (as Author)
- Swetnam, the Woman-hater, arraigned by women
A new comedie, acted at the Red Bull, by the late Queenes seruants. (English) (as Author)
- A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe
Being A Graduated Course Of Analysis For The Use Of Students And All Those Engaged In The Examination Of Metallic Combinations (English) (as Author)
- A Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- The Talisman: A Tale for Boys (English) (as Author)
- Talk about Socialism with an old shopmate (English) (as Author)
- Talon-Pojan Sää- eli Ilma-Kirja (Finnish) (as Author)
- Tame Animals (English) (as Author)
- A teacher's gift (English) (as Author)
- The Telephone in America: Bell Telephone System (English) (as Author)
- Ten Months in the Field with the Boers (English)
- La terrible et merveilleuse vie de Robert le Diable (French) (as Author)
- Textos biblicos
arranjados de maneira a que possam facilitar o processo de examinar as Escripturas Sagradas e achar de prompto qualquer texto (Portuguese) (as Author)
- That Mother-in-Law of Mine (English) (as Author)
- That Reminds Me: A Collection of Tales Worth Telling (English) (as Compiler)
- Third Annual Report of the Kensington Parochial Institute (English) (as Author)
- Thoughts on the Christian Religion, by a Deist
To Which Are Added, a Few Ideas on Miraculous Conversion, and Religion in General, by a Theophilanthropist (English) (as Author)
- The Three Bears (English) (as Author)
- Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy
A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities. (English) (as Author)
- Thuringen
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Tienhaarassa (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Tiny Picture Book (English) (as Author)
- The Tiny Story Book. (English) (as Author)
- Tom and Maggie Tulliver (English) (as Adapter)
- Tom, the Piper's Son (English) (as Author)
- The Travels and Extraordinary Adventures of Bob the Squirrel (English) (as Author)
- A Treatise of Daunses, Wherin It is Shewed, That They Are as It Were Accessories and Dependants (Or Thynges Annexed) to Whoredome
Where Also by the Way is Touched and Proued, That Playes Are Ioyned and Knit Togeather in a Rancke or Rowe with Them (1581) (English) (as Author)
- Trees of the Forest: Their Beauty and Use (English) (as Author)
- The Trial and Conviction of John Church
The Preacher of the Surrey Tabernacle, Borough Road, at the Surrey Assizes, at Croydon, on Saturday, the 16th of August, 1817, for an Assault With Intent to Commit an Unnatural Crime. (English) (as Author)
- The Trial and Conviction of That Infamous Hypocrite John Church
The Surrey Tabernacle Preacher, Borough-road, St. George's Fields, for an Abominable Offence; Including the Whole of the Evidence; Tried Before Lord Ellenborough, at the Surrey Assizes, Croydon, Saturday, August 16, 1817. To Which Is Added, His Life, Confessions, Notes of One of His Sermons, the Whole of the Love-letters, &c. &c. (English) (as Author)
- The Trial and Execution of the Sparrow for Killing Cock Robin (English) (as Author)
- Trichocosmos: Notes historical, æsthetical, ethnological, physiological, anecdotal and tonsorial, on the hair & beard (English) (as Author)
- A Trip to the Chain-Bridge, Near Bangor, and Other Parts of North Wales (English) (as Author)
- The True History of the Kentish Lawyer
with an account of the extraordinary marriage of his son (English) (as Author)
- The True Life of Betty Ireland
With Her Birth, Education, and Adventures. Together with Some Account of Her Elder Sister Blanch of Britain. Containing Sundry Very Curious Particulars (English) (as Author)
- True Politeness: A Hand-book of Etiquette for Ladies (English) (as Author)
- True Stories of Wonderful Deeds
Pictures and Stories for Little Folk (English) (as Author)
- Trust in God (English) (as Author)
- The Truth about Church Extension
An exposure of certain fallacies and misstatements contained in the census reports on religious worship and education (English) (as Author)
- The Truth About German Atrocities
Founded on the Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages (English) (as Author)
- Tuhannen ja yhden yön tarinoita III (Finnish) (as Author)
- Tuhannen ja yhden yön tarinoita Suomen lapsille II (Finnish) (as Author)
- The turner's companion
containing instructions in concentric, elliptic, and eccentric turning; also various plates of chucks, tools and instruments: and directions for using the eccentric cutter, drill, vertical cutter, and circular rest; with patterns, and instructions for working them. (English) (as Author)
- The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter & Alcmena (English) (as Author)
- Twenty tales by twenty women: From real life in Chicago (English) (as Author)
- The Two Doves, and Other Tales.
