Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted by popularity)
Modern English biography, volume 2 (of 4), I-Q Frederic Boase 592 downloads
William Shakespeare Victor Hugo 590 downloads
The Old and the New Magic Henry Ridgely Evans 589 downloads
The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History 586 downloads
The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52 Dame Shirley 585 downloads
Mark Twain: A Biography. Complete Albert Bigelow Paine 584 downloads
My First Summer in the Sierra John Muir 583 downloads
The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 1 Fanny Burney 583 downloads
Confessiones (Latin) Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine 577 downloads
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Volume XIII, Oklahoma Narratives United States. Work Projects Administration 577 downloads
Napoleon's Marshals R. P. Dunn-Pattison 575 downloads
The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume I Alexander Wheelock Thayer 575 downloads
Apologia pro vita sua : being a history of his religious opinions John Henry Newman 572 downloads
Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife Abigail Adams During the Revolution John Adams and Abigail Adams 572 downloads
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 09 (of 10) Giorgio Vasari 572 downloads
Memoirs of the Empress Catherine II. Empress of Russia Catherine II 571 downloads
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Volume XIV, South Carolina Narratives, Part 2 United States. Work Projects Administration 569 downloads
Early Lives of Charlemagne by Eginhard and the Monk of St Gall edited by Prof. A. J. Grant Einhard and Balbulus Notker 566 downloads
The Story of Young Abraham Lincoln Wayne Whipple 565 downloads
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Complete Philip Henry Sheridan 563 downloads
Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas 563 downloads
Passages from the Life of a Philosopher Charles Babbage 561 downloads
Woman's Work in Music Arthur Elson 560 downloads
A Memoir of Robert Blincoe, an Orphan Boy John Brown 551 downloads
Letters from Egypt Lady Lucie Duff Gordon 549 downloads