A history of the University of Oxford
George C. Brodrick
A short introduction to English grammar : with critical notes
Robert Lowth
A brief course in the teaching process
George D. Strayer
Hand-book of punctuation : with instructions for capitalization, letter-writing, and proof-reading
William Johnson Cocker
Parents and children
Charlotte M. Mason
Early Quaker education in Pennsylvania
Thomas Woody
The social center : a means of common understanding. An address delivered by the Hon. Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, before the First National Conference on Civic and Social Center Development, at Madison, Wis., October 25, 1911
Woodrow Wilson
Education and life : papers and addresses
James H. Baker
Alcuin of York : Lectures delivered in the cathedral church of Bristol in 1907 and 1908
G. F. Browne
Advice to a wife and mother in two parts : Embracing advice to a wife, and advice to a mother
Pye Henry Chavasse
Children's books and reading
Montrose Jonas Moses
The film : Its use in popular education
M. Jackson-Wrigley
Practical school discipline : Applied methods, part 2
Ray Coppock Beery
Les mains propres : Essai d'éducation sans dogme (French)
Michel Corday
Verdadeiro metodo de estudar (Vol. I) (Portuguese)
Luís António Verney
The high school rivals : or, Frank Markham's struggles
Frank V. Webster
Your boy and his training : A practical treatise on boy-training
Edwin Seward Puller
Rules for compositors and readers at the University Press, Oxford
Oxford University Press
A reference hand-book for nurses
Amanda K. Beck
Schools of Gaul in the last century of the Western Empire : A study of pagan and Christian education in the last century of the Western empire
T. J. Haarhoff
La Maternelle (French)
Léon Frapié
How the shortage of skilled mechanics is being overcome by training the unskilled
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Labor. Section on Industrial Training for the War Emergency
Home education
Charlotte M. Mason
La bibliothèque nationale : Son origine et ses accroissements jusqu'à nos jours (French)
Th. Mortreuil
The Summers readers: second reader
Maud Summers