Holiday tales, translated from the German. (English) (as Author)
- The Two Goats and the Sick Monkey (English) (as Author)
- The two kinds of fear (English) (as Author)
- Two Poems Against Pope
One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope and the Blatant Beast (English) (as Author)
- Two Yellow-Birds (English) (as Author)
- Een uitstapje naar Sicilië
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1868 (Dutch) (as Editor)
- The unique story book (English) (as Author)
- The Useful Arts Employed in the Construction of Dwelling Houses. Second Edition (English) (as Author)
- Vääpeli Lemminkäisen päiväkirja
Suomen kaartin retkestä Konstantinopolin muurien edustalle
vuosina 1877-1878 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vasárnapi Könyv. 1914. Első félév 17. füzet (Hungarian) (as Author)
- Het Vatikaan
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Vaughan's Vegetable Cook Book (4th edition)
How to Cook and Use Rarer Vegetables and Herbs (English) (as Author)
- The Vegetable Garden: What, When, and How to Plant (English) (as Author)
- Venetië
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1865 (Dutch) (as Author)
- De Verdelgingsoorlog der Yankees tegen de Apachen-indianen
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Viamos e não veremos
alegoria moral, acompanhada de outras diversas maximas relativas a nossa liberdade constitucional (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Vice in its Proper Shape
Or, The Wonderful and Melancholy Transformation of Several
Naughty Masters and Misses Into Those Contemptible Animals
Which They Most Resemble In Disposition. (English) (as Author)
- Vida De Lazarillo De Tormes Y De Sus Fortunas Y Adversidades (Spanish) (as Author)
- Village Annals, Containing Austerus and Humanus: A Sympathetic Tale (English) (as Author)
- De Villa's der Medici in den omtrek van Florence
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Volume of anecdotes (English) (as Author)
- Wandelingen door België
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Wandelingen door België
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Wandelingen door Elzas-Lotharingen
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886 (Dutch) (as Author)
- The War History of the 1st/4th Battalion, the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
now the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire), 1914-1918 (English) (as Author)
- The war record of the Fifth Company, New England Regiment, Second Plattsburg Training Camp (English) (as Author)
- Washington album (English) (as Author)
- Watch and Clock Escapements
A Complete Study in Theory and Practice of the Lever, Cylinder and Chronometer Escapements, Together with a Brief Account of the Origin and Evolution of the Escapement in Horology (English) (as Author)
- Weather, Crops, and Markets. Vol. 2, No. 6 (English) (as Author)
- Weather Warnings for Watchers (English) (as Author)
- Wee Ones' Bible Stories (English) (as Author)
- Wehman Bros.' Irish Yarns Wit and Humor, No. 2 (English) (as Author)
- Wehman Bros.' Vaudeville Jokes No. 1. (English) (as Author)
- West Port Murders
Or an Authentic Account of the Atrocious Murders Committed by Burke and His Associates; Containing a Full Account of All the Extraordinary Circumstances Connected With Them. Also, a Report of the Trial of Burke and M'Dougal. With a Description of the Execution of Burke, His Confessions, and Memoirs of His Accomplices, Including the Proceedings Against Hare, &c. (English) (as Author)
- What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote (English) (as Author)
- What We Saw in Egypt (English) (as Author)
- Whither? (English) (as Author)
- The Whole Secret Laid Open, Or the Complete Art of Making the Chemical Fulminating Objects,
Such as the Lace, or Girt of Security, Fulminating Letters, Balls, Bombs, Garters, Cards, Spiders, Segars, Chairs, Drawers, Boots, Shoes, &c. &c. (English) (as Author)
- The Wig and the Shoulder of Mutton; or, The Folly of Juvenile Fears (English) (as Author)
- Winter (English) (as Author)
- With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia
1916—1917 (English) (as Author)
- Women Students in the University of North Carolina: 1897-1922 (English) (as Author)
- The Wonders of a Toy Shop (English) (as Author)
- Wonders of Creation: A Descriptive Account of Volcanoes and Their Phenomena (English) (as Author)
- Woodbine-Arbor; or, The Little Gardeners: A Story of a Happy Childhood (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Chronicles (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Corinthians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 John (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Kings (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Peter (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Samuel (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Thessalonians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 1 Timothy (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Chronicles (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Corinthians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 John (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Kings (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Peter (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Samuel (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Thessalonians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Timothy (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): 3 John (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Acts (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Amos (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Colossians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB), Complete (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Daniel (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Deuteronomy (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Ecclesiastes (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Ephesians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Esther (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Exodus (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Ezekiel (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Ezra (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Galatians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Genesis (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Habakkuk (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Haggai (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Hebrews (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Hosea (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Isaiah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): James (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Jeremiah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Job (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Joel (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): John (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Jonah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Joshua (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Jude (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Judges (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Lamentations (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Leviticus (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Luke (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Malachi (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Mark (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Micah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Nahum (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Nehemiah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Numbers (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Obadiah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Philemon (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Philippians (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Proverbs (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Psalms (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Revelation (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Romans (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Ruth (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Song of Solomon (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Titus (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Zechariah (English) (as Author)
- The World English Bible (WEB): Zephaniah (English) (as Author)
- The World's Fair
Or, Children's prize gift book of the Great Exhibition of 1851 : describing the beautiful inventions and manufactures exhibited therein : with pretty stories about the people who have made and sent them : and how they live when at home. (English) (as Author)
- The World Turned Upside Down
Or, No News, and Strange News (English) (as Author)
- The Wreck (English) (as Author)
- Wreck of the "London." (English) (as Author)
- The Wright Brothers (English) (as Author)
- The Young Captives
A Narrative of the Shipwreck and Suffering of John and William Doyley (English) (as Author)
- The Young Carpenters of Freiberg
A Tale of the Thirty Years' War (English) (as Author)
- The Young Lady's Equestrian Manual (English) (as Author)
- The Young Lady's Mentor
A Guide to the Formation of Character. In a Series of Letters to Her Unknown Friends (English) (as Author)
- Young Oliver: or the Thoughtless Boy. A Tale (English) (as Author)
- Young Soldier (English) (as Author)
- Your All-time Favorite Afghans to Knit or Crochet
in Bear Brand and Fleisher Yarns (English) (as Author)
- Youthful folly detected: Written for the benefit of youth, particularly the female sex (English) (as Author)
- De Zaan en Waterland: Een kijkje in Noord Holland
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887 (Dutch) (as Author)
- Zenith Television Receiver Operating Manual (English) (as Author)
- 三字經 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 山水情 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 山海經 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 施公案 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 施公案 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 易經 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 木蘭奇女傳 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 海公案 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 燕丹子 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 狄公案 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 百家姓 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 禮記 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 綠牡丹 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 詩經 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 麟兒報 (Chinese) (as Author)
Anonymous Christian
See: De Mille, James, 1833-1880
See: Duffield, Samuel Willoughby, 1843-1887
Anser Pen-drag-on
See: Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835
Anson, Cap
See: Anson, Adrian C. (Adrian Constantine), 1852-1922
Anson, Margaret
See: Bertram, James Glass, 1824-1892
- Ansted, William Alexander
- York Minster (English) (as Illustrator)
Ansted, William Alexander
See: Ansted, Alexander, 1859-1948
Antelo, Eetu
See: Aaltio, Valto Edward, 1891-1946
Anthony, Eve Destantins
See: Destantins Anthony, Eve
See: Duane, William, 1760-1835
Anti-slavery Society (Great Britain : 1823)
See: Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius
See: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180
Antony, Eve Destantins
See: Destantins Anthony, Eve
Antony, Father
See: McCabe, Joseph, 1867-1955
Antwerp, William C. Van (William Clarkson)
See: Van Antwerp, William C. (William Clarkson), 1867-1938
Anville, Hubert François Bourguignon d'
See: Gravelot, Hubert François, 1699-1773
See: Brummer, Aina, 1859-1884
See: Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (U.S.)
