Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted by popularity)
Brief Lives, Vol. 1 John Aubrey 549 downloads
The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story Frank Harris 548 downloads
Vies des dames galantes (French) Pierre de Bourdeille Brantôme 548 downloads
Juliana Horatia Ewing And Her Books Horatia K. F. Eden 546 downloads
The Chronicles of a Gay Gordon J. M. Gordon 546 downloads
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; Cornelius Tacitus 545 downloads
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 4 (of 4) Plutarch 544 downloads
The Life of George Washington: A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Editions John Marshall 544 downloads
The Freedmen's Book Lydia Maria Child 544 downloads
Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe, Tome 2 (French) vicomte de François-René Chateaubriand 540 downloads
Rajah Brooke : the Englishman as ruler of an eastern state Sir Spenser St. John 538 downloads
Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin; Written by Himself. [Vol. 1 of 2] Benjamin Franklin 536 downloads
Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail Harry A. Lewis 531 downloads
Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Tome 2 (de 3) (French) Eugène Delacroix 529 downloads
Recuerdos de mi vida (tomo 2 de 2) (Spanish) Santiago Ramón y Cajal 527 downloads
The Life of Abraham Lincoln, from His Birth to His Inauguration as President Ward Hill Lamon 527 downloads
唐才子傳 (Chinese) active 13th century-14th century Wenfang Xin 527 downloads
Giovanni Boccaccio, a Biographical Study Edward Hutton 526 downloads
The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2 Baron George Gordon Byron Byron 525 downloads
South African Memories Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta Wilson 525 downloads
Life and times of Frederick Douglass : His early life as a slave, his escape from bondage, and his complete history Frederick Douglass 525 downloads
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 16 Robert Louis Stevenson 524 downloads
Journal 02, 1850-September 15, 1851 Henry David Thoreau 523 downloads
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Volume XI, North Carolina Narratives, Part 2 United States. Work Projects Administration 522 downloads
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 03 (of 10) Giorgio Vasari 521 downloads