Apher, Publius Terentius
See: Terence
See: Schultz, James Willard, 1859-1947
- De Kostrowisky, Guillaume
- Kostrowisky, Guillaume de
- en.wikipedia
- fr.wikipedia
- Alcools (French) (as Author)
- Le bestiaire: ou, Cortège d'Orphée (French) (as Author)
- Calligrammes: Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre (1913-1916) (French) (as Author)
- La femme assise (French) (as Author)
- Le flâneur des deux rives (French) (as Author)
- L'hérésiarque et Cie (French) (as Author)
- Histoire de Mlle Brion dite Comtesse de Launay (1754)
Introduction, Essai bibliographique par Guillaume Apollinaire (French) (as Editor)
- L'oeuvre de John Cleland: Mémoires de Fanny Hill, femme de plaisir
Introduction, essai bibliographique par Guillaume Apollinaire (French) (as Commentator)
- L'oeuvre des conteurs allemands: mémoires d'une chanteuse allemande
traduit pour la première fois en français avec des fragments inédits (French) (as Editor)
- L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat (1/2) (French) (as Editor)
- L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat (2/2)
Félicia ou mes fredaines (French) (as Editor)
- L'oeuvre du comte de Mirabeau (French) (as Editor)
- L'oeuvre du divin Arétin, deuxième partie
Essai de bibliographie arétinesque par Guillaume Apollinaire (French) (as Editor)
- L'oeuvre du divin Arétin, première partie
Introduction et notes par Guillaume Apollinaire (French) (as Editor)
- L'Oeuvre Poètique de Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du Mal (French) (as Commentator)
- Les Peintres Cubistes: [Méditations Esthétiques] (French) (as Author)
- The Poet Assassinated (English) (as Author)
- Le poète assassiné (French) (as Author)
- Les trois Don Juan
Don Juan Tenorio d'Espagne, Don Juan de Maraña des Flandres, Don Juan d'Angleterre (French) (as Author)
Apostolides, Petros
See: Nirvanas, Paulos, 1866-1937
- en.wikipedia
- Don Sturdy in the tombs of gold; or, The old Egyptian's great secret (English) (as Author)
- The motion picture chums at Seaside Park : or, The rival photo theatres of the boardwalk (English) (as Author)
- The motion picture chums' new idea : or, The first educational photo playhouse (English) (as Author)
- The Moving Picture Boys and the Flood; Or, Perilous Days on the Mississippi (English) (as Author)
- The Moving Picture Boys at Panama; Or, Stirring Adventures Along the Great Canal (English) (as Author)
- The Moving Picture Boys on the Coast
Or, Showing Up the Perils of the Deep (English) (as Author)
- The Moving Picture Boys on the War Front
Or, The Hunt for the Stolen Army Films (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers; Or, The Secret of Phantom Mountain (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Air (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seas (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seas (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Air Glider; Or, Seeking the Platinum Treasure (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and his airline express : or, From ocean to ocean by daylight (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Sky (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Airship (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andes (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and his chest of secrets : or, Tracing the stolen inventions (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Rails (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Land (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Road (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and his flying boat; or, The castaways of the giant iceberg (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon; Or, The Longest Shots on Record (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Giant Telescope (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and his great oil gusher : or, The treasure of Goby Farm (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight; or, on the border for Uncle Sam (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and his house on wheels : A trip to the mountain of mystery (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopa (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Road (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone or the Picture That Saved a Fortune (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Sky Racer; Or, The Quickest Flight on Record (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and his talking pictures : or, The greatest invention on record (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlantic (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Sam (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Island (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift circling the globe; or, The daring cruise of the Air Monarch (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airship (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airship (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Underground (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders (English) (as Author)
- Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Gold (English) (as Author)
See: Brooks, Charles Timothy, 1813-1883
Aquiles Tácio
See: Achilles Tatius, 100?-170?
Aquinas, Thomas, Saint
See: Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274
Arabi, Ahmad
See: Urabi, Ahmad, 1841?-1911
Arango, María del Amparo Ruiz
See: Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo, 1832-1895
Araujo, Alexandre Herculano de Carvalho e
See: Herculano, Alexandre, 1810-1877
Arauz, Juan Díez de Betanzos e
See: Betanzos, Juan de, 1510-1576
Arcas, Pol
See: Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios, 1864-1922
Arce, Pascual de Gayangos y
See: Gayangos, Pascual de, 1809-1897
Archer, F. M.
See: Ainslie, Arthur, 1871?-1940
Archer, Lee
See: Ellison, Harlan, 1934-2018
- Bowman, James F.
- Romaunt, Christopher
- The Island Home (English) (as Author)
- en.wikipedia
- America To-day, Observations and Reflections (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 01 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 02 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 03 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 04 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 05 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 06 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 07 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 08 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 09 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 10 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 11 (of 11) (English) (as Editor)
- Eskimo Life (English) (as Translator)
- The Feast at Solhoug (English) (as Translator)
- Gems (?) of German Thought (English) (as Editor)
- Ghosts (English) (as Translator)
- God and Mr. Wells: A Critical Examination of 'God the Invisible King' (English) (as Author)
- The Green Goddess (English) (as Author)
- Hedda Gabler (English) (as Translator)
- John Gabriel Borkman (English) (as Translator)
- Little Eyolf (English) (as Translator)
- The Master Builder (English) (as Translator)
- Play-Making: A Manual of Craftsmanship (English) (as Author)
- Tales of Two Countries (English) (as Translator)
- Through Afro-America: An English Reading of the Race Problem (English) (as Author)
- When We Dead Awaken (English) (as Translator)
- William Shakespeare: A Critical Study (English) (as Translator)
Archette, Guy
See: Geier, Chester S., 1921-1990
Arcot, Roger
See: Locke, Robert Donald
Arellano, Alvaro Retana Ramírez de
See: Retana, Alvaro
Arellano, Feliciano Ramírez de, marqués de la Fuensanta del Valle
See: Fuensanta del Valle, Feliciano Ramírez de Arellano, marqués de la, 1826-1896
Arensola, Bartolomé Leonardo de
See: Leonardo de Argensola, Bartolomé, 1562-1631
- Αρετάς, Ιωάννης
- Βέρθερος (Greek) (as Translator)
Aretino, Leonardo
See: Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-1444
Argensola, Bartolomé Leonardo de
See: Leonardo de Argensola, Bartolomé, 1562-1631
Argüello, Leopoldo Lugones
See: Lugones, Leopoldo, 1874-1938
See: Evans, Estwick, 1787-1866
See: Cooper, John Gilbert, 1723-1769
- Αριστοφάνης
- en.wikipedia
- The Acharnians (English) (as Author)
- Aristophane; Traduction nouvelle, tome premier (French) (as Author)
- Aristophane; Traduction nouvelle, tome second (French) (as Author)
- Aristophanis Lysistrata (Latin) (as Author)
- The Birds (English) (as Author)
- The Clouds (English) (as Author)
- Comedias, tomo 1 de 3 : Los Acarnienses, los Caballeros, las Nubes (Spanish) (as Author)
- Comedias, tomo 2 de 3 : Las Avispas, la Paz, las Aves, Lisístrata (Spanish) (as Author)
- Comedias, tomo 3 de 3 : Las Fiestas de Ceres, las Ranas, las Junteras, Pluto (Spanish) (as Author)
- The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1 (English) (as Author)
- The Eleven Comedies, Volume 2 (English) (as Author)
- The Frogs (English) (as Author)
- Lysistrata (English) (as Author)
- Peace (English) (as Author)
- De Ridders (Dutch) (as Author)
- Βάτραχοι (Greek) (as Author)
- Εκκλησιάζουσαι (Greek) (as Author)
- Λυσιστράτη (Greek) (as Author)
- Νεφέλαι (Greek) (as Author)
- Όρνιθες (Greek) (as Author)
Arizona Writers Project
See: Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Arizona
Arlunydd Penygarn
See: Thomas, T. H. (Thomas Henry), 1839-1915
Armagh, William
See: Alexander, William, 1824-1911
Armengol, Arturo Cuyás y
See: Cuyás, Arturo, 1845-1925
Armour Institute of Technology. American School of Correspondence
See: American School of Correspondence
Arms, Mary L. Day
See: Day, Mary L., 1836-
Armstrong, Eliza
See: Bengough, Elisa Armstrong, -1929
Armstrong, Helen Porter
See: Melba, Nellie, Dame, 1861-1931
Armstrong, Nevins
See: Armstrong, William N. (William Nevins), 1835-1905
Armstrong, Willimina L. (Willimina Leonora)
See: Zamin Ki Dost, 1866-1947
Army Air Forces (U.S.)
See: United States. Army Air Forces
Army and Navy Commission of the Episcopal Church
See: Episcopal Church. Army and Navy Commission
Armytage, Edward
See: Armitage, Edward, 1817-1896
Arnaldo Márquez, José
See: Márquez, José Arnaldo, 1830-1904
Arnd, Friedrich
See: Raschid, Omar, bey, 1839-1911?
Arndt, Friedrich
See: Raschid, Omar, bey, 1839-1911?
Arndt, Henriette Wilhelmine
See: Hanke, Henriette Wilhelmine Arndt, 1784-1862
Arnim, Elizabeth von
See: Von Arnim, Elizabeth, 1866-1941
See: Bergh, John, 1872-1939
Arnold, Birch
See: Bartlett, Alice E. (Alice Elinor), 1848-1920
- en.wikipedia
- The Essence of Buddhism (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- Hindu literature : Comprising The Book of good counsels, Nala and Damayanti, The Ramayana, and Sakoontala (English) (as Translator)
- Indian Poetry
Containing "The Indian Song of Songs," from the Sanskrit of the Gîta Govinda of Jayadeva, Two books from "The Iliad Of India" (Mahábhárata), "Proverbial Wisdom" from the Shlokas of the Hitopadesa, and other Oriental Poems. (English) (as Author)
- The Light of Asia (English) (as Author)
- The Song Celestial; Or, Bhagavad-Gîtâ (from the Mahâbhârata)
Being a discourse between Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supreme Being under the form of Krishna (English) (as Translator)
- The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- en.wikipedia
- The Magician's Own Book, or, the Whole Art of Conjuring
Being a complete hand-book of parlor magic, and containing over one thousand optical, chemical, mechanical, magnetical, and magical experiments, amusing transmutations, astonishing sleights and subtleties, celebrated card deceptions, ingenious tricks with numbers, curious and entertaining puzzles, together with all the most noted tricks of modern performers. (English) (as Author)
- Stories by American Authors, Volume 5 (English) (as Contributor)
Arnold, Mary Augusta
See: Ward, Humphry, Mrs., 1851-1920
Arnould, Charles Albert d'
See: Bertall, 1820-1882
Arola, Aaro A.
See: Nuutinen, Aaro A. (Aaro August), 1886-1949
Aronaho, Onni
See: Piirinen, Hanna, 1881-1955
Arouet, François Marie
See: Voltaire, 1694-1778
Arp, Hans
See: Arp, Jean, 1887-1966
Arras, Jean d'
See: Jean, d'Arras, active 14th century
Arroyó, Francisco de Paula Martínez de la Rosa Berdejo y Gómez
See: Martínez de la Rosa, Francisco, 1787-1862
Arteaga, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda y
See: Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis, 1814-1873
Artemas (Andrew Cassels Brown)
See: Brown, Andrew Cassels, 1875-1941
- Uncle Herbert
- en.wikipedia
- After a shadow, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- After the Storm (English) (as Author)
- The Allen House; Or, Twenty Years Ago and Now (English) (as Author)
- All's for the Best (English) (as Author)
- The Angel and the Demon: A Tale (English) (as Author)
- Cast Adrift (English) (as Author)
- Danger; Or, Wounded in the House of a Friend (English) (as Author)
- Finger Posts on the Way of Life (English) (as Author)
- Friends and Neighbors; Or, Two Ways of Living in the World (English) (as Editor)
- The Good Time Coming (English) (as Author)
- Grappling with the Monster; Or, the Curse and the Cure of Strong Drink (English) (as Author)
- Hair Breadth Escapes
Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors and travelers in Japan, Cuba, East Indies, etc., etc. (English) (as Author)
- The Hand but Not the Heart; Or, The Life-Trials of Jessie Loring (English) (as Author)
- Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures (English) (as Author)
- Home Lights and Shadows (English) (as Author)
- The Home Mission (English) (as Author)
- Home Scenes and Home Influence; a series of tales and sketches (English) (as Author)
- The Iron Rule; Or, Tyranny in the Household (English) (as Author)
- The Last Penny and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them (English) (as Author)
- The Lights and Shadows of Real Life (English) (as Author)
- Lizzy Glenn; Or, The Trials of a Seamstress (English) (as Author)
- Married Life; Its Shadows and Sunshine (English) (as Author)
- Off-Hand Sketches, a Little Dashed with Humor (English) (as Author)
- The power of kindness and other stories
A book for the example and encouragement of the young (English) (as Author)
- Riches have wings; or, A tale for the rich and poor (English) (as Author)
- Rising in the world : A tale for the rich and poor (English) (as Author)
- The Son of My Friend (English) (as Author)
- Ten Nights in a Bar Room (English) (as Author)
- Trials and Confessions of a Housekeeper (English) (as Author)
- True Riches; Or, Wealth Without Wings (English) (as Author)
- The Two Wives; Or, Lost and Won (English) (as Author)
- The Wedding Guest: A Friend of the Bride and Bridegroom (English) (as Editor)
- Who Are Happiest? and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Woman's Trials; Or, Tales and Sketches from the Life around Us (English) (as Author)
- Words for the Wise (English) (as Author)
- Words of Cheer for the Tempted, the Toiling, and the Sorrowing (English) (as Author)
- Wreaths of Friendship: A Gift for the Young (English) (as Author)
Artzibashef, Michael
See: Artsybashev, M. (Mikhail), 1878-1927
Arusmont, Frances Wright d'
See: Wright, Frances, 1795-1852
Arvanites, Lekas
See: Palles, Alexandros, 1851-1935
Arvidsson, Adolf Ivar
See: Arwidsson, Adolph Ivar, 1791-1858
Arvo K.
See: Korhonen, Arvo E., 1869-1940
Ash, Fenton
See: Aubrey, Frank, 1847-1927
Ashkinazi, Mikhail Osipovich
See: Delines, Michel, 1851-1914
Ashley-Montagu, Montague Francis
See: Montagu, Ashley, 1905-1999
Ashmore, Annie
See: Simpson, J. M., Mrs.
Ash, Paul
See: Ashwell, Pauline, 1928-2015
Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank Trelawny Arthur
See: Paris, John, 1889-1976?
- Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century
With Facsimiles, Notes, and Introduction (English) (as Author)
- Curious Creatures in Zoology (English) (as Author)
- The Dawn of the XIXth Century in England: A social sketch of the times (English) (as Author)
- The Devil in Britain and America (English) (as Author)
- Drinks of the World (English) (as Author)
- Eighteenth Century Waifs (English) (as Author)
- English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. Volume 1 (of 2) (English) (as Author)
- English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. Volume 2 (of 2) (English) (as Author)
- The Fleet: Its Rivers, Prison, and Marriages (English) (as Author)
- Florizel's Folly (English) (as Author)
- Gossip in the First Decade of Victoria's Reign (English) (as Author)
- The History of Bread: From Pre-historic to Modern Times (English) (as Author)
- The History of Gambling in England (English) (as Author)
- Humour, Wit, & Satire of the Seventeenth Century (English) (as Compiler)
- Hyde Park from Domesday-book to Date (English) (as Author)
- The Legendary History of the Cross
A Series of Sixty-four Woodcuts from a Dutch Book Published by Veldener, A.D. 1483 (English) (as Editor)
- Modern Street Ballads (English) (as Compiler)
- Old times : A picture of social life at the end of the eighteenth century (English) (as Author)
- A Righte Merrie Christmasse: The Story of Christ-Tide (English) (as Author)
- Social England under the Regency, Vol. 1 (of 2) (English) (as Author)
- Social England under the Regency, Vol. 2 (of 2) (English) (as Author)
- Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne, Taken from Original Sources (English) (as Author)
- The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville Knight
Which treateth of the way towards Hierusalem and of marvayles of Inde with other ilands and countreys (English) (as Editor)
- When William IV. Was King (English) (as Author)
Ashton, Winifred
See: Dane, Clemence, 1888-1965
Asker, John
See: Asser, John, -909
Askew, Margaret
See: Fell, Margaret, 1614-1702
Aslanes, Demetrios Chatzekonstante
See: Vyzantios, D. K. (Demetrios Konstantinou), 1790-1853
Aspelin-Ignatius, Aino Kyllikki
See: Ignatius, Kyllikki, 1877-1951
- Asp, Johanna Wilmelmiina
- Pikku mies (Finnish) (as Translator)
Asp, Johanna Wilmelmiina
See: Asp, Hanna, 1868-1949
A Square
See: Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
Asquith, Elizabeth
See: Bibesco, Elizabeth, 1897-1945
Assensio, José
See: Asensio, José, 1759?-
Assis Figueiredo, Affonso Celso de, conde de Affonso Celso
See: Affonso Celso, Affonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo, conde de, 1860-1938
Assis, Machado de
See: Machado de Assis, 1839-1908
Astis, Giuseppe de
See: De-Astis, Giuseppe
Astrologue lyonnois
See: Blégny, Monsieur de (Nicolas), 1652-1722
A. T.
See: Turunen, Armas E., 1886-1909
See: Valois, Léonise, 1868-1936
See: Manley, Mrs. (Mary de la Rivière), 1663-1724
Athanasius, of the West
See: Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers, -367?
Atheling, William
See: Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972
Atherton, Edward
See: Holden, Edward S. (Edward Singleton), 1846-1914
Atherton, Harper
See: Fowler, Frank, 1833-1863
Athlyi Rogers, Robert
See: Rogers, Robert Athlyi, 1891-1931
Atiles, Francisco del Valle
See: Valle Atiles, Francisco del, 1852-1928
Atkins, Frank
See: Aubrey, Frank, 1847-1927
- Panchadasi, Swami
- Ramacharaka, Yogi
- Vishita, Bhakta
- en.wikipedia
- More titles under Dumont, Theron Q.
- More titles under Three Initiates
- The Art of Logical Thinking; Or, The Laws of Reasoning (English) (as Author)
- Clairvoyance and Occult Powers (English) (as Author)
- Dynamic Thought; Or, The Law of Vibrant Energy (English) (as Author)
- Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers (English) (as Author)
- The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath (English) (as Author)
- How to Read Human Nature: Its Inner States and Outer Forms (English) (as Author)
- The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms (English) (as Author)
- Memory: How to Develop, Train, and Use It (English) (as Author)
- Mind and Body; or, Mental States and Physical Conditions (English) (as Author)
- Mystic Christianity; Or, The Inner Teachings of the Master (English) (as Author)
- Nuggets of the New Thought: Several Things That Have Helped People (English) (as Author)
- Practical Mind-Reading
A Course of Lessons on Thought-Transference, Telepathy, Mental-Currents, Mental Rapport, &c. (English) (as Author)
- Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing (English) (as Author)
- The Psychology of Salesmanship (English) (as Author)
- Reincarnation and the Law of Karma
A Study of the Old-New World-Doctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect (English) (as Author)
- A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga: The Yoga of Wisdom (English) (as Author)
- A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga (English) (as Author)
- Thought-Culture; Or, Practical Mental Training (English) (as Author)
- Your Mind and How to Use It: A Manual of Practical Psychology (English) (as Author)
Atomic Energy Commission (U.S.)
See: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Atterley, Joseph
See: Tucker, George, 1775-1861
See: Aryasura
Aubert, Ch.-F. (Charles-Félix)
See: Vattier d'Ambroyse, Valentine, 1835?-1891
Aubigné, J. H. Merle d' (Jean Henri Merle)
See: Merle d'Aubigné, J. H. (Jean Henri), 1794-1872
Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelot, Sir
See: Wade, Henry, 1887-1969
Aubrey le Blond, Mrs.
See: Le Blond, Aubrey, Mrs., 1861-1934
Auby, Marie Gouze
See: Gouges, Olympe de, 1748-1793
Aucour, Claude Godard d'
See: Godard d'Aucour, Claude, 1716-1795
Augustine, Mildred
See: Wirt, Mildred A. (Mildred Augustine), 1905-2002
Augustine, Saint
See: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430
- Berneville, Marie-Catherine Jumelle de, comtesse d'Aulnoy
- d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine
- en.wikipedia
- fr.wikipedia
- Contes, Tome I (French) (as Author)
- Contes, Tome II (French) (as Author)
- La cour et la ville de Madrid vers la fin du XVIIe siècle
Relation du voyage d'Espagne par la comtesse d'Aulnoy (French) (as Author)
- The Ingenious and Diverting Letters of the Lady ---- Travels into Spain
Describing the Devotions, Nunneries, Humours, Customs, Laws, Militia, Trade, Diet and Recreations of That People (English) (as Author)
- Princess Belle-Etoile (English) (as Author)
- Tales of Passed Times (English) (as Contributor)
Aungerville, Richard
See: Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345
Aunt Ella
See: Blanchard, Amy Ella, 1856-1926
Aunt Fanny
See: Fanny, Aunt, 1822-1894
Aunt Fanny's daughter
See: Barrow, Sarah L.
Aunt Friendly
See: Baker, Sarah S. (Sarah Schoonmaker), 1824-1906
Aunt Hattie
See: Leslie, Madeline, 1815-1893
Aunt Mary
See: Hughs, Mrs. (Mary)
Aunt Naomi
See: Landa, Gertrude
Aunt Penn
See: Huntington, Faye, 1838-1923
See: Elfving, Betty, 1837-1923
Aurelio Ambrogio, Saint, Bishop of Milan
See: Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397
Aurel, Marc
See: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180
Aurevilly, J. Barbey d' (Jules Barbey d')
See: Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. (Jules), 1808-1889
Austin, Arthur
See: Wilson, John, 1785-1854
Austin, Lucie, Lady
See: Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 1821-1869
Auton, C.
See: Hoppin, Augustus, 1828-1896
See: Wigström, Eva, 1832-1901
Avecilla, Pablo Alonso de la
See: Alonso de la Avecilla, Pablo, 1810-1860
Aveleda, Diana de
See: Dinis, Júlio, 1839-1871
Avellaneda, Alonso Fernández de
See: Fernández de Avellaneda, Alonso
Avellaneda, Gertrudis Gómez de
See: Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis, 1814-1873
Avenarius, Iohanne
See: Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590
Avery, Al
See: Montgomery, Rutherford G. (Rutherford George), 1896-1985
Avery, Harriette
See: Gaul, Harriet A. (Harriet Avery), 1886-1972
Avila, Comtesse de
See: Eulalia, Infanta of Spain, 1864-1958
Avila Pompéia, Raul de
See: Pompéia, Raul, 1863-1895
Avila, Teresa of
See: Teresa, of Avila, Saint, 1515-1582
Avinova, Anna Mitrofanovna
See: Strannik, Ivan, 1868-1935
A.W. Faber (Firm)
See: Faber-Castell (Firm)
A., W. M.
See: Allison, W. M. (William Merle), 1880-1964
Ax, Julius Edvard
See: Ailio, Julius Edvard, 1872-1933
Ayala, Ramón Pérez de
See: Pérez de Ayala, Ramón, 1880-1962
Aylde Jonghe, Elzélina van
See: Saint-Elme, Ida, 1778-1845
- Voyages au temps jadis en France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Italie, en Sicile, en poste, en diligence, en voiturin, en traîneau, en espéronade, à cheval et en patache, de 1787 à 1844 (French) (as Author)
- Aires, Cristóvão
- Sepúlveda, Christovam Ayres de Magalhães
- Robur, o Conquistador (Portuguese) (as Translator)
Azar y Azpe, P. de
See: Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-
See: Tailhade, Laurent, 1854-1919
- Belo Gonçalves de Azevedo, Aluizio Tancredo
- De Azevedo, Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves
- Gonçalves de Azevedo, Aluísio Tancredo
- Tancredo Gonçalves de Azevedo, Aluísio
- en.wikipedia
- pt.wikipedia
- O Cortiço (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Chaves, Guilherme Avelino de Azevedo
- A Alma Nova (Portuguese) (as Author)
Azevedo, Manuel
See: Meneses, Maria de Lara e, 1610-1649
See: Martínez Ruiz, José, 1873-1967
Azpe, P. de Azar y
See: Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-
Azurara, Gomes Eannes de
See: Zurara, Gomes Eannes de, 1410?-1